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[招聘] 全球前四的CRO(PAREXEL 精鼎)招聘Statistical Programmer/Biostatistician

pibenliang 发表于 2016-1-6 18:29:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 pibenliang 于 2016-1-7 16:01 编辑 ( s# M2 M8 K6 J
& W$ R* J0 V8 N
公卫人的朋友你们好,% p* Y0 X" W& Y8 D6 Q
        我也曾是论坛的一份子,毕业后因为待遇的原因,离开了公共卫生领域,现在我在全球前四的CRO(PAREXEL 精鼎)工作,这里既有系统完善的员工培训,还有轻松愉快工作氛围,更有体贴下属的头头(对,您无需为人际关系头痛)。相信有部分坛友跟我一样,为了追求更高的收入和更单纯的人际关系,愿意进入Clinical Trial 领域。现在告诉您们一个好消息,精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司(PAREXEL International)将在北京、上海、成都、沈阳广招Statistical Programmer/Biostatistician。如果您有意向,请将中英文简历发送至pibenliang@126,或QQ(214309924)联系我,我会直接帮您把简历递交给HR。2 M  O: ^7 m$ P5 H5 s0 g# {

- }' w! S3 h- K7 G3 J4 v       依个人经验提供一点福利收入信息:北京/上海硕士研究生Statistical Programmer,月收入7-8K左右,13月薪,五险一金,12天年假,14天病假。工资年均增长10%左右。2-3年后,title升至2后月收入约12-15K。当然收入跟您的工作能力直接挂钩。以上信息仅供参考,具体待遇由您和HR决定。
6 L  G( I. m% j1 F) C2 c/ p% D7 n3 B# e/ J: ]  O2 O5 J
另附公司和职位简介。$ s# W/ Y4 e$ T; O; e0 J
精鼎医药研究开发(上海)有限公司(PAREXEL International),成立于1982年,是一家致力于药物临床试验研究的CRO (Contract Research Organization)集团公司。总部位于美国,分支机构遍布欧、美、亚、大洋四大洲,且于亚洲13个国家和地区设立了分支机构,致力深耕于当地。精鼎医药由一群具有丰富跨国性临床试验研发经验及专业知识的精英所组成,服务团队集合各种不同专业领域的人才9 O' M( G$ d# |( D% l$ m
1 g5 C5 m( J& z5 `, W
工作地点:上海市浦东新区陆家嘴 /北京市朝阳区朝外大街 /成都市武侯区临江西路 /沈阳市和平区青年大街' W3 }. C6 G! t  e
& Q$ _4 _/ S$ R9 R5 q) v
Statistical Programmer        1 F4 V) A* u' C

1 G1 t- r: l. T' R0 w* V1. The Statistical Programmer works closely with Data Operation groups to support various programming activities related to the statistical analysis and reporting of clinical study data;

2 r7 w( E8 f2 D
2. Ensure compliance with WSOPs/Guidelines, ICH-GCP and any other applicable local and international regulations and participate in internal/external audits and regulatory inspections as required, Use efficient programming techniques to produce high quality derived datasets, tables, figures and data listings.
5 L- g% J5 Z% t- l) h- p. |8 n/ j任职要求:2 |. z+ `8 c0 X7 |# x" h; D
1. Educated to BS or above degree level in the relevant discipline is preferred or equivalent work experience. (Statistics, Pharmacy, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Biological science, or other health-related discipline preferred);
2. Experience in SAS; Good in written and oral English;
3. Demonstrate ability to learn new systems and function in an evolving technical environment;
4. Attention to detail.
6 C6 x- s; P. r9 I; F. h! h9 Q# ?) {, c! ?
职位2:Biostatistician9 f$ G! G  ^  W: Y% O0 k# i

8 J  }! w7 E" Y# u  q' m% F1. Perform statistical analyses under close supervision.
2. Assist in the production of statistical reports and statistical sections of integrated clinical reports;
3. Check own work in an ongoing manner to ensure first-time quality;
4. Communicate process improvement ideas within the department;
5. Travel to, attend and actively contribute to all kind of client meetings as appropriate (e. g. presenting and discussing study results accompanying the Biostatistics Lead);
6. Additional responsibilities as defined by supervisor/manager.
# j5 S/ c' S) K3 f/ Y! t  E; B9 |任职要求
3 `8 {0 }# ^/ k6 G& w
1. Above Master in Statistics or related discipline entry level;
2. Good analytical skills;
3. Attention to detail;
4. Prior experience with SAS programming desirable;
5. Competent in written and oral English in addition to local language.

4 d" B# U6 O7 {& [7 H: f
1 a6 O2 Z7 R/ K$ U! a' B


参与人数 1钢镚 +100 收起 理由
Epi-FR + 100 积极发布原创帖子内容,再接再厉!


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