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[分享] ICH资料 attachment wmqy2004 2008-10-30 22968 灵犀一指 2009-8-12 12:28
[分享] Pharmaceutical Statistics Using SAS: A Practical Guide attach_img epiman 2008-10-19 44069 helloyupp 2009-8-12 00:47
[分享] 用sas去掉重复记录 helloyupp 2009-5-12 24254 ChrisJ 2009-7-28 16:51
[分享] Merck and Schering-Plough to Merge[美国默沙东411亿美元收购先灵葆雅] job 2009-3-10 14268 wypwendy 2009-7-28 08:05
[分享] 关于临床试验搜索网站 huangminghui 2009-6-14 23031 wypwendy 2009-7-28 08:01
[分享] 自动生成标准的统计表格(配合ODS)的macro job 2008-12-26 44250 xinwq 2009-7-20 10:28
[分享] 临床试验的设计和统计 attachment  ...2 admin 2007-1-30 127376 taoda 2009-7-18 18:35
[分享] Mathematics of Data Management epiman 2007-11-4 52962 winnerljt 2009-7-7 22:27
[分享] FDA news huangminghui 2009-6-14 02283 huangminghui 2009-6-14 23:36
[分享] 新药统计模板 attachment job 2008-12-26 53057 biostat 2009-5-15 09:52
[分享] 第七版外科学教材 mayongying 2009-4-26 02833 mayongying 2009-4-26 00:32
[分享] 美国生命科学家赚钱知多少? job 2008-10-24 83855 monydwh 2009-3-29 09:35
[分享] 礼来“横刀夺爱” 65亿美元现金鲸吞英克隆 job 2008-10-24 33087 虚怀若谷 2009-3-28 17:24
[分享] 两组间T检验SAS宏程序 job 2008-12-26 14280 naivearies 2009-3-26 10:09
[分享] 发个在线样本量计算工具集 multidimention 2009-3-25 13701 naivearies 2009-3-25 11:15
[分享] 辉瑞:请不要这么犟 CRA 2008-4-29 75099 multidimention 2009-3-25 09:27
[分享] Good Practices in Clinical Research course epiman 2007-11-6 23552 天下公卫 2009-3-17 00:45
[分享] 临床实验 a05620772 2008-10-10 23645 xiaodonglong 2009-3-11 09:29
[分享] 想创业,要融资? 什么因素最关键? CRA 2007-11-3 13202 zzx1016 2009-3-10 08:53
[分享] 全球最大药品制造商辉瑞将以680亿美元收购惠氏 huangminghui 2009-2-9 33387 nutrition2007 2009-2-19 15:29
[分享] 经典中的经典 attachment wmqy2004 2008-10-30 62953 shanshan1002 2009-2-13 21:47
[分享] Introductory Biostatistics attach_img losttemple 2007-12-19 43517 shanshan1002 2009-2-13 21:28
[分享] 药品的9个“P”基本知识介绍 xuwen 2007-5-9 17216 iwant2009 2009-1-19 12:31
[分享] 国外药企创投方兴未艾 CRA 2008-1-29 23694 巴士810 2009-1-18 01:11
[分享] Statistics In Drug Research: Methodologies and Recent Developments attachment epiman 2007-11-4 63273 mailwy 2009-1-14 14:00
[分享] 应用SAS软件的动态数据交换技术自动生成统计报告 job 2008-12-26 34023 epiman 2008-12-26 19:17
[分享] 学会放弃 CRA 2007-11-3 54591 流浪鞋 2008-12-3 21:29
[分享] 药厂与研究者和行医者的暧昧关系 CRA 2007-11-3 34583 anxin8313 2008-11-5 16:06
[分享] Dictionary for Clinical Trials(2007) epiman 2008-4-5 13362 gdsgds 2008-11-2 08:03
[分享] 药企联姻学术界加大科研转化产品成功率 job 2008-10-24 03023 job 2008-10-24 12:21
[分享] 仿制药厂vs品牌药厂 要合作还是要对立? job 2008-10-24 03487 job 2008-10-24 12:20
[分享] Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials: A Unified Approach (Statistics for attachment amber 2008-3-21 23989 platypus 2008-8-13 14:20
[分享] 求购新药证书 lkgale 2008-5-9 03882 lkgale 2008-5-9 10:19
[分享] Advances in Clinical Trial Biostatistics - Nancy L. Geller 手背 2008-4-18 03152 手背 2008-4-18 10:47
[分享] Advances in Clinical Trial:Biostatistics attachment easylife 2007-9-15 43489 binbinvox 2008-4-17 11:09
[分享] SARS疫苗在投入使用前的基本程序有哪些? 疯狂的天花板 2008-4-13 02696 疯狂的天花板 2008-4-13 18:52
[分享] 共享Fundamentals of Clinical Research-Bridging Medicine Statistisc and Operat attachment qjtiger 2008-3-15 12709 losttemple 2008-3-15 17:26
[分享] Statistical Aspects Of The Design And Analysis Of Clinical Trials attachment losttemple 2008-2-14 03391 losttemple 2008-2-14 10:28
[分享] Dose Finding in Drug Development(Statistics for Biology and Health) attachment epiman 2008-1-31 12825 losttemple 2008-2-2 16:52
[分享] FDA审查Vytorin临床试验; 可能重新考量胆固醇药物? CRA 2008-1-29 03859 CRA 2008-1-29 10:51
[分享] 家家都有难念经,自救唯有创新路 epiman 2007-12-19 03097 epiman 2007-12-19 10:41
[分享] Handbook of Regression and Modeling attachment epiman 2007-11-4 02619 epiman 2007-11-4 13:57
[分享] New Drug Development: Design, Methodology, and Analysis epiman 2007-11-4 02548 epiman 2007-11-4 13:55
[分享] A Collaborative Clinical Trial Protocol Writing System attachment CRA 2007-11-3 03566 CRA 2007-11-3 11:36
[分享] To be a CRA(July2005) attachment admin 2007-9-13 03469 admin 2007-9-13 18:20
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