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临床试验 今日: 0|主题: 507|排名: 66 


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[分享] Sample size calculations: basic principles and common pitfalls attachment epiman 2016-3-19 03231 epiman 2016-3-19 11:55
[分享] Methods of Sample Size Calculation for Clinical Trials attachment epiman 2016-3-19 04111 epiman 2016-3-19 11:46
[求助] 地理信息系统,用mapinfo比较方便还是用ArcGIS呢? seagullwx 2016-1-18 24876 沙漠风暴老虎 2016-2-15 20:07
[分享] Randomised Response-Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials attach_img epiman 2016-2-3 03164 epiman 2016-2-3 13:37
[分享] Strategy and Statistics in Clinical Trials:A non-statisticians guide attach_img epiman 2016-2-3 03292 epiman 2016-2-3 13:09
[分享] How to Design, Analyse and Report Cluster Randomised Trials in Medicine attach_img epiman 2016-2-3 03119 epiman 2016-2-3 12:44
[分享] 全球四大CRO-Covance(科文斯) tianxiang100 2015-6-9 16639 小备 2016-1-5 23:53
[分享] Sequential Experimentation in Clinical Trials: Design and Analysis attachment epiman 2015-12-14 02706 epiman 2015-12-14 13:35
[分享] Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation attachment epiman 2015-12-6 02843 epiman 2015-12-6 20:05
[求助] 大家知道哪些CRO公司比较好 新人帖 愉南 2015-4-10 14494 夜半钟声 2015-9-29 11:58
[分享] Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management (2nd Edition, 2011) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-29 33906 yaya198142 2015-9-17 16:30
[分享] Statistics Applied to Clinical Studies (5th edition, 2012) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-27 44773 游青 2015-8-24 20:32
[公告] 版主巡山贴---勿回 - [阅读权限 100] hoozoo 2014-12-31 410 hoozoo 2015-8-12 15:22
[求助] 求电子书:Combining and Modifying SAS Data Sets: Examples, Second Edition attachment sampson2010 2015-3-24 312120 renm 2015-7-26 13:39
[公告] 世卫组织启动临床试验搜索网站 admin 2007-8-8 45428 renm 2015-6-29 12:45
[分享] 全球四大CRO-精鼎医药(PAREXEL International) tianxiang100 2015-6-9 06336 tianxiang100 2015-6-9 21:17
[分享] 全球四大CRO-PPD tianxiang100 2015-6-9 07516 tianxiang100 2015-6-9 21:16
[分享] 全球四大CRO-Quintiles Transnational(昆泰) tianxiang100 2015-6-9 06985 tianxiang100 2015-6-9 21:13
[求助] 谁有这2本关于SAS Clinical Trial Programmer的备考书? attach_img sampson2010 2015-1-25 36740 txyw 2015-6-2 10:46
[分享] Statistical Thinking for Non-Statisticians in Drug Regulation (2nd ed, 2014) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-27 04973 sampson2010 2015-5-27 17:43
[分享] Biostatistics For Dummies (2013) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-27 05253 sampson2010 2015-5-27 17:00
[分享] Randomised Controlled Clinical Trials (1983) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-27 02936 sampson2010 2015-5-27 16:05
[分享] Statistical Methods for Evaluating Safety in Medical Product Development attachment epiman 2015-3-14 13797 txyw 2015-5-5 11:20
[讨论] 国内临床试验设计、数据管理、统计分析 发展现况 webgu 2011-10-13 77079 邱邱小鼠 2015-4-17 15:07
[求助] 谁有英文版SOP啊?关于药物临床实验方面的 vickyxinxin 2010-2-13 45137 点点 2015-3-19 10:31
[分享] CRC在国外发展概况 iavjssssmqee 2011-8-13 57449 点点 2015-3-18 16:35
[求助] 临床试验是否可以中途暂停? yujie446525713 2014-6-25 76290 点点 2015-3-18 15:40
[公告] 版主巡山贴--勿回 - [阅读权限 100] hoozoo 2014-12-31 35 hoozoo 2015-2-25 08:54
[公告] SBF2015年第1次会议15-03-04 :Bayes Methods and Thinking in Clinical Trials epiman 2015-2-15 13128 hoozoo 2015-2-16 17:10
[求助] 四期临床试验样本量该如何计算呢?听说有3/n原则 平阳一哥 2012-4-20 87881 Alurez 2015-2-5 12:53
[公告] 版主巡山贴--勿回 - [阅读权限 100] hoozoo 2014-12-31 02 hoozoo 2014-12-31 08:24
[公告] 版主巡山贴 - [阅读权限 100] hoozoo 2014-12-31 02 hoozoo 2014-12-31 08:24
[分享] Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials 【临床试验样本量估计的精华书】 attachment  ...2 epiman 2014-6-27 126630 味道~棋 2014-11-30 11:23
[分享] “Placebo”与“Nocebo”:我们谈论前者更多,而谈论后者更少 attachment agree sampson2010 2014-9-1 33961 biostat 2014-11-6 08:55
[公告] SBF Q3 event | Sept 24, 2014 Wed 2-5:30pm| SMMU attachment agree epiman 2014-9-2 54167 jokelove 2014-9-25 16:36
[求助] 临床试验招聘为何要求工作经验呢 leoshine 2014-7-4 24782 hoozoo 2014-9-22 14:10
[分享] The Placebo Effect in Clinical Practice (OUP, 2012) attach_img agree sampson2010 2014-8-29 03025 sampson2010 2014-8-29 13:55
[分享] 全球10大生物技术公司排行表  ...2 job 2008-10-24 107990 公卫最牛 2014-8-26 15:52
[分享] Clinical Trials in Oncology (2nd edition, 2003) attach_img sampson2010 2014-8-25 03447 sampson2010 2014-8-25 13:45
[分享] 经典临床试验教材:Fundamentals of Clinical Trials (4th Edition, 2010) attach_img sampson2010 2014-8-24 04244 sampson2010 2014-8-24 19:19
[讨论] 监察还是监查? 菲菲9988 2012-6-13 13996 圣峰铁神 2014-8-11 12:43
[求助] 临床试验中怎么做到双盲?具体步骤最好能举个例子… 阳光灿烂的日子 2011-12-19 47883 meng_fan_wen 2014-8-8 11:25
[分享] SAS_for_dummies attachment shepherd09 2012-8-29 13512 米筽祢 2014-7-29 10:47
[求助] 做CRA都需要具备哪方面的条件? 苦逼的专业 2014-7-27 03250 苦逼的专业 2014-7-27 08:44
[公告] 美国政府呼吁FDA促进儿童药物的临床试验 attach_img iavjssssmqee 2012-3-15 24013 xiaopei 2014-7-14 16:52
[讨论] 在同仁堂做CRA怎么样 新人帖 snowwolf 2014-5-1 24296 xiaopei 2014-7-14 16:52
[分享] 经典的临床试验教材:Fundamentals of Clinical Trials,third edition,与大家共享! attachment  ...23 iavjssssmqee 2010-4-23 2112766 永迈 2014-7-10 09:37
[分享] 新手必备——临床实验百问 attachment jay_bryant 2011-9-20 44728 lpy 2014-6-25 11:58
[求助] CRA的择业困惑----性别问题 attachment  ...2 pipi 2010-6-6 1511538 风信子~ 2014-5-21 10:59
[求助] 在同仁堂做CRA怎么样 snowwolf 2014-5-2 02539 snowwolf 2014-5-2 21:01
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