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[公告] SBF2015年第1次会议15-03-04 :Bayes Methods and Thinking in Clinical Trials

epiman 发表于 2015-2-15 11:08:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Date and Time:  $ E' M7 F& C: w8 ~

: j1 i. [7 T; `! W8 ~' [- uWednesday, March 4, 2015, 1:30pm -- 5:00pm
* T$ y# G  s# E+ {+ T& F, t; s6 D, C
Location: + _7 S9 i( ]1 \% a) z. {# X: O
& K9 }3 ~- m5 L) I; Z! v2 h8 H
Auditorium Hall, Yifu Building, East China Normal University) G' |# N& c3 {4 a. F/ y
1 p% p5 r$ u; h8 F7 t  q
3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai 200062 (see direction below) 逸夫楼学术活动中心报告厅 华东师范大学中山北路校区
7 F4 C' O  N, J) p6 }2 c# m  c0 c3 x
( t5 I% X1 J. n' L7 Y: T& WAttendees:
, N4 a+ L  t( e' w: U1 q' a' a/ e  U6 q
Open to everyone who is interested(Free免费).
5 V- B6 j6 P* r! A, K* S  F
5 n: W9 a$ ?& v1 RTheme: % Z+ o& a# a0 y, l! ?( f8 [

2 K# I6 `& v, o2 }2 _Bayes Methods and Thinking in Clinical Trials
: o" X1 e' W9 K$ M* B' q  E0 D+ b+ A: u* j! \- G5 d6 z
' |* F/ K: S! O( D, E0 K! r) I) m
( J( A1 Y& D6 U0 [" S. c; _§ Introduction and Welcome Remarks - Prof Jin Xu, School of Finance and Statistics, East China Normal University  0 j0 w& |! g: U* D( g# D
2 g5 |7 m( e+ s% s
§ Novel Clinical Trial Designs in Early Oncology Drug Development: Opportunities and Challenges - Dr Somnath Sarkar, Roche, US . N5 t; C! `1 O$ M6 F

6 ?+ f& N- N" c§ The Use of Multiple Imputation in Clinical Trials - Dr Mouna Akacha, Expert Statistical Methodologist, Statistical Methods & Consulting, Novartis Pharma AG # j% R- E: `3 H3 |. W2 Y6 S
' {$ N7 z6 j0 c4 M* w
§ Tea Break 8 _8 i. b9 Q! X
. U* X2 D3 k+ Q# N; H4 s
§ Apply Bayesian Thinking in Phase 2 Clinical Study Designs - Dr Liu Lian, Associate Director; Dr Yi Bingming, Director, Statistics and Programming, Epidemiology and Data Management, GSK R&D Shanghai
, Z' z, j/ D5 [1 L3 \; |( N9 Y* @. N) ?4 P  U% ~- y1 E% o
§ Panel Discussion: Applications and challenges of Bayesian analysis in drug development - Moderator: - Dr Tang Dejun, Head of Biometric ,Novartis - Panelists: - Dr Emmanuel Pham, VP, Biometry, IPSEN Global Drug Development - Dr Conelia Irl, Roche US - Dr Imola Fodor, Roche US
- U- i" }/ t; B) k5 P9 @9 \/ f; d4 w2 U  n+ ^

  @2 f  O( J  [6 F6 [- N+ lRegistration会议注册报名:1 R3 R$ n' e- N. H0 g- q
% Z; O: a6 a. Z) z6 ^/ q
请点击如下网页链接进入报名(邮箱注册后,请前往邮箱点击所提供链接,填写详细信息,以完成注册过程http://www.cdiscchina.org/plugin ... ration:pre_register ; ~1 V3 _5 h0 r" f$ [
  e  U6 q( Z) A

& _4 Y7 Y5 g7 U5 B! [参与方式:
* t5 ]# ^* e7 [2 _6 |
* g6 u+ M7 ?) n$ c本次学术活动采用现场参与和在线参与两种方式。参会名额有限,人满为止。
1 y( j- t/ }. u0 v8 Z- [6 X! Y6 k/ x  n+ C" |( }; a) F7 C
**由于网络易受各种因素影响,在线参与效果若不如预期,还请谅解。请尽可能通过现场参会 **
' ]  Q! X! A( T! {+ W- [; o. E0 ]/ E+ x; _; H
Web site and mailing listannouncement:  1 M- A* i2 ]. a/ E  R0 g: e
ProfChangxuan Mao, SHUFE
1 Y7 P& c# J8 \5 r5 O6 b& I0 m  @! s
9 P7 |' @# _4 M8 q! h6 N, LDr Zibao Zhang, PPD
$ g+ I6 V4 r* W8 W- \2 b: B+ K6 @- C
Local organizer and contacts:
7 q" R" E' [2 w3 `  D  i. K6 x
* p; [6 ^* |" w1 G% f4 eDr Jin Xu
( g0 c) _( X! }# Z" O
2 n: _$ e7 Q; ~School of Finance and Statistics, Academy of Applied Statistical Science) h0 o6 u4 p' R+ u6 [( o. v4 r

+ j+ E' D! Z& o' T5 j* SEast China Normal University
% A- t# T- O, g. m% X! q# ^. M( D& W" F
Email: jxu@stat.ecnu.edu.cn, Tel:13524437147 3 V! D/ p6 c" x, ~% n

4 a9 O% g. A- Q3 F7 S- U' \! {Direction:& D. b: V7 N3 M1 F! ?
9 ^( K& R9 T9 l/ F
1.     By Metro Line 2: stop Zhongshan Park Station, then takeTaxi (~10 mins) or Bus 67, 765 to ECNU  
; L) j: R8 P& J/ Q3 h5 _8 I2.     By Metro Line 3 or 4: stop Jinshajiang Road Station, thenwalk ~10 mins to ECNU 7 E4 E. h5 r* Z4 Z6 F
3.     By Bus: please consult www.mapbar.com; ~6 E5 _  T9 g; O8 |% Y
. X$ `& K1 Z9 i' z3 Y1 Q
From the front gate to YifuBuilding: Walk straight and turn left at Xianfeng Rd, then walk about 50m. The Yifu Buildingis on your right hand side.
2 A$ D' Y$ A  o
3 L' i8 H4 g# W& G, o$ Q. l
, E8 g! a+ a& M* u  y交通:
! f2 @: ?0 W# G" A6 U. M1      轨道2号线: 至中山公园站下,转乘公交76路,765路等到华东师大,或出租车10分钟到华东师大正门
+ e7 K; a$ w' Q: K2.     轨道3或4号线:至金沙江路站下,步行10分钟到华东师大正门。
! u3 l4 N6 L7 ~- a2 |3.     公交:请咨询 www.mapbar.com, H3 {& [+ l! X- I9 H
4.     从大学正门到逸夫楼学术活动中心:沿正门大路直行至先锋路左转向前50米。3 F6 C/ ~) g  v
5.     停车说明:学校正门右侧停车场有一定数量停车位,请在校门口出示本通知。
hoozoo 发表于 2015-2-16 17:10:18 | 显示全部楼层

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