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upswing 发表于 2007-4-10 22:55:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[wmv=314,50,1]http://english.phzx.net/uploadfiles/base/2006-6/2006060422204746185.mp3 [/wmv]
' I( f/ F. c- B
6 h% R$ e* [' ]( qBeneath the opera house
( t3 X# ~. v1 A( g+ xI know it’s there he’s with me on the stage9 q2 o& k! N7 r; L0 V
He’s everywhere and when my song begins
; E# B& ^0 n' X1 [. p5 m: ZI always find a phantom of the opera is there inside my mind
9 a+ a  r4 i  t: e# i& B: x! m% Z8 `+ u! {6 U1 P5 h' I
Sing once again with me our strange duet# f0 y& @( S% V
My power over you shows stronger yet, N! y$ H: F4 ~4 n
You give your love to me for love is blind
3 e1 M# s, p4 y0 C/ [' @3 sThe phantom of the opera is now your mastermind2 u: F/ n4 b% O, Y9 |( {2 W
' m; `5 B/ Q; t5 L, w% d
Those who have seen your face
9 ?9 N4 T2 }* }4 G2 [Draw back in fear
3 s+ @! x6 ~! f' OI am the mask you wear
: _) [2 u5 e  V* c2 O" cIt’s me they hear0 j5 n4 R2 L- H9 x% |+ G" z, v
Your spirit touch my voice in one combined* G- U6 W7 m5 b" E% P
The phantom of the opera is there inside my mind" L1 Q5 I( L* ~
(your mind)
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