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留月心 发表于 2014-4-8 11:42:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2 ~5 }1 D8 a5 q6 _8 S& l: ?* _2 ~0 i3 `对于独立主格结构我们在课堂中讲了很多次了,很多同学也都能熟练的掌握了。非常好! 这种结构在考研的文章中是很常见的;处理的方法就是直接还原为一句子。之前一期经济学人的文章中谈到了人工智能(artificial intelligence) ,在军事上的应用最成熟的就是drone(无人机)。其中有个句子就是这样的。: i4 t. k8 |! V
With ever fewer soldiers in combat zones,there is less need for bomb disposal and the like.
" t7 T7 h6 Z( s
) t! ]1 M2 y( r( g# w% I+ Y8 r% |1. With ever fewer soldiers incombat zones=ever fewer soldiers are in combat zones.
3 z! y! f2 k8 S! J7 DEver没有实际含义,用了就是显得拽,不用翻译。* q( j( ~) Q) }6 d% T
(在战区的士兵比以前少了。)& a: x6 R4 ?5 S/ q1 D' a

; l* U3 Q% \$ p' P6 f" W6 e好吧上今天的句子吧。
" ^" B* ?& E; p9 D
But,for a small group of students, professional training might be the way to go since well-developed skills, all other factors being equal, can be the difference between having a job and not.

% M: F; a! e- C; C  w% v9 G【词汇突破】 professional training:职业训练
. n$ A8 A; D/ b% v- S# ^& A$ ^. d% T5 j) U2 h9 r3 m
【主干识别】 professional training might be the way to go 加原因状语从句。. ^( |6 ^! Z9 |8 x; g: d0 I% l

" `' l& S4 V# K* S【其他成分】for a small group of students 介词短语做状语;since well-developed skills, all other factors being equal, can be the difference between having a job and not.原因状语从句。' A! b9 m% \" {5 `- }" Q9 S

& Y  c) `; i( ~2 Q7 G3 A/ \【微观解析】原因状语从句的主干为:since skill can be the difference between having a job or not. all other factors being equal独立主格结构的插入语,还原为一个句子则是:all other factors are equal.
1 ~4 o, h$ ^" P* W5 D1 V% R
- j$ L. l. c% a0 Y【难点揭秘】这个句子的结构是一个典型的长短相错,利用状语,插入语将主从句主干分割开来,建议试着仿写。由于插入语的原因,寻找主干时需要注意主从句各自的主语与动词相对应。1 h& K4 _2 Z% ~9 ?5 k- w# V

# c3 B, T9 H" L( c! u: w- l8 F【译文赏析】但是,对一个小部分学生来说,职业教育也是条可取的路径。因为在其他因素相同的情况下,技能的娴熟是得到工作与否的关键。
4 O" l/ J+ c$ y/ Z0 Z, M& B$ ^/ l, i5 [6 T& R# Y6 ]


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