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留月心 发表于 2014-3-26 11:45:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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What做关系代词=something that或者somebody that1 u* r! @3 h& O6 t5 O, c
7 w0 J9 k" X5 L/ p
有些句子还原成something that或者somebody that确实更好理解一些,但是如果你直接就能理解,你就当我没说,算我嘴欠。
6 N! {* t/ `0 R* H: V9 J( l7 z* f2 y' j
  h: U- t3 b. R* _& u9 K) ]. l8 y" K, m$ E1 Y; ~
* W0 U+ I3 l2 f* N) J
1.A higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught.=A higher proportion of something that is in the sea is being caught.& a7 K  w' ~3 A$ [
( 根据上下文语境something= fish)
/ c; W5 p9 l1 ^' O- `1 z! R  d5 _+ i9 ]! ?
2.Those activities become what he calls "electronic heroin".=Those activities become something that he calls “electronic heroin”.
* I, {+ d( H, B- j' h. w8 x(根据上下文语境something=activities)$ J9 }% v% e5 \( N
% o' z' p1 m/ p) p* U! o
3. Perhaps they should read what he had to say about drugs.=Perhaps they should read something that he had to say about drugs.
, z2 C) \  ]9 }0 {& [' z9 N(根据上下文语境something=something)0 M9 X. |+ w/ q
9 s/ y  A/ s9 [! h# Q
4.Physicians too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified.=Physicians too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond something that is scientifically justified.
2 T3 M( p" r" c1 a(根据上下文语境something=something)4 z& H% d* y" S& X7 U/ ^1 Z
5 K4 Y+ P# |+ Q% S
5.There are limits to what a society can spend in this pursuit.=There are limits to something that a society can spend in this pursuit.
2 A7 U- b1 ^( Y, d/ h) E(根据上下文语境something=something)
3 L9 G6 ]' K( F# D* Q( Z* A0 @7 k% r+ _
( o, O( G4 n8 e) x
1.海洋中更高比例的鱼被捕捞了。(之前以为只捕捞了总量的20%的鱼,现在知道其实是80%)5 b; G, b" o" _) S6 m. W3 b& G
! c  g: c+ x9 n  x% B6 _3.可能,他们应该阅读一些他关于毒品(药品)的论述。2 Z# P- e7 a8 b( N. R; r. M4 G2 `
' M' X5 A2 ^2 Y4 ~3 J6 l& G' t. j5.一个社会能在这种追求上所花的(资源)是有限的。
5 y& T. A2 u3 \+ c% t


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