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留月心 发表于 2014-7-15 10:21:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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考研阅读中有这样一句话:The things that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest potential for loss and disappointment. 成长就必须面对这样的事情,; n' R8 \6 K3 J( j
敢于面对可能的失败,不惧怕前进路上的风雨,保有你对幸福的向往,保持你的倔强和骄傲,回望时你就能对曾经的自己微笑!9 A% _2 C' a  s
9 ?. r* @* R: {8 i! d) i" q3 W
0 v* r: L0 K1 M0 P) G2 u
今天的句子很有意思,不长但是需要仔细思考,别急着看解析,好好地看一看!& Q1 `; j. B/ ]4 N. s) }5 B) G# z
. K8 ]/ o0 Z7 s " @/ V9 e, T- k  ^. a
The sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.
9 u/ r1 B& j; X' ]" g; A# u/ B" G" d词汇突破:sex ratio性别比率. w5 e2 g: b% q- b+ ?
be favored 受到亲睐5 {6 ]- C1 b* Z$ h/ C
descendant 后代
7 F& V5 c6 _7 ]5 y, \0 @gene copies transmitted 被传播的基因份数9 h9 p# V6 z) j/ l& a' q) H
主干分析:The sex ratio will be favored& B( o6 ?! T/ ^! R
其他成分:whichmaximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. 定语从句修饰the sex ratio
9 a( R5 x5 P9 M+ N6 _+ [* E微观分析: 1.定语从句中套一个定语从句:which maximizes thenumber of descendants (that)an individualwill have. 定语从句中宾语的that被省略了, e2 l( P2 m6 f$ G/ H" Y
          2.And 连接两个number; (hence 是状语在找并列的时候可以忽视)
  H& ~& u, @  @. l" O1 l           补全就是:which maximizes the number of…and (maximizes) the number of…;
& t3 O& W+ \( {4 C9 v  Y' X; D+ }参考译文:这种性别比率将会受到青睐,这种性别比率能够最大化个体所拥有的后代数目,而且因此可以最大化被传播的基因份数。9 I+ v; u/ d- [
3 ~. b5 D9 Q. N# W经济学人原句:; P' Y) o+ s6 o7 M6 o) o: V
Opinionsare furiously divided as to whether the unintended harm causedby health reform will outweigh its benefits.
2 N# Z6 `! \$ I0 `8 o4 A句型:$ o- `) [$ N: X" @- I
Opinions are furiously divided as towhether the unintended harm caused by A will outweigh its benefits.
" P  V4 U+ @; s, ^9 j仿写例句:
. S/ G4 }5 N$ i6 iOpinions are furiously divided as towhether the unintended harm caused by the Internet will outweigh its benefits.
1 u9 a$ H' k" Y9 K0 G/ V4 w, |互联网所带来的意想不到的害处是否会比其带来的益处更大,人们的看法非常不同。

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