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[公告] 上海生物统计学术论坛2012年第2次活动:2012年7月13日,华东师范大学

epiman 发表于 2012-7-9 22:07:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Shanghai Biostatistics Forum (SBF) 2nd event 2012
. ]4 V& w2 M$ o$ r+ din Collaboration with thhe DIA Statisttics SIAC (Sppecial Interestt Area Commmunity) # }/ A( u% U4 G9 @5 E) O
9 a  p. ], I  B: D2 U
Date and Time: Friday, July 13, 2012, 1:30pm--5:30pm ) Y, b$ y6 g; O5 B

! G& c8 I* B% G8 E' V' O7 ~9 GTheme:Innovative Trial Design and Analysis8 o# X5 ]7 N) e) Y3 `
6 ?% L; k, p0 \1 y+ Z( C
Locall Sponsors: East China Normal University and Merck Reesearch Laborratories Asia R&D Center + o. R' }4 G& b6 K" P9 P. m( G

( T" m% h# S& Y; y( d2 Y" q. }Attenndee: Open to everyone who is interessted
9 z2 e5 G+ _5 S" ^7 G+ b' i' ^* K+ A5 `; A  f( Z
Web site and mailing list announcement:Dr Zibao Zhang, PPD Inc2 s- ?; w) t* E# U6 I
Local organizer and contacts:Dr Yingchun Zhou
' A1 Z" W0 y' C: FDepartment of Statistics and Actuarial Science & Biostatistics Center East China Normal University
/ m5 M  ?2 P! h+ STel: 130241222588 n6 \3 L0 u$ }

5 @$ L* Q7 i; ]: n% I/ {" s- i7 q承办单位:华东师范大学统计与精算学系,生物统计中心
7 n# J9 h! u. x  Y. V9 ^会议地点:华东师范大学(中山北路3663 号)理科大楼A 楼510.
% s' `- L, j" }- d# QDirection:6 v; J$ ^& H. G4 `: W  Q
1) By Metro Line 2: stop Zhongshan Park Station, then Taxi (~11RMB) or Bus 67, 765 to ECNU
* d0 r& x/ U, F- q8 U2) By Metro Line 3 or 4: stop Jinshajiang Road Station, then 10 mins walk to ECNU
- ~+ M4 H, _3 o2 t% T3) By Bus: please consult www.mapbar.com
5 M: T* m4 f& V  m" a/ P7 P3 r交通:
! I- c& q/ K3 j; N, h7 a1、轨道2 号线: 至中山公园站下,转乘公交76 路,765 路等到华东师大,或出租车10 分钟到华东师大正门( S" E4 b: ~- Y" T' t1 N
2、轨道3 或4 号线:至金沙江路站下,步行10 分钟到华东师大正门。
9 v) n7 b* U( h. |3、公交:请咨询www.mapbar.com$ G- O! [2 P" Q% [3 o


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liurunzhong 发表于 2012-7-11 21:21:04 | 显示全部楼层

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