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[分享] Biostatistics For Dummies (2013)

sampson2010 发表于 2015-5-27 17:00:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 sampson2010 于 2015-5-27 17:13 编辑 * X7 f# _2 C. v2 {( |# U  L

/ b4 _1 L( |2 E6 p 1118553993.jpg 2 _9 F3 K4 n5 z; D4 V$ D9 e( w# b
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Title: Biostatistics For Dummies          J5 e0 o- G2 K. G9 Y! f+ D+ I
Author(s): John C. Pezzullo; U9 f# c5 B) X( B- g' m
Publisher: Wiley3 i( y4 T9 J& e8 s* Z1 b( x+ g
Year: 2013
( |6 J; s/ ^' }: q+ N. ]* p* yEdition: 1  \5 [% [& r1 Z$ E5 [: ]  m8 o
Language: English       
8 K4 h$ i" z* O- w1 _1 `, b4 X; _/ _Pages: 408" e* Q/ G* O' E8 e% H+ A
ISBN: 1118553985, 97811185539859 w7 w, p) J5 n( K3 r
Size: 8 MB (7886889 bytes)
4 l" \8 {6 s  z' y( Y0 bExtension: pdf
3 O( a( U/ H! _  c- P
, v' Y0 n: b  v, ~& l+ t0 |7 K

! i+ P! @% U& q( BDescription( e% ]8 b3 q  h6 s* x' i: Q+ n

: j6 v' D1 x+ v/ i( j' FScore your highest in biostatistics
- A# x1 F: j  x  NBiostatistics is a required course for students of medicine, epidemiology, forestry, agriculture, bioinformatics, and public health. In years past this course has been mainly a graduate-level requirement; however its application is growing and course offerings at the undergraduate level are exploding. Biostatistics For Dummies is an excellent resource for those taking a course, as well as for those in need of a handy reference to this complex material.( \  V$ D; P2 Z: C$ L

' V- O" [) E2 e* Z" f) EBiostatisticians—analysts of biological data—are charged with finding answers to some of the world's most pressing health questions: how safe or effective are drugs hitting the market today? What causes autism? What are the risk factors for cardiovascular disease? Are those risk factors different for men and women or different ethnic groups? Biostatistics For Dummies examines these and other questions associated with the study of biostatistics.
9 j# x  s% _, Z- ^: f0 w
: O. A( o" p& v* N9 S
  • Provides plain-English explanations of techniques and clinical examples to help
  • Serves as an excellent course supplement for those struggling with the complexities of the biostatistics
  • Tracks to a typical, introductory biostatistics course
      J" J$ L# X/ U4 e* j

; @/ i3 k) s5 b: JBiostatistics For Dummies is an excellent resource for anyone looking to succeed in this difficult course.
4 G$ K; ^- O5 p) X0 ^2 }7 i% U, q8 C2 F3 y  A) o) a
+ @  u5 O( U# u& |
Table of Contents
- w4 u5 _0 I8 c/ M' s1 |# I
* L+ K' Y% ~- j% y& tIntroduction 1' P) d! M% K1 C6 U
7 `6 {# `% e) K4 n
Part I: Beginning with Biostatistics Basics 7! z3 ]$ L& P, B
9 i5 m7 S8 U& w9 Y- a6 H9 z
Chapter 1: Biostatistics 101 91 i2 ]8 K" C0 s. Q% k; H9 I1 z

! w8 u) P6 G; m) [  zChapter 2: Overcoming Mathophobia: Reading and Understanding Mathematical Expressions 17
; X( ?( h: B3 a' j& q( i9 P% T2 [; w4 n$ |  G! K. N
Chapter 3: Getting Statistical: A Short Review of Basic Statistics 31
- W  L' I1 L6 h$ |* J
) n0 T5 `3 y- Y! DChapter 4: Counting on Statistical Software 514 d2 v1 [7 v2 M5 t- X# @
, y% N" x; q( V# N
Chapter 5: Conducting Clinical Research 61, p/ R% B( e9 }$ ~
% D/ K9 H4 C6 @9 d  Z
Chapter 6: Looking at Clinical Trials and Drug Development 77
2 ~- a, Z3 C0 N5 e1 y" |/ W  Q) E* r3 _& n
Part II: Getting Down and Dirty with Data 91" E( X" c# k0 f( D$ g
2 X3 l( h6 I5 b
Chapter 7: Getting Your Data into the Computer 930 s$ @/ E) w2 X% r7 ~

; t# n8 z7 {7 _, k5 FChapter 8: Summarizing and Graphing Your Data 103, x- U9 R% \3 ]

$ @7 o  }6 V! D. OChapter 9: Aiming for Accuracy and Precision 121
1 ?2 X$ ^5 E  X+ H' g0 C# Q: `. C" n, v8 v( P$ A2 _
Chapter 10: Having Confidence in Your Results 133
8 c% j( v4 ]# k: l: Y' j
( \$ p6 W; I. yChapter 11: Fuzzy In Equals Fuzzy Out: Pushing Imprecision through a Formula 1437 H7 z& j8 ], o' A# ?# a9 }( |- }

4 _, R4 t0 ]  p7 Z) k9 U+ hPart III: Comparing Groups 153+ E( o+ Z' I/ q, t: ]
: A' N8 C. [# n7 l7 [1 _
Chapter 12: Comparing Average Values between Groups 155$ H: j! L+ h2 L6 t
  a+ D7 u; A3 x# F" B
Chapter 13: Comparing Proportions and Analyzing Cross-Tabulations 1734 Q2 D0 t, ]  u& ^; K8 M0 B
7 |$ l: P/ h$ o0 X
Chapter 14: Taking a Closer Look at Fourfold Tables 189) G+ X% e8 u; v

- }& d) n0 D2 O$ F+ PChapter 15: Analyzing Incidence and Prevalence Rates in Epidemiologic Data 203
5 q; l8 @. j, ^, i8 K9 e8 q0 q4 D! \. S: ~8 I5 h7 Q) @
Chapter 16: Feeling Noninferior (Or Equivalent) 211' \2 I0 N+ {3 D( A
: `8 i. k9 K4 B5 f, B
Part IV: Looking for Relationships with Correlation and Regression 219: ?& l8 [& J( V  N  H( X8 h6 o2 j

4 q4 _+ w- J) g, dChapter 17: Introducing Correlation and Regression 2219 ?' T# c5 |% E# S0 q

% y6 E. @/ O! V; U' V7 ~2 aChapter 18: Getting Straight Talk on Straight-Line Regression 2330 Z9 Y7 j* \" P* d; [8 B' n

: ?$ l1 {) q6 m/ d4 gChapter 19: More of a Good Thing: Multiple Regression 2514 B8 }; L! f% g$ k" y
" C2 a8 ^& {0 @$ Y4 O: Z* l
Chapter 20: A Yes-or-No Proposition: Logistic Regression 267. ?, A) r3 i) e" i7 O9 m; m# D
; W7 H4 |: o- j& l* g
Chapter 21: Other Useful Kinds of Regression 291
# z# s- p: [4 ^( p8 D' k7 Q; `& F3 d. g( ?: ~1 |3 J1 v
Part V: Analyzing Survival Data 3112 e; C, Z- x0 @& J
! P8 x7 Y0 b' i& p, K& P2 W
Chapter 22: Summarizing and Graphing Survival Data 313. Y- `: A1 j# `" v2 ~; ]; }5 q# B
% U! Z( Q% b0 P8 @% S6 Q2 W
Chapter 23: Comparing Survival Times 331
5 a1 r, n( B3 ]& V$ R5 g# b
5 `7 S8 h, O: l- b9 h" f' q- ~Chapter 24: Survival Regression 339
& }) V+ P( k5 R5 O, }: V! z" q
. b/ @! a7 K% A# \+ M0 b$ iPart VI: The Part of Tens 357
+ u( B# R5 S! G5 Q( p  A0 {9 ?2 a2 x+ J$ E" o1 P9 a
Chapter 25: Ten Distributions Worth Knowing 359
7 Y, B5 _- F- m: I) c
6 M- }5 |3 p7 U$ H6 mChapter 26: Ten Easy Ways to Estimate How Many Subjects You Need 3698 ]. q& O, H9 f( m

0 p4 `6 p) [! u5 ^. ]3 xIndex 375
# ^7 p3 d) `) M! l1 V( g8 q. Z4 d/ m* j  G! l, c3 J( \( \

% d/ R% z. A' x6 X9 Z% \5 Q
6 n) K5 R' U, r, g Biostatistics For Dummies (2013).pdf (7.52 MB, 下载次数: 32)
/ Z4 y. @6 N& |- k
1 r, {+ _- W" T  R来自群组: RGCE


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