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临床试验 今日: 0|主题: 507|排名: 66 


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[分享] 拿了个DM的培训证  ...2 huangminghui 2008-12-27 107591 hoozoo 2010-11-23 14:38
[分享] Fundamentals of Clinical Trials (4th edition) 临床试验基本原理(第四版) attachment agree alian 2013-5-9 94759 rookyben 2013-5-13 12:31
[分享] Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine (2015) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-29 68292 行云半夜 2020-1-18 00:52
[分享] 我国“人工心脏”试验绵羊已活61天(图) 爆料 attach_img Epi-FR 2013-5-14 94670 1055327864 2013-10-18 22:25
[分享] “Placebo”与“Nocebo”:我们谈论前者更多,而谈论后者更少 attachment agree sampson2010 2014-9-1 33925 biostat 2014-11-6 08:55
[分享] Clinical Trials: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis, and Reporting attach_img agree sampson2010 2014-8-26 49323 Allen刚 2019-12-26 16:23
[分享] 仿制药厂vs品牌药厂 要合作还是要对立? job 2008-10-24 03522 job 2008-10-24 12:20
[分享] 昆泰招聘临床数据管理员 qstaffing 2010-7-15 14469 lemon 2010-11-7 23:01
[分享] Clinical Trial Methodology (2010) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-29 36357 1582891835 2018-7-26 10:51
[分享] 药物临床试验质量管理规范2003 attachment peng1983911 2010-11-15 34185 WWY2009 2011-12-16 17:06
[分享] 加拿大诺民卫生长沙代表处--暑期医学统计师实习生招聘!!! 新人帖 zxx071822 2012-7-9 14619 zxx071822 2012-7-9 17:14
[分享] Modern Clinical Trial Analysis (2013) attach_img sampson2010 2013-12-17 43415 usher2 2014-3-15 21:26
[分享] Dose Finding in Drug Development(Statistics for Biology and Health) attachment epiman 2008-1-31 12869 losttemple 2008-2-2 16:52
[分享] Statistical Aspects Of The Design And Analysis Of Clinical Trials attachment losttemple 2008-2-14 03438 losttemple 2008-2-14 10:28
[分享] 求购新药证书 lkgale 2008-5-9 03930 lkgale 2008-5-9 10:19
[分享] 药企联姻学术界加大科研转化产品成功率 job 2008-10-24 03052 job 2008-10-24 12:21
[分享] 学会放弃 CRA 2007-11-3 54676 流浪鞋 2008-12-3 21:29
[分享] 国外药企创投方兴未艾 CRA 2008-1-29 23762 巴士810 2009-1-18 01:11
[分享] 发个在线样本量计算工具集 multidimention 2009-3-25 13722 naivearies 2009-3-25 11:15
[分享] 新药统计模板 attachment job 2008-12-26 53075 biostat 2009-5-15 09:52
[分享] FDA news huangminghui 2009-6-14 02299 huangminghui 2009-6-14 23:36
[分享] 关于临床试验搜索网站 huangminghui 2009-6-14 23076 wypwendy 2009-7-28 08:01
[分享] 用sas去掉重复记录 helloyupp 2009-5-12 24292 ChrisJ 2009-7-28 16:51
[分享] 不在其位,不谋其职? iavjssssmqee 2010-7-3 14132 huangminghui 2010-7-4 21:58
[分享] 诺奖得主吕克·蒙塔尼新临床试验引争议 attach_img iavjssssmqee 2010-12-13 13612 iavjssssmqee 2010-12-13 21:35
[分享] 标准化建设滞后制约国内CRO行业发展 iavjssssmqee 2011-8-12 13620 chf521chf521 2011-8-12 20:48
[分享] 对临床试验的不良事件进行快速描述和展现 mashimaroq 2011-12-12 15945 lolita-wan 2011-12-12 17:25
[分享] 全球知名500强外企制药公司招聘生物统计师Statistician 新人帖 kingsoild3505 2012-8-29 15193 walk_alone 2012-11-9 09:09
[分享] CCTS 专家共识:临床试验中样本量确定的统计学考虑 attachment epiman 2016-9-7 29504 wangziyue624 2020-5-7 13:47
[分享] Statistics Applied to Clinical Studies (5th edition, 2012) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-27 44724 游青 2015-8-24 20:32
[分享] Methods and Applications of Statistics in Clinical Trials, Volume 2 (2014) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-27 35361 hprxq 2016-4-17 19:55
[分享] FDA注册步骤 attachment iavjssssmqee 2011-9-20 03431 iavjssssmqee 2011-9-20 11:21
[分享] Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management (2nd Edition, 2011) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-29 33852 yaya198142 2015-9-17 16:30
[分享] Designing Clinical Research (2006) attach_img sampson2010 2013-12-17 15766 lfray 2014-1-9 11:40
[分享] 经典临床试验教材:Fundamentals of Clinical Trials (4th Edition, 2010) attach_img sampson2010 2014-8-24 04197 sampson2010 2014-8-24 19:19
[分享] 临床试验设计新进展 attachment 芳菲韵哲 2019-3-13 37101 yuankunzhao 2020-2-21 14:03
[分享] CRO:新药研发合同外包服务机构 tianxiang100 2015-6-9 45865 tianxiang100 2016-10-14 14:31
[分享] 全球四大CRO-Covance(科文斯) tianxiang100 2015-6-9 16580 小备 2016-1-5 23:53
[分享] Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research attachment epiman 2015-10-12 36578 jiran666 2018-1-19 10:04
[分享] CCTS 专家共识:临床试验统计分析计划及统计分析报告的考虑 attachment epiman 2016-9-7 05051 epiman 2016-9-7 17:30
[分享] 《药品临床试验管理规范》培训教材(中国医药科技-药监局组织) attach_img iavjssssmqee 2011-11-11 03253 iavjssssmqee 2011-11-11 22:38
[分享] SAS_for_dummies attachment shepherd09 2012-8-29 13470 米筽祢 2014-7-29 10:47
[分享] The Placebo Effect in Clinical Practice (OUP, 2012) attach_img agree sampson2010 2014-8-29 02991 sampson2010 2014-8-29 13:55
[分享] Statistical Methods for Evaluating Safety in Medical Product Development attachment epiman 2015-3-14 13765 txyw 2015-5-5 11:20
[分享] 全球四大CRO-PPD tianxiang100 2015-6-9 07436 tianxiang100 2015-6-9 21:16
[分享] 搞统计的,想要做统计相关工作的可以看看,可以看看 attachment 王治东 2021-3-29 14906 |子不语 2021-4-1 15:44
[分享] Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials: A Unified Approach (Statistics for attachment amber 2008-3-21 24009 platypus 2008-8-13 14:20
[分享] 经典中的经典 attachment wmqy2004 2008-10-30 62981 shanshan1002 2009-2-13 21:47
[分享] 临床试验基本原理(第四版)——免费分享 新人帖 chengseyouyu 2013-5-12 13481 chengseyouyu 2013-5-12 21:37
[分享] CDISC Data Standards Chinese Translation just released for public review epiman 2013-5-22 14033 lfray 2013-5-23 10:53
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