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[分享] 中国合同研究组织(CRO)名录及其简介

iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:05:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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&D合同研究组织(Contract Research Organization, CRO)20世纪80年代初起源于美国,它是通过合同形式为制药企业和研发机构在药物研发过程中提供专业化服务的一种学术性或商业性的科学机构。CRO最显著的特点是专业化和高效率,作为制药企业的一种可借用的外部资源,①有利于医药企业提高资源集中度,形成企业内部的规模优势。②大大提高了制药企业新药上市的速度,降低了制药企业的管理和研发费用。  一开始CRO传入中国只局限在临床服务,后来扩展到药品研发的整个过程,从化合物的筛选一直到药品上市后的推广,服务范围广泛,可以满足药品研发企业的不同需求。CRO根据自身优势提供某一阶段、某一部分的研究服务。如代理药品注册申请及临床试验报批、申报资料的翻译及准备、试验方案的起草和完善、研究者及参试单位的选择、工艺优化、制剂服务、标准操作规程(SOP)的制定、监管服务、数据收集、产品支持等。  现在一站式服务成为趋势。对制药企业而言,能从一个CRO公司得到多种服务是非常高效的,且综合成本也会降低,因此CRO公司越来越多地向提供综合式药物研发服务的方向发展。 国内CRO有:
7 u. ]  u4 z' F* p) Q4 ^7 ~9 [8 ^9 I9 i- [- f

  o( r: {7 Q2 x6 o7 {; ?' w: S1 _


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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:06:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 iavjssssmqee 于 2011-1-23 19:42 编辑
+ m& q0 _' f0 {- ~( C. w6 i
4 M1 ~  b. t! K$ X  E) d/ O" y7 \1.北京秦脉医药科技发展有限公司由华田投资有限公司控股,公司注册资本1000万人民币,总投资额3000万人民币。系北京秦脉医药科技发展有限公司全资子公司,拥有一个医药专业网站---秦脉医药网。秦脉公司是一家集医药信息、医药咨询、医药电子商务与流通管理、医药产业资本运营与投资管理等业务为一体的科技型、专业型企业。公司在医药行业有着深厚的行业背景、丰富的客户资源、良好的企业信誉以及投资方强大资金支持。
) e: f8 I9 V- [6 H% h: Q$ ]“秦脉”的主要发展定位是:  一、 关注医药产业政策研究,做好医药行业相关政府管理部门的第三方顾问,为中国医药产业良性发展出谋献策  二、 为医药企业提供全面的解决方案和专业化的业务咨询服务  三、 积极参与医药项目的投资与资本运作
& S/ c! u8 G' m# P$ w, L% H3 M“秦脉”将集中精力于上述三个方面的专业化服务,并整合多年所积累的资源和经验,秉承“创造思想,实现理想”的公司宗旨,发扬“诚信敬业,求实创新”的工作精神,以高度负责的态度和科学严谨的方法,为政府机构和医药企业提供专业化的服务!6 [  \8 g2 ^# {3 F
网址:www.chnmed.com/ [! z% B1 v2 J% `$ x, @) W6 L$ w
0 g3 e, U% J; I! n2 K& H

9 i5 c2 b2 k2 t! l

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:06:25 | 显示全部楼层
2.北京岐黄药品临床研究中心是注册于北京市经济技术开发区的一家合同研究组织(Contract Research Organization,简称CRO)。经过8年多临床试验操作实践,北京岐黄药品临床研究中心形成了独特的品牌影响力。成功组织实施了近百个中药、藏药、化学药品、生物制品的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ期临床试验。与全国各地综合性医院、中医院、藏医院、专科医院等合作,覆盖内、外、妇、骨伤、五官、肿瘤等多个学科,合作单位遍布国内20余个省、市、自治区。
5 ^, `( j4 z# w# C北京岐黄药品临床研究中心已成为行业中知名的合同研究组织(CRO),中药临床研究服务领域的开拓者。我们拥有优秀的专业人才、相关专业的专家网络、高水平的临床试验方案设计、规范的操作程序、严谨的工作精神、丰富的医药法律法规知识,确保临床研究顺利实施。我们在追求市场经济效益的同时,以严谨的科研态度为本,在不断总结与前进的过程中,完善了临床研究的质量控制和质量保证体系,包括:临床研究的监查体系、临床研究的档案管理体系、数据管理体系、统计分析体系,以及临床研究的受试者招募组织体系。
9 \5 f+ A. H% ?8 l" Y! k专业素养使我们能够预见、发现、解决研究中的问题,最大程度减少客户在时间和经济上的损失。优质的化服务是维系我们与客户的纽带,与客户共同发展是我们不变的追求。
3 H: D- \1 y4 }; J服务领域:临床试验总体策划、临床试验项目设计、 临床试验安排进度及组织协调、 临床试验监查与管理、数据管理、 统计分析与报告* L8 d' ?0 N2 J6 E: i- |: i" P" Y" w+ d
% ^* W- x# B- D5 p1 ^& ^0 q3 Z& v' F- K3 T( m3 W3 u3 r
" O; V* b5 G3 @$ E4 w4 _

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:06:42 | 显示全部楼层
3.北京迪美斯科技发展有限公司( Beijing DMS Pharma Ltd. ),简称迪美斯(DMS),由业内资深专业人士组建于 2003 年,是伴随中国GCP成长起来的优秀CRO之一。公司总部位于北京,在广州、上海、成都设有办事处,在石家庄、西安设有全职CRA。 凭借深厚的专业功底、广泛的资源优势、对行业的深刻认识和独到见解,秉承“以真诚与科技为客户创造价值”的服务理念,致力于打造卓越的合同研究组织(CRO)。  迪美斯创立初期以数据管理为起点,迅速将业务扩展至研究设计、生物统计、临床监查、医学支持、注册申报等,目前已经成为国内为数不多的能够为临床研究提供全面服务的一流CRO,拥有一支年轻而富有朝气、富有经验与效率的专业队伍,与多家大型跨国制药企业和国内知名药企建立了长期稳定的合作关系。  迪美斯目前设有一个业务开拓部门:商务发展部;五个业务执行部门:医学部、数据管理部、数据录入部、IT与程序部、生物统计部;两个内部管理与保障部门:行政与财务部、人力资源部。已经形成了完备的组织构架与管理制度体系。  迪美斯拥有完备的标准操作规程(SOP),可以确保各项工作的执行准确无误而且符合国家/国际法规的相应要求。  高效、安全、严格、规范是迪美斯对全体员工的工作要求,诚实、守信、专业、敬业是迪美斯对广大客户的服务承诺。; O7 b& r2 G# X8 {% K
服务领域:) |+ ?6 k9 A5 r( Q# q
研究设计、随机化 、数据管理 、生物统计 、临床监查 、医学支持 、培训 、项目管理 、申报注册
1 f* M5 R0 {/ N" H$ z网址:http://www.dms-pharma.com/ p& E, D) P( q) a! n

- r3 p* I1 k! q* M+ Y. t
2 N+ j7 p8 |9 G( N  p# o

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:07:09 | 显示全部楼层
4.希米科医药技术发展(北京)有限公司 The CMIC Group consists of fifteen companies, including CMIC Co., Ltd. and consolidated affiliates. The Group's businesses mainly involve support for the pharmaceutical industry. Instead of making drugs, we offer comprehensive services related to drug, all the processes of a pharmaceuticals company from research and development to manufacture and sale. Leveraging our experience and expertise as a pioneer CRO, our business has expanded to create added value in such fields as drugs, medical devices, specific functional foods, and so on. Moreover, we are tackling the service which is useful to "the medical treatment for a patient" also in the field of medical treatment and healthcare, strengthening customer service as "PVC (Pharmaceutical Value Creator)" which contributes for value maximization of a pharmaceuticals company.
) A* M/ ^8 U& {* e/ N- _The main businesses of the CMIC Group are as follows:% w8 q* Y1 d; s2 m7 C6 U

' `, ?2 x( Y6 L3 P' fMonitoring: T+ _/ s  V3 m2 i
The client in a clinical trial (e.g. a pharmaceuticals company) appoints monitors to track the progress of a trial and, whenever necessary, ensures that the trial is conducted, recorded, and reported in accordance with GCP (Good Clinical Practice), GPSP(Good Postmarketing Study Practice), as well as with the protocols and standard operating procedures (SOP). Monitors also collect this data, make and keep a record of related actions, and prepare for approval inspection.' t5 C% x3 Q9 G; ]
Data management
& f1 I* y2 Q: l" N6 W; FMonitors or medical representatives (MR) use computers to save the case report forms (CRF) of clinical trials obtained from clinical investigators and to conduct statistical analyses.Statistical analyses involve the use of a database made through data management on drug efficacy and safety in compliance with the notice from the section head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare entitled "Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials" (ICH E9) issued in 1998.
+ J( v  z$ h6 D) D4 ^CRC business
" H: W) Q. V% b) c+ aOur business as a clinical research coordinator involves screening subjects, lending support in obtaining informed consent from subjects, registering subjects, caring for subjects, and so on, all under the guidance of doctors. This enables clinical trials to be conducted smoothly to produce quality outcomes.
0 N7 }( w. I$ C5 U5 qPharmaceutical affairs consulting
# E2 _* y( s# m% E/ FOur pharmaceutical affairs consulting services include support in submitting drug development application documents as well as development of, applications for and marketing of drugs, medical devices and specific health foods.In addition, we can act as a domestic administrator that supports overseas pharmaceutical manufacturers that do not have a sales base in Japan, assisting them in overall drug development, including making contacts with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
* e, ]* Y( v* b  @Pre-clinical work, d) _9 ?5 T- V3 ~
We undertake preclinical work to precede clinical trials on behalf of pharmaceutical companies. Preclinical work includes stability tests, microorganism tests and drug concentration tests.Stability tests with medical drugs include long-term storage tests, acceleration tests, severe tests, light stability tests and relative comparison tests.. [: N2 o2 f( E5 z" {8 o( t0 G
9 m$ v( `( N- V' `! g( {; [) c, Z) e, s! w3 K* P/ r2 l

6 ~% J- B6 E4 R# P1 M, t& E" g1 |

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:07:27 | 显示全部楼层
5.依格斯 (北京) 医疗科技有限公司,致力于为客户提供临床研究、注册申报、生物统计和培训咨询全方位专业化服务。作为中国领先的专业合同研究组织(CRO),依格斯在全球设有22家办事机构,拥有350余名优秀的员工,曾为120多家大型跨国制药企业和生物技术公司提供过专业服务。长期以来我们与政府相关部门、国内外制药企业或机构以及众多医疗机构(药物临床研究基地)等建立了良好的合作关系。凭借丰富的资源优势、广泛的合作伙伴、深厚的专业功底,依格斯将助您在亚洲医药发展一臂之力。
, _+ D" q8 d: \6 ?, U5 O网址:www.excel-cro.com: l1 M- z! d' E9 q0 W5 }3 \
$ D1 [8 C' e! s
, F5 K2 A: ]3 a  l1 s& Q

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:07:47 | 显示全部楼层
7 B0 p7 x. Z- M8 y# C2 A2 j网址:http://www.tigermed.net/ ' i6 L3 n3 o, v0 g2 U
: F; ^+ R  l! Z6 i

1 W4 F; i5 q6 w% u! B+ K

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:08:05 | 显示全部楼层
7.科文斯医药研发(北京)有限公司 Covance, with headquarters in Princeton, New Jersey, is one of the world's largest and most comprehensive drug development services companies with annual revenues greater than $1.5 billion, global operations in more than 20 countries, and more than 8,900 employees worldwide. Offering drug development solutions from preclinical through commercialization, Covance is a world-class provider of the following service lines:
8 j, e/ n+ r9 B- LResearch products
, b5 r  u7 H5 ^- X4 d$ v: S# BAntibody products and services" j4 d! b! M, V# n6 ^: D4 O, l& y
Nonclinical development services
: w+ j$ |5 z& [! a0 l- F8 i& uRisk management services0 Q' D2 D9 G( j
Clinical pharmacology services
' q4 c* M1 r% D" [9 rCentral laboratory/Covance local laboratory services
$ z0 ]5 o1 Z) I) gCardiac safety services
9 s- y! P; i; y3 Z3 y7 e6 f7 AClinical development services- ?/ B2 g$ ?3 w- P+ I, B
Commercialization services( S" r; Q8 l- k$ o0 e4 t3 ^
Covance — Meeting Your Needs
4 l3 [3 i& y0 d, C) ^  L, f/ hWith a commitment to meeting your needs, Covance offers unparalleled expertise, experience and results. Covance knows the significant pressures pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies of all sizes face in developing and launching drugs backed by strong data.
/ |# W# u% ?! y- E% FWith a business built around your needs, our streamlined approach to drug development means high quality, error-free data designed to help bring your drug to market as quickly, safely and cost effectively as possible, including:" W6 Z& \  t6 {6 k# {
Proving early safety
8 E4 d# O$ N% F5 \  E" e' \0 pConducting first in human studies6 X) ~; b% ~3 h( i
Conducting proof of concept studies/ h& ^' ~  \0 r
Proving clinical safety and efficacy; v5 [7 U1 B/ h" @
Filing for marketing approval2 P& G5 R! }- K! m! L8 G8 b& \
Launching and marketing a drug
' M0 \8 j% ]2 i( u9 R8 y8 FEnsuring patient safety and access
8 I3 R. b+ b* `5 g2 [9 Q$ S0 fManaging risk/ Y& [, i+ j* b3 m
" X9 k& A  n5 u& J
! s5 v) k# S4 p, c9 c, o  N( z# }, F) g  l3 ?/ _

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:08:25 | 显示全部楼层
8.中日合资润东科若华医药研究开发(上海)有限公司是中国第一家由中外两家CRO公司合资组建的专业从事药物开发、临床研究及相关服务的CRO公司(CRO,合同研究组织,Contract Research Organization),是中国CRO联合体(CROU)的副主席单位。
* [: u  f: F. w( z  资方:润东医药研究开发(上海)有限公司,成立于2004年,是中国一流的临床CRO公司之一,业务涉及临床试验监查、数据管理和统计、医学写作和翻译等领域。近几年来,公司承接了包括国际多中心临床研究在内的十多家跨国制药企业的几十个临床研究和数据管理等项目,成为中国在华跨国制药企业的主要服务供应商。公司与中国医药行业监管部门,研究机构,以及众多中国制药企业建立了牢固的合作关系,在业界享有很高的声誉。: h' J, S% E3 t
  资方:日本CRONOVA株式会社,创立于1999年,位于日本东京都中央区,旗下拥有ALMEX株式会社、UPSHE株式会社、MEDICAL统计株式会社,提供临床机构管理服务、医药品合同销售和医学数据管理和统计服务。2003年,率先在业界取得了国际质量管理体系ISO9001:2000认证(JAB:QMS Accreditation、TECO:ISO9001:2000),2005又取得了信息安全管理体系ISMS(JSA:JIS Q 27001:2006、ISR:JIPDECSR006)等4项认证,成为日本唯一一家通过4项认证的知名CRO公司。) B2 _2 o/ z/ }/ M" V  n% ^
, C' R( n& q" d; h+ [% M* y网址:http://rundo-cro.com/Cn/
. f% `1 c/ s3 @. Y0 p( B/ C# j
5 l! G2 ?3 z: |- l: z9 t3 ?2 c2 m" {; J

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-12-17 21:08:43 | 显示全部楼层
9.精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司 Over the past 25 years, PAREXEL has developed significant expertise to assist clients in the worldwide pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries with the development and launch of their products in order to bring safe and effective treatments to the global marketplace for the patients who need them. Headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, PAREXEL operates in 69 locations throughout 52 countries around the world, and has approximately 9,000 employees.+ G. C8 T/ @  M0 n) P: A4 J
We are a leading global bio/pharmaceutical services organization that helps clients expedite time-to-market through our development and launch services. These include a broad range of clinical development capabilities, integrated advanced technologies, regulatory affairs consulting, and commercialization services.
+ g2 R0 o3 P, {0 Y+ ~网址:http://www.parexel.com/
' M( s5 n5 U3 w3 u8 j张江高科技园区碧波路5号科苑大楼7楼
$ S* x* W9 c9 s5 [) E# l& a: m! k' P9 @& K0 L: A) m1 H/ \

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