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临床试验 今日: 0|主题: 507|排名: 53 


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[分享] Sample size tables for clinical studies(third edition) attachment epiman 2016-4-13 56475 雪莉玫没有醉 2024-2-22 14:21
[分享] 分享一本电子书《Guidance for Clinical Trial Sponsors》 attachment  ...2 王治东 2021-3-29 109979 雪莉玫没有醉 2024-2-19 14:58
[分享] JAMA发布研究:Donanemab能延缓阿尔茨海默病进展 新人帖 attach_img 谢jh 2023-10-13 0448 谢jh 2023-10-13 20:38
[分享] 经典临床试验教材:Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials (3rd edtion, 2013) attach_img  ...23 sampson2010 2014-8-24 2520772 rml1981 2023-7-18 19:45
[分享] 临床试验设计与分析(参考书) attachment heatlevel  ...234 hprxq 2010-5-11 3126087 在小辉辉 2022-11-2 08:34
[分享] 临床试验中的统计学若干问题-《小胖说统计》系列日志节选现已推出 heatlevel agree  ...23456..42 xiaopang1980 2009-10-30 416103948 PrimeYimi 2022-10-29 13:55
[分享] 招聘CRA/SCRA/PM等临床岗位 新人帖 KANGYAN 2022-9-7 01641 KANGYAN 2022-9-7 17:27
[分享] 本科毕业7年,职业病危害评价3年,临床试验行业4年,后悔没考研 新人帖 18870860387 2022-6-26 92405 18870860387 2022-8-26 19:24
[分享] Clinical Trials: Study Design, Endpoints and Biomarkers, Drug Safety, and FDA attach_img agree sampson2010 2015-1-29 912156 onlybb1027 2022-4-26 10:37
[分享] 定性指标的SAS统计分析报表——SAS软件在新药临床试验统计分析中的应用 heatlevel  ...23 job 2008-12-26 2012638 篮子酒 2022-3-13 15:48
[分享] Implementing CDISC Using SAS 第二版 attachment agree 26129762 2022-3-4 01919 26129762 2022-3-4 14:54
[分享] Implementing CDISC Using SAS: An End-to-End Guide attachment  ...2 epiman 2015-3-14 1113729 jojohorse 2022-2-28 10:27
[分享] 电子书下载 Clinical Data Management, 2nd Edition attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 pharmd 2008-5-4 4023785 未完成ls 2022-2-3 18:51
[分享] SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry (2nd edition, 2014) attach_img agree  ...2 sampson2010 2014-12-12 1719953 thankyou88888 2021-10-13 04:14
[分享] 中国合同研究组织(CRO)名录及其简介 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 iavjssssmqee 2010-12-17 5048914 北方的南先生 2021-5-30 16:06
[分享] Clinical Trials: A Methodologic Perspective 2nd edition attachment epiman 2010-1-27 47744 lipingD 2021-4-25 04:37
[分享] 制药公司SAS的实际应用(诺华制药) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 epiman 2014-7-6 11763210 小黎同学 2021-4-23 10:02
[分享] 搞统计的,想要做统计相关工作的可以看看,可以看看 attachment 王治东 2021-3-29 14859 |子不语 2021-4-1 15:44
[分享] 新药临床试验中的生物统计学知识要点概述 attachment  ...23 admin 2007-1-9 2517389 方华freestyle 2021-2-17 10:12
[分享] 英文原版Clinical Trials in Oncology attachment heatlevel  ...23 wypwendy 2009-7-29 2017401 Celiadu 2020-12-28 14:48
[分享] CCTS 专家共识:临床试验中样本量确定的统计学考虑 attachment epiman 2016-9-7 29371 wangziyue624 2020-5-7 13:47
[分享] 2年药企工作故事分享 原创 agree  ...234 电风扇ABC 2017-7-11 3324927 yuankunzhao 2020-4-10 08:35
[分享] 考试大纲 新人帖 attach_img tsengming 2020-3-26 06206 tsengming 2020-3-26 04:30
[分享] 临床试验设计新进展 attachment 芳菲韵哲 2019-3-13 37028 yuankunzhao 2020-2-21 14:03
[分享] Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine (2015) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-29 68171 行云半夜 2020-1-18 00:52
[分享] Clinical Trials: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis, and Reporting attach_img agree sampson2010 2014-8-26 49197 Allen刚 2019-12-26 16:23
[分享] 药企临床监察员工作内容 原创 agree  ...2 电风扇ABC 2017-7-17 1816447 啦安啦 2019-8-9 00:31
[分享] 外资CRO招聘SAS Programmer和生物统计师 attach_img Clinical Trials 2018-5-25 616488 莫须有 2018-11-14 19:03
[分享] Validating Clinical Trial Data Reporting with SAS attachment epiman 2015-5-6 57276 epiman 2018-8-15 10:47
[分享] SAS Programmer和Biostatistician求职面试经验交流 attach_img sampson2010 2015-2-3 1219151 sampson2010 2018-7-26 21:02
[分享] Clinical Trial Methodology (2010) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-29 36266 1582891835 2018-7-26 10:51
[分享] Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples (2010) attach_img sampson2010 2015-1-15 524154 jojohorse 2018-7-25 11:44
[分享] Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Concepts and Methodologies 3ed(2014) attach_img epiman 2016-2-3 66718 jojohorse 2018-7-25 11:43
[分享] Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research attachment epiman 2015-10-12 36459 jiran666 2018-1-19 10:04
[分享] Good Clinical Practice (GCP) attachment CRA 2007-1-9 38479 ミDodoの 2018-1-15 19:45
[分享] SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry attach_img  ...23 admin 2007-8-5 2716550 弄堂深深 2017-11-17 17:29
[分享] 第十届临床医学研究中的统计方法学术研讨会 新人帖 Yashimi 2016-11-14 04754 Yashimi 2016-11-14 17:57
[分享] CRO:新药研发合同外包服务机构 tianxiang100 2015-6-9 45689 tianxiang100 2016-10-14 14:31
[分享] CCTS 专家共识:临床试验统计分析计划及统计分析报告的考虑 attachment epiman 2016-9-7 04923 epiman 2016-9-7 17:30
[分享] CCTS 专家共识:非劣效临床试验的统计学考虑 attachment epiman 2016-9-7 04122 epiman 2016-9-7 17:27
[分享] CCTS 专家共识:临床试验中多重性问题的统计学考虑 attachment epiman 2016-9-7 05612 epiman 2016-9-7 17:16
[分享] 样本量 估算 权威性 书籍 英文版 Sample Size calculation in clinical trial 新人帖 tanghonglei 2016-3-18 74764 wangcc 2016-8-29 18:22
[分享] Clinical Epidemiology: Practice and Methods (2nd edition, 2015) attach_img sampson2010 2015-4-28 54397 jason_un 2016-8-29 15:13
[分享] 临床试验行业的个人心得分享  ...2 hoozoo 2013-1-16 1412479 jiangluo 2016-8-5 10:17
[分享] Methods and Applications of Statistics in Clinical Trials, Volume 2 (2014) attach_img sampson2010 2015-5-27 35273 hprxq 2016-4-17 19:55
[分享] Sample size calculations: basic principles and common pitfalls attachment epiman 2016-3-19 03050 epiman 2016-3-19 11:55
[分享] Methods of Sample Size Calculation for Clinical Trials attachment epiman 2016-3-19 03928 epiman 2016-3-19 11:46
[分享] Randomised Response-Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials attach_img epiman 2016-2-3 03007 epiman 2016-2-3 13:37
[分享] Strategy and Statistics in Clinical Trials:A non-statisticians guide attach_img epiman 2016-2-3 03131 epiman 2016-2-3 13:09
[分享] How to Design, Analyse and Report Cluster Randomised Trials in Medicine attach_img epiman 2016-2-3 03006 epiman 2016-2-3 12:44
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