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留月心 发表于 2014-7-28 12:33:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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有时候侥幸的成功真的比失败更可怕,我希望带给大家的也是踏实的感受,这也是我一直实践的,也可能是大家还比较认同我的原因吧!阅读的时候一定是:定位替换排除!千万不要太在意现在的正确率,一定要淡定的分析每个题目为什么对,为什么错,踏实的走每一步。今天的题目01年第二篇文章的第一题!  ~9 B6 l6 Y* A/ w, d& c
7 r9 f4 }4 W: l1 ^* e. [2 y

: K& P/ j3 j5 r1 o4 |A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide — the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. And that divide does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide. There are reasons to be optimistic.0 O5 J+ `% I% ]. H2 L: E0 p! i+ P

, _! O5 n: [, x0 m% [: J
! l- N; ^8 E6 o# h0 t55. Digital divide is something ________." {  ~6 [& w! C- ~
- Z4 y9 ^9 ?$ G2 Y

. u/ }, @/ s  X" k6 E& V) Q8 }9 z[A] getting worse because of the Internet
  c0 `# N% l7 t6 {! Q/ D. J6 P( C9 F
1 E7 b; N, ^5 g& m: M; \) a, W& c0 A' N0 v. B
[B] the rich countries are responsible for$ k* w) `4 |; i5 |+ L7 u7 g

$ x# c* y* V6 h' J! G( [0 T( ~# g! e% F
[C] the world must guard against
0 w2 ?. s4 s- g4 I# S( f" j. x5 h; J0 G1 O0 y7 C
$ l+ O; O" _# n! X
[D] considered positive today
; p+ i8 o" A2 h. L# U0 r" T& o4 G7 j6 t  F2 n, l: r

) o; K# |7 P- k" rA great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide — the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. And that divide does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide. There are reasons to be optimistic.
- `- `  R, e( S7 h: S' U- [9 ~. j, d4 W* m$ |/ y2 ^: r1 a* X
2 g6 M" m& @0 M, q6 w( a& F
8 Q* I7 a8 ]: }, }' ~
, _$ A6 }) q8 I) G2 X8 d
" |* n: }* D4 j& X9 r# Z. m; @55. Digital divide is something ________.1 L' ~# D' C) v

# |3 y+ f6 `& G0 r# R( B/ V" T2 P) F  Z: b
[A] getting worse because of the Internet0 r- q6 Z& N2 A8 [

8 J  {0 C& j+ N2 C3 }" i* X# P1 N0 y. \3 s$ z
[B] the rich countries are responsible for
8 O8 Y- v* f" Q& u: V2 _  J9 W+ \8 W0 O" R, L* V0 z
: ]& o4 k, A( ~( m& ~( O: v
[C] the world must guard against; I- Z% ?% a6 d3 b

' M3 \+ p+ u# p1 U0 N, r! @
6 W+ ~' J. |2 Q[D] considered positive today
9 a, ]3 [% q6 P8 i* N6 b% [7 O: W* i# m/ M" Y

& e" S  R8 `& k# h+ e题型识别:细节题. ]  Q* J: B( Z9 v( |

% n$ N) ?+ B' s% y0 n! c  h: o( }1 H% B9 G4 y6 H
题干定位:定位第一段# n! {) \: Z2 S+ d' Y1 E/ {

4 ^# _% ]5 X- N# R
# ~3 M2 y  v5 h" ~: M. ]3 y思路解析:精读原文的答案来源句:
1 M" G/ ~1 g6 B7 l; B( f9 D
9 ?2 B1 C  O7 r) C1 C9 V: e7 X- {; n0 @3 V$ f3 ?% A
第一句:简单介绍什么是信息差异  W3 S" e/ g* ^4 b6 V. l+ c

/ Q7 n6 W! ]) Z4 y# a" K& h& h  L8 Y  J- \! ]  p
: |& i: {- {- l% O; g" y, _' k  ~
! }7 z! T1 Q4 J; i: f. t6 I0 d  [) i! L$ W
第三句:重点掌握:looming (隐约的)danger2 ^  R* d# Q0 B! X$ I. n) B
( c& e! y- }) H* z  F

3 e/ j% a; Y$ |1 e最后两句不是讲信息差异了而是对抗信息差异的力量。
# E9 E% x3 C* ^% v$ s# R9 h8 i( v* K* x

* Z8 w! c+ \/ w, A2 N$ K7 f% I- b2 I* n选项分析:A.因果错误。并且第一段中没有谈到互联网的问题。
, e! \: M1 ^5 G9 M" N  J' qB.强加因果,常识干扰,认为坏事都是富国干的,这是不对的。
' [8 y: P8 ?- [. b- x4 A  L, z$ w' \# X
1 U$ a/ p9 [& r4 E7 q# U, k3 p' G
C.文中谈到是危险,那么就应该去防范。(同意改写)正确答案9 r& s& F; f3 ^% I% ]

7 g7 @4 I+ p% W  T/ q
# X, X) B$ K+ Z, vguard 有两个意思,一个是保护,一个是防范,不同的搭配意思也不一样。
& m9 i2 Y% K) l. N1 |# |: ~# \2 |5 W, m4 r; T) ^* G$ X8 C

8 }& r' m  p; O: uD.“对抗信息差异的力量”才被认为是正面的。偷换了主语,所以不对。! Z) O( T( L" N4 G3 E


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