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临床试验 今日: 0|主题: 507|排名: 66 


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[分享] 新药临床试验中的生物统计学知识要点概述 attachment  ...23 admin 2007-1-9 2517636 方华freestyle 2021-2-17 10:12
[分享] Primer of Biostatistics, 6/e 2005 epiman 2007-11-4 53791 biostat 2012-3-27 11:11
[分享] 统计师吃饭本领-统计报表  ...23 sasuser.liu 2008-5-26 219365 rochmusic 2009-10-17 22:12
[分享] Randomization in Clinical Trials: Theory and Practice attachment  ...2 epiman 2007-11-4 117038 woodolt 2010-3-5 15:35
[分享] 我收集的药物临床研究英语词汇,分享一下 chysx_1982 2008-12-3 54603 ysj5615825 2010-4-24 13:46
[分享] 药物临床试验英语词汇续 attachment chysx_1982 2008-12-3 32635 ysj5615825 2010-4-24 13:48
[分享] data check的SAS宏程序  ...2 job 2008-12-26 115976 wmqy2004 2010-6-13 08:10
[分享] 临床试验行业的个人心得分享  ...2 hoozoo 2013-1-16 1412729 jiangluo 2016-8-5 10:17
[分享] 家家都有难念经,自救唯有创新路 epiman 2007-12-19 03151 epiman 2007-12-19 10:41
[分享] SARS疫苗在投入使用前的基本程序有哪些? 疯狂的天花板 2008-4-13 02708 疯狂的天花板 2008-4-13 18:52
[分享] Dictionary for Clinical Trials(2007) epiman 2008-4-5 13391 gdsgds 2008-11-2 08:03
[分享] 药厂与研究者和行医者的暧昧关系 CRA 2007-11-3 34631 anxin8313 2008-11-5 16:06
[分享] 应用SAS软件的动态数据交换技术自动生成统计报告 job 2008-12-26 34069 epiman 2008-12-26 19:17
[分享] Mathematics of Data Management epiman 2007-11-4 52974 winnerljt 2009-7-7 22:27
[分享] 分享一本电子书《Guidance for Clinical Trial Sponsors》 attachment  ...2 王治东 2021-3-29 1010215 雪莉玫没有醉 2024-2-19 14:58
[分享] 外资CRO招聘SAS Programmer和生物统计师 attach_img Clinical Trials 2018-5-25 616613 莫须有 2018-11-14 19:03
[分享] 临床试验设计、实施、分析中的统计学问题 attachment peng1983911 2010-11-15 33895 walk_alone 2012-11-8 16:40
[分享] Sample size tables for clinical studies(third edition) attachment epiman 2016-4-13 56598 雪莉玫没有醉 2024-2-22 14:21
[分享] CRC在国外发展概况 iavjssssmqee 2011-8-13 57393 点点 2015-3-18 16:35
[分享] 新药临床试验的生物统计学知道原则 attachment 小胖墩儿 2011-6-5 23738 shouyist 2012-2-5 20:15
[分享] Sample Sizes for Clinical Trials 【临床试验样本量估计的精华书】 attachment  ...2 epiman 2014-6-27 126567 味道~棋 2014-11-30 11:23
[分享] Statistics In Drug Research: Methodologies and Recent Developments attachment epiman 2007-11-4 63313 mailwy 2009-1-14 14:00
[分享] Introductory Biostatistics attach_img losttemple 2007-12-19 43556 shanshan1002 2009-2-13 21:28
[分享] Validating Clinical Trial Data Reporting with SAS attachment epiman 2015-5-6 57352 epiman 2018-8-15 10:47
[分享] 辉瑞:请不要这么犟 CRA 2008-4-29 75153 multidimention 2009-3-25 09:27
[分享] 自动生成标准的统计表格(配合ODS)的macro job 2008-12-26 44290 xinwq 2009-7-20 10:28
[分享] Pharmaceutical Statistics Using SAS: A Practical Guide attach_img epiman 2008-10-19 44102 helloyupp 2009-8-12 00:47
[分享] Designing Clinical Research: An Epidemiologic Approach (3rd Edition) attachment epiman 2008-1-31 53386 dwliang 2010-1-22 17:51
[分享] 新药临床试验操作规程(For Sponsor) shark2000 2008-11-17 24732 vickyxinxin 2010-2-3 11:19
[分享] 样本量 估算 权威性 书籍 英文版 Sample Size calculation in clinical trial 新人帖 tanghonglei 2016-3-18 74899 wangcc 2016-8-29 18:22
[分享] 赫尔辛基宣言 attachment peng1983911 2010-11-15 23343 阿斯兰纳尼亚 2011-11-29 10:33
[分享] Clinical Trials: Study Design, Endpoints and Biomarkers, Drug Safety, and FDA attach_img agree sampson2010 2015-1-29 912325 onlybb1027 2022-4-26 10:37
[分享] 共享Fundamentals of Clinical Research-Bridging Medicine Statistisc and Operat attachment qjtiger 2008-3-15 12729 losttemple 2008-3-15 17:26
[分享] Advances in Clinical Trial Biostatistics - Nancy L. Geller 手背 2008-4-18 03190 手背 2008-4-18 10:47
[分享] 药品的9个“P”基本知识介绍 xuwen 2007-5-9 17258 iwant2009 2009-1-19 12:31
[分享] 想创业,要融资? 什么因素最关键? CRA 2007-11-3 13240 zzx1016 2009-3-10 08:53
[分享] Good Practices in Clinical Research course epiman 2007-11-6 23586 天下公卫 2009-3-17 00:45
[分享] 礼来“横刀夺爱” 65亿美元现金鲸吞英克隆 job 2008-10-24 33118 虚怀若谷 2009-3-28 17:24
[分享] 第七版外科学教材 mayongying 2009-4-26 02862 mayongying 2009-4-26 00:32
[分享] 怎样加快临床实验的进度的一点酌见 CRA 2007-11-4 14148 iavjssssmqee 2009-9-10 22:22
[分享] 关于现场调查的资料 zhaofenghui04 2009-2-7 15779 zlll8419 2009-9-11 21:13
[分享] FDA也有难念经 job 2008-6-25 44006 菲菲9988 2010-3-23 14:08
[分享] 美国FDA:中国和印度,我拿什么爱你? yangfei 2007-11-30 24333 ahtony 2010-3-27 14:57
[分享] 老药新规:FDA不放过小药厂 yangfei 2007-12-3 24265 hcflash 2010-4-24 14:27
[分享] Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Concepts and Methodologies 3ed(2014) attach_img epiman 2016-2-3 66835 jojohorse 2018-7-25 11:43
[分享] 临床试验中数据“造假”的处理 iavjssssmqee 2010-7-3 25542 lemon 2010-11-7 23:04
[分享] 临床试验数据集 attachment peng1983911 2010-11-14 24333 cums6140 2011-11-20 01:18
[分享] 本科毕业7年,职业病危害评价3年,临床试验行业4年,后悔没考研 新人帖 18870860387 2022-6-26 92462 18870860387 2022-8-26 19:24
[分享] “Placebo”与“Nocebo”:我们谈论前者更多,而谈论后者更少 attachment agree sampson2010 2014-9-1 33925 biostat 2014-11-6 08:55
[分享] Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine (2015) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-29 68292 行云半夜 2020-1-18 00:52
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