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临床试验 今日: 0|主题: 507|排名: 66 


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[分享] 临床试验中的统计学若干问题-《小胖说统计》系列日志节选现已推出 heatlevel agree  ...23456..42 xiaopang1980 2009-10-30 416104405 PrimeYimi 2022-10-29 13:55
[分享] 制药公司SAS的实际应用(诺华制药) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 epiman 2014-7-6 11763547 小黎同学 2021-4-23 10:02
[分享] 在临床试验这个圈子里混,必须要掌握的东西! heatlevel agree  ...23 hoozoo 2011-2-11 2613784 游青 2013-4-19 12:42
[分享] 药物研发流程图 attachment heatlevel  ...2 zhulin 2008-12-28 1810927 玉麒麟 2013-4-11 13:20
[分享] 中国合同研究组织(CRO)名录及其简介 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 iavjssssmqee 2010-12-17 5049074 北方的南先生 2021-5-30 16:06
[分享] 临床试验的设计与分析(英文原版) attach_img heatlevel  ...23 iavjssssmqee 2011-3-28 2217956 wei79223 2013-6-13 17:03
[分享] 临床数据管理讲义 heatlevel  ...2 ocsid 2008-7-23 158821 nzq317 2012-2-23 23:39
[分享] 电子书下载 Clinical Data Management, 2nd Edition attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 pharmd 2008-5-4 4023884 未完成ls 2022-2-3 18:51
[分享] 做公司、老板需要的人————送给我即将毕业,准备进入CRA的师妹 heatlevel  ...2 iavjssssmqee 2010-7-14 1512169 yinghuazhige08 2013-8-16 16:29
[分享] 临床试验设计与分析(参考书) attachment heatlevel  ...234 hprxq 2010-5-11 3126181 在小辉辉 2022-11-2 08:34
[分享] 定性指标的SAS统计分析报表——SAS软件在新药临床试验统计分析中的应用 heatlevel  ...23 job 2008-12-26 2012711 篮子酒 2022-3-13 15:48
[分享] 如何成为CRA heatlevel agree  ...2 乃尔 2009-2-12 1912743 王治东 2014-3-16 21:41
[分享] 英文原版Clinical Trials in Oncology attachment heatlevel  ...23 wypwendy 2009-7-29 2017460 Celiadu 2020-12-28 14:48
[分享] CRA的简介(转自DXY) heatlevel agree  ...2 huangminghui 2009-9-20 109532 yiliduo 2012-7-9 15:22
[分享] Clinical Data Management, 2nd Edition(暂缺电子版,上传者50金钱鼓励) attachment admin 2008-2-4 84196 lemon 2010-11-8 23:15
[分享] 学习柳下惠,做一个犀利的CRA iavjssssmqee 2010-7-12 86672 mlyh 2011-4-29 14:10
[分享] 经典的临床试验教材:Fundamentals of Clinical Trials,third edition,与大家共享! attachment  ...23 iavjssssmqee 2010-4-23 2112437 永迈 2014-7-10 09:37
[分享] SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry attach_img  ...23 admin 2007-8-5 2716624 弄堂深深 2017-11-17 17:29
[分享] To Be a CTA (2005) admin 2007-9-13 94424 henryhl 2012-11-17 19:36
[分享] 临床试验(GCP)四十问 CRA 2007-1-9 77263 iavjssssmqee 2010-10-11 23:23
[分享] STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR CLINICAL INVESTIGATORS attach_img CRA 2007-11-3 54508 pipi 2010-5-20 16:58
[分享] SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry (2nd edition, 2014) attach_img agree  ...2 sampson2010 2014-12-12 1720023 thankyou88888 2021-10-13 04:14
[分享] Basic & Clinical Biostatistics attachment epiman 2007-11-4 34013 biostat 2009-10-2 00:40
[分享] 生物统计指导原则 statzm 2009-12-17 43264 jeann 2010-4-9 15:37
[分享] 临床试验材料管理的十条经验 attachment ocsid 2008-7-27 85347 wendy5566 2011-7-13 14:02
[分享] 经典临床试验教材:Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials (3rd edtion, 2013) attach_img  ...23 sampson2010 2014-8-24 2520848 rml1981 2023-7-18 19:45
[分享] Data.Cleaning.Techniques.Using.SAS.2nd attachment  ...2 job 2008-11-27 127209 chinaeu 2012-9-21 10:45
[分享] 全球10大生物技术公司排行表  ...2 job 2008-10-24 107802 公卫最牛 2014-8-26 15:52
[分享] Merck and Schering-Plough to Merge[美国默沙东411亿美元收购先灵葆雅] job 2009-3-10 14247 wypwendy 2009-7-28 08:05
[分享] Advances in Clinical Trial Biostatistics - Nancy L. Geller attach_img 手背 2008-4-18 42602 iavjssssmqee 2010-10-8 23:57
[分享] 2年药企工作故事分享 原创 agree  ...234 电风扇ABC 2017-7-11 3325036 yuankunzhao 2020-4-10 08:35
[分享] A Collaborative Clinical Trial Protocol Writing System attachment CRA 2007-11-3 03534 CRA 2007-11-3 11:36
[分享] 新药 I 期临床人体耐受性试验 attachment shuihuaner 2008-12-23 63951 tanmeiren99 2012-9-10 12:26
[分享] Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences attachment admin 2007-8-5 43173 civilian10 2010-1-4 00:43
[分享] SAS Programmer和Biostatistician求职面试经验交流 attach_img sampson2010 2015-2-3 1219211 sampson2010 2018-7-26 21:02
[分享] ICH资料 attachment wmqy2004 2008-10-30 22952 灵犀一指 2009-8-12 12:28
[分享] Biostatistics, 2th Edition: A Guide to Design, Analysis and Discovery attach_img epiman 2007-11-4 34119 timex1441 2010-4-27 21:19
[分享] Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management, 2nd Ed.pdf attachment losttemple 2008-3-29 43711 bossa 2010-4-25 00:06
[分享] FDA审查Vytorin临床试验; 可能重新考量胆固醇药物? CRA 2008-1-29 03810 CRA 2008-1-29 10:51
[分享] 全球最大药品制造商辉瑞将以680亿美元收购惠氏 huangminghui 2009-2-9 33347 nutrition2007 2009-2-19 15:29
[分享] 临床实验 a05620772 2008-10-10 23604 xiaodonglong 2009-3-11 09:29
[分享] 两组间T检验SAS宏程序 job 2008-12-26 14234 naivearies 2009-3-26 10:09
[分享] 新药临床研究中数据管理的主要环节与技术 attachment naivearies 2009-8-18 12767 314xiaoming 2010-1-13 22:37
[分享] Good Clinical Practice (GCP) attachment CRA 2007-1-9 38523 ミDodoの 2018-1-15 19:45
[分享] Implementing CDISC Using SAS: An End-to-End Guide attachment  ...2 epiman 2015-3-14 1113770 jojohorse 2022-2-28 10:27
[分享] 新手必备——临床实验百问 attachment jay_bryant 2011-9-20 44618 lpy 2014-6-25 11:58
[分享] 说实话哈,这个版有些高深,我一般是不敢涉足的。 attachment  ...2 麦穗和稻谷 2008-3-21 145927 jinruchouru 2010-11-2 19:42
[分享] 如何保证临床试验数据的真实可靠与完整? CRA 2007-11-3 46402 xiaoya.200 2010-4-1 22:10
[分享] Clinical Trials: A Methodologic Perspective 2nd edition attachment epiman 2010-1-27 47772 lipingD 2021-4-25 04:37
[分享] 药企临床监察员工作内容 原创 agree  ...2 电风扇ABC 2017-7-17 1816551 啦安啦 2019-8-9 00:31
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