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[分享] Statistics Applied to Clinical Studies (5th edition, 2012)

sampson2010 发表于 2015-5-27 16:39:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 sampson2010 于 2015-5-27 16:40 编辑 " v9 s/ ]% J4 C' {
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6 E& ?& ^# M$ kTitle: Statistics Applied to Clinical Studies, }6 g1 P* v. m7 ?6 z. i
Author(s): Ton J. Cleophas, Aeilko H. Zwinderman (auth.)
9 P9 z) L( x! hPublisher: Springer Netherlands. j  W$ h# h; K) A8 f% P8 w2 N- B' ?1 y  ]! b
Year: 2012       
/ e2 g1 Q0 x4 R2 |2 K8 O9 ?  IEdition: 5
- {4 Z5 p+ B, E+ b0 {1 S* GLanguage: English       
1 q# A/ w6 E6 b0 S2 \, N9 `Pages: 744/ \, t) K# m- h; s+ `+ S0 \  _% W
ISBN: 978-94-007-2862-2, 978-94-007-2863-9
) k3 h" F$ }/ f  \8 d$ DSize: 6 MB (6755709 bytes)        8 Y+ `% I7 i2 d  {. g' Q
Extension: pdf
" a) W7 @5 v: K6 q6 h4 z$ L0 T
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Thanks to the omnipresent computer, current statistics can include data files of many thousands of values, and can perform any exploratory analysis in less than seconds. This development, however fascinating, generally does not lead to simple results. We should not forget that clinical studies are, mostly, for confirming prior hypotheses based on sound arguments, and the simplest tests provide the best power and are adequate for such studies. In the past few years the authors of this 5th edition, as teachers and research supervisors in academic and top-clinical facilities, have been able to closely observe the latest developments in the field of clinical data analysis, and they have been able to assess their performance. In this 5th edition the 47 chapters of the previous edition have been maintained and upgraded according to the current state of the art, and 20 novel chapters have been added after strict selection of the most valuable and promising novel methods. The novel methods are explained using practical examples and step-by-step analyses readily accessible for non-mathematicians. All of the novel chapters have been internationally published by the authors in peer-reviewed journal, including the American Journal of Therapeutics, the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, The International journal of Clinical Pharmacology and therapeutics, and other journals, and permission is granted by all of them to use this material in the current book. We should add that the authors are well-qualified in their fields of knowledge. Professor Zwinderman is president-elect of the International Society of Biostatistics, and Professor Cleophas is past-president of the American College of Angiology. From their expertise they should be able to make adequate selections of modern methods for clinical data analysis for the benefit of physicians, students, and investigators. The authors, although from a different discipline, one clinician and one statistician, have been working and publishing together for over 10 years, and their research of statistical methodology can be characterized as a continued effort to demonstrate that statistics is not mathematics but rather a discipline at the interface of biology and mathematics. They firmly believe that any reader can benefit from this clinical approach to statistical data analysis.% Z5 T7 o- ]  ?5 b, W

$ d- Z# t# j' y9 q2 m
: b  ?' \, z% e. n2 D/ TReview* ?# w, Z" X. f4 c
From the reviews of the fifth edition:7 \& a+ ^2 u2 d' @* B* v

& w; d& T7 N1 C& C- G7 _  c4 S“‘Statistics Applied to Clinical Studies, 5th Edition’ clearly explains most anything that might be worth knowing about clinical research statistics. The content is accessible to non-staticians and also has the breadth and depth to interest professional biostaticians.” (Norman M. Goldfarb, Journal of Clinical Research Best Practices, Vol. 9 (2), February, 2013). ]7 P( H. o( t4 u8 o
8 U# ]( o7 g; h1 ?
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: g3 Z* L) s) I) ]$ t7 O
Table of contents :
& P% m) h( d. G- S

; P; a+ h7 T, b2 p+ Z% S- KFront Matter....Pages i-xxxv
0 ]+ R. j" e& U1 C! sHypotheses, Data, Stratification....Pages 1-14
7 S- y9 v. m. q) ?8 k# OThe Analysis of Efficacy Data....Pages 15-39
( o) ^- x0 D- O" w/ v: L% r/ QThe Analysis of Safety Data....Pages 41-60
& }2 G1 D# w' v+ F( [Log Likelihood Ratio Tests for Safety Data Analysis....Pages 61-68
/ u! G. p% @" H% w4 \. z, n" zEquivalence Testing....Pages 69-75
3 E9 A: ?( p/ I9 L- d5 XStatistical Power and Sample Size....Pages 77-93  T" y- U: z, E, I' }7 ]' q* o
Interim Analyses....Pages 95-101& y9 Q: _$ T$ N* Q7 K
Controlling the Risk of False Positive Clinical Trials....Pages 103-108
- f2 Q# `' B5 ^) ^" [$ Y4 tMultiple Statistical Inferences....Pages 109-1173 f6 |' @+ W, i5 L
The Interpretation of the p-Values....Pages 119-1315 n6 P  K% p4 k# y, {
Research Data Closer to Expectation than Compatible with Random Sampling....Pages 133-138
: d3 N# x3 [7 v+ o' |Statistical Tables for Testing Data Closer to Expectation than Compatible with Random Sampling....Pages 139-147
1 S3 P7 ~( ?0 L9 U( L5 K% kData Dispersion Issues....Pages 149-1596 U2 y" g, _, ]! {
Linear Regression, Basic Approach....Pages 161-176
' T  h5 @  b8 oLinear Regression for Assessing Precision, Confounding, Interaction, Basic Approach....Pages 177-186
- q. r, b. W) P6 kCurvilinear Regression....Pages 187-197( W; U5 Z; I9 ]3 t* d* k' @
Logistic and Cox Regression, Markov Models, Laplace Transformations....Pages 199-218! o' s2 G2 t" c% B. r5 k
Regression Modeling for Improved Precision....Pages 219-225/ F" K, o! k) R6 f9 V: k& w; c. q  ]
Post-hoc Analyses in Clinical Trials, A Case for Logistic Regression Analysis....Pages 227-231
4 h9 P+ e7 h( ?: E1 kMultistage Regression....Pages 233-242
5 J5 N2 c6 v5 w* I( Z2 D' L' |" sCategorical Data....Pages 243-252
6 [! R4 x5 h9 F$ C& xMissing Data....Pages 253-265
. H5 F) m# K# F2 DPoisson Regression....Pages 267-2754 v- S/ N( G( {
More on Non Linear Relationships, Splines....Pages 277-288
: P. k( d5 F4 @3 \Multivariate Analysis....Pages 289-299
& Y4 w( R8 h2 a) r6 W2 d) f! dBhattacharya Modeling....Pages 301-311
3 C, C, F3 |2 b: d) \3 n. t. O5 D5 wTrend-Testing....Pages 313-3180 V" @, }+ ^2 o
Confounding....Pages 319-328
* `1 @/ ?2 t$ ^. vPropensity Score Matching....Pages 329-336* o6 |5 t, S. j, O7 H& v. w2 a! z
Interaction....Pages 337-351
% G# Q& Q/ }6 M% N9 _Time-Dependent Factor Analysis....Pages 353-364
! V1 E1 s1 x2 ~2 V  j# [( q8 ?- xMeta-analysis, Basic Approach....Pages 365-3779 _, A3 c% F: Z9 y# o5 a
Meta-analysis, Review and Update of Methodologies....Pages 379-3909 |) S, X/ |6 b1 c5 F- u% J
Meta-regression....Pages 391-396
4 q' ^/ k0 z5 S+ R8 d9 T+ V' ?% j, [Crossover Studies with Continuous Variables....Pages 397-405) v+ e( C5 p9 Z& g$ A+ J# p
Crossover Studies with Binary Responses....Pages 407-4149 s& W* C2 T2 X( X% l0 ^
Cross-Over Trials Should Not Be Used to Test Treatments with Different Chemical Class....Pages 415-422
  z$ S+ J- ?. {9 K+ wQuality-Of-Life Assessments in Clinical Trials....Pages 423-431; H. N! a* d  d* A
Item Response Modeling....Pages 433-4434 W' D8 g2 S" B6 m" A- O2 s
Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data....Pages 445-453
" D5 g- Z1 R) ~1 p6 _# `2 ORelationship Among Statistical Distributions....Pages 455-467
  X' i- v8 e, A( R% a7 NTesting Clinical Trials for Randomness....Pages 469-478! D" ?3 A4 h+ x/ G) B2 r
Clinical Trials Do Not Use Random Samples Anymore....Pages 479-485
4 H/ P: k) J3 g1 H/ j: RClinical Data Where Variability Is More Important Than Averages....Pages 487-497
4 v3 T7 l! |6 K' i1 X( E+ `3 {Testing Reproducibility....Pages 499-508
* _/ ~) W8 s& p+ _Validating Qualitative Diagnostic Tests....Pages 509-517
2 o) R+ E: b: p/ l" Y3 XUncertainty of Qualitative Diagnostic Tests....Pages 519-525
+ A+ a' v) Z7 @. cMeta-Analysis of Qualitative Diagnostic Tests....Pages 527-534
/ X0 h& A4 M6 A9 c- t7 \c-Statistic Versus Logistic Regression for Assessing the Performance of Qualitative Diagnostic Accuracy....Pages 535-543
5 n3 [  E$ o' q# q1 `: \Validating Quantitative Diagnostic Tests....Pages 545-553
# {- |. A& X" N& Z8 q! LSummary of Validation Procedures for Diagnostic Tests....Pages 555-568% n$ t* T) \& c* t9 Y, F. S
Validating Surrogate Endpoints of Clinical Trials....Pages 569-578$ P& \- y* ~6 T+ W6 i; M
Binary Partitioning....Pages 579-585
* g6 |4 j3 H# Q, D3 G/ u. B: j. h' e0 eMethods for Repeated Measures Analysis....Pages 587-592
0 y7 B' W. }& w9 u6 n# d2 MMixed Linear Models for Repeated Measures....Pages 593-605
6 d; n) Z9 Q, L* d& MAdvanced Analysis of Variance, Random Effects and Mixed Effects Models....Pages 607-617
! V1 z1 U4 F% p. I( O6 ^$ KMonte Carlo Methods for Data Analysis....Pages 619-625
0 b( ^& n9 M8 q, f* [Artificial Intelligence....Pages 627-637
  W6 _- u, \) x; ]; @" S$ n: {; U9 mFuzzy Logic....Pages 639-649
& G& R+ l4 G* ?' ^Physicians’ Daily Life and the Scientific Method....Pages 651-6574 S# C$ ?. c. I* T
Incident Analysis and the Scientific Method....Pages 659-663
. z! ^, ]8 I9 u' P- `! |1 f8 jClinical Trials: Superiority-Testing....Pages 665-673
: A) Y# s" w4 b) m) wNoninferiority Testing....Pages 675-686
; J, I5 ~* U3 Y* i4 A, u: WTime Series....Pages 687-693: v5 y9 V0 b* M5 I7 ~; _- ]
Odds Ratios and Multiple Regression Models, Why and How to Use Them....Pages 695-711
0 y. d$ c+ J4 O7 |) F% _% Z0 sStatistics Is No “Bloodless” Algebra....Pages 713-719% o% P9 J# z- c3 s$ s$ n( M
Bias Due to Conflicts of Interests, Some Guidelines....Pages 721-727
* Z& P/ U" g# H9 x3 VBack Matter....Pages 729-743
/ j2 ]7 y8 {# ^* Y2 D
6 E4 `/ E9 Y  [( t1 ]6 k9 B: H& K5 |
Statistics Applied to Clinical Studies (5th edition, 2012).pdf (6.44 MB, 下载次数: 237) % s2 C" k$ A2 S* D7 z& d
( \; X8 c+ H6 k3 U/ Z0 n

" Q5 a$ M  u7 l8 v/ m3 p来自群组: RGCE


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