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[分享] 电子书下载 Clinical Data Management, 2nd Edition

pharmd 发表于 2008-5-4 03:41:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 pharmd 于 2009-2-8 02:32 编辑 5 L9 R1 A! ^# a5 k, ~

% l4 u% Y0 s% M  p应admin总版主在这帖中提出的要求:http://www.epiman.cn/archiver/tid-4382.html,上传本书 ) a1 P. ]8 e6 ~2 p3 C& o: p

: u& X, M4 `+ b: ^: q2 Y2 ZAmazon链接:http://www.amazon.com/Clinical-Data-Management-Richard-Rondel/dp/0471983292/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1224754195&sr=1-1
* S8 D: r! ]. E: G( _3 l/ t& v& F4 _& |0 x# {  n% P: I5 F

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$ r5 k2 ]4 ^/ x% g  q
7 G& B5 L! e' C6 QClinical Data Management (Hardcover) % c/ c& |( C* Q
by Richard K. Rondel (Editor), Sheila A. Varley (Editor), Colin F. Webb (Editor) + G) ]% \. x* J7 m
( ^+ V3 e4 w* P+ d) Y; ~6 ^( p
Product Details
4 U. U  V- P- }2 C: l! I
: G2 ^) d8 r. I, K0 ]( Q  * Hardcover: 354 pages
1 S+ ]* o! X' [1 O0 r3 Y  * Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (April 14, 2000) ! F- i4 ]% d9 U0 Z$ A# `+ ]* w
  * Language: English ' w$ S/ L+ A5 U" r) [
  * ISBN-10: 0471983292 0 |& C  h, e0 Z5 H- B
  * ISBN-13: 978-0471983293
" Y; f' k2 \. `) k3 \6 F3 N# V4 Q
7 s# l/ O! {' G1 QEditorial Reviews
2 z7 b/ J- g3 BReview
. R3 }, d' d7 E9 ^"The key to enduring research is data quality and data quality depends upon data management. How fortunate then that the start of the New Millennium sees the publication of the second edition of 'Clinical Data Management'. ... Admirably concise and authoritatively penned, it provides an excellent introduction to a subject at the heart of pharmaceutical R&D.", Dr Hugh Boardman, Partner in Boardman Clarke, Pharmaceutical Physician#
1 S8 @+ \4 ~' `. j
9 k5 Z5 L; c# dProduct Description $ e' @/ \6 K7 ?( I
Extensively revised and updated, with the addition of new chapters and authors, this long-awaited second edition covers all aspects of clinical data management. Giving details of the efficient clinical data management procedures required to satisfy both corporate objectives and quality audits by regulatory authorities, this text is timely and an important contribution to the literature.
$ Y6 p$ |1 O, m# x% `
% X0 a5 X- ~5 Y) J; gThe volume:
( P3 ], q  _' g- g8 ?" c7 q+ h6 D8 \/ H7 X* r9 [" a+ m9 y, z
* is written by well-known and experienced authors in this area
4 g  R7 x$ Z& @3 A! O- D  T! g4 e- c
* provides new approaches to major topics in clinical data management 4 `5 l9 r! O. R/ ]/ z# {" L* d
3 I! a# K" B1 W0 b1 |& t
* contains new chapters on systems software validation, database design and performance measures.
( y) x9 j3 U$ e2 _$ r8 d7 i: v6 z& Z, G8 m; r; S3 ?
It will be invaluable to anyone in the field within the pharmaceutical industry, and to all biomedical professionals working in clinical research.- `7 c( H) r# o" |/ g

7 y3 }4 h8 s* |! z9 i
0 g; n$ R7 \4 p6 ^# }3 j/ N

Clinical Data Management.part6.rar

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Clinical Data Management.part1.rar

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Clinical Data Management.part2.rar

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Clinical Data Management.part3.rar

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Clinical Data Management.part4.rar

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Clinical Data Management.part5.rar

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yhhuangy 发表于 2008-6-27 08:04:22 | 显示全部楼层

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platypus 发表于 2008-7-5 00:30:48 | 显示全部楼层
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epiman 发表于 2008-7-5 00:39:02 | 显示全部楼层
引用第3楼platypus于2008-07-05 00:30发表的 :) R. g- d/ l: H7 i
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platypus 发表于 2008-7-5 00:57:56 | 显示全部楼层
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platypus 发表于 2008-7-5 01:04:59 | 显示全部楼层

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epiman 发表于 2008-7-5 08:42:29 | 显示全部楼层
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引用第6楼platypus于2008-07-05 01:04发表的 : . g0 g  r8 \+ v, f# f, p

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platypus 发表于 2008-7-5 10:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
2 P# Z, m6 A1 y$ e; R/ H: g3 g/ H' e* K8 h( |! L  S

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yaya1983 发表于 2008-10-23 15:23:16 | 显示全部楼层
好书啊 下了拿走8 m. b2 V& L8 q, U5 Q0 |

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wenny2700 发表于 2009-2-6 19:13:33 | 显示全部楼层
刚好在寻找这本书,呵呵,费了点小周折,终于把part1 and part2都搞定了,在此谢谢pharmd的分享和epiman总版主的热心帮助啦!!
7 w% E3 C$ m5 }" }' d) Z7 A' w另:世界之窗浏览器非常好用啊!

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