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[公告] 世卫组织称长期用手机可能致癌 建议青少年慎用

iavjssssmqee 发表于 2011-6-2 10:28:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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世界卫生组织下属的国际癌症研究中心联合发表报告称,一些癌症(特别是神经胶质瘤)与手机可能有联系,而神经胶质瘤是脑癌的一种。至于其它类型的癌症是否与手机有联系则无法确定。" w; i; n' G4 g  D% {7 M( \
  国际癌症研究中心当天发表声明说,这是由31名科学家组成的一个工作组得出的结论。过去一周,这个工作组在法国里昂评估了暴露在射频电磁场环境中人和动物等所受健康影响的大量过往研究资料,并认为基于现有的有限数据,长期、高强度使用无线通信设备“可能导致”罹患神经胶质瘤。' p9 h; n/ |8 [, Y' c/ j5 O: ?
  国际癌症研究中心将手机划为2B类别,也就是“有限影响”类别,工作组董事长、南加州大学教授、奥巴马总统国家癌症顾问委员会成员萨米特( Jonathan Samet)在声明中说:“可能有风险,我们需要对手机和癌症的联系进行进一步的观察。”汽油、咖啡、船用柴油机燃料都是2B类别,2B类别的东西则是指对癌症有一些风险的东西。6 p1 @5 I3 v- Y* L
+ f( h5 ^8 |. p2 t4 N  一是微波加热现象对人体组织的危害。使用过微波炉的人会注意到,当特定的电磁波辐射到含有水分的食品上时,食物温度将上升。部分科学家怀疑,在使用手机时,辐射出的电磁波会加热人体组织,并造成伤害。
3 d3 _5 r; y4 ?' Y& s; \  二是非加热情况下电磁波的伤害。对此,科学家曾做过的具体研究又分两种。首先是电磁波可能引起血管收缩。瑞典林雪平大学物理学家塞内里乌斯发现,细胞内的水分子带有极弱的电性,并由此构成了细胞之间的引力。这种引力通常极为微弱,但在手机电磁场的影响下会急剧增强。塞内里乌斯推测,这种变化足以引起人体血管收缩,并造成伤害。" @% V1 _" }3 R( g, G# M% |8 G1 J% N
  虽然部分调查结果认为,使用手机与癌症之间没有因果关系,但面对潜在威胁,最好的应对方法之一还是作好预防。在诸多预防措施中,世界卫生组织和多国政府都特别强调的是,青少年应该慎用手机。青少年的耳朵和颅骨比成年人更小、更薄,他们在使用手机时,脑部吸收的辐射比成年人要高出50%。5 V/ h5 c4 m3 ^* b( s+ {1 W4 d
+ L8 v1 `1 n" p1 @, o2 m) c: C% T
$ W5 E& v/ H9 _7 D& S8 t

* E/ p7 G( k6 a# _/ C; \* c% H5 r: Z+ w! [" _8 X9 O4 w4 I% Z

0 a+ Q( a2 S5 F1 I" Q/ Ohttp://health.dzwww.com/jkxw/jrxw/201106/t20110602_6394325.htm# W* M* s& d% ^* o) Y6 F
 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2011-6-2 10:30:17 | 显示全部楼层
Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism' R# c% z. |$ ~5 c% j( o

7 z) b4 q3 N9 F+ i! |. ]* lConclusions In healthy participants and compared with # y3 _) A* o: h, u
no exposure, 50-minute cell phone exposure was associated with increased brain * I+ D6 m3 ]+ i1 x
glucose metabolism in the region closest to the antenna. This finding is of 5 r/ N1 w* s/ |& N3 B3 k( m( i2 E
unknown clinical significance. 3 W0 S/ M9 Z. _6 T! l

% R$ V7 i) N0 m! }* Z* F* I
3 a( u  H/ j, z) S( P" Z+ [
* @  D6 ~' _  B" N6 U- ^8 Q. V
( E0 ^& p7 m0 d+ O" w4 {/ R手机影响脑细胞却未必一定致癌' k. L0 N- x% H: f. r" l
) t3 Z( }1 m2 u( V, u" \
% k0 J* ]& E1 A+ ^4 r6 S9 ]
. T. P1 ^% @8 G美国国家卫生院的研究人员指出,此项研究尚无法断定手机辐射会导致脑癌。
2 L) s4 B# N& E# |, V% C- F! P
0 F/ v: u; ]" ^8 V' B卫生院的医生沃尔高说:“我们发现,最接近天线的脑部葡萄糖代谢(脑活动征兆)增加。”
* z" g  Z+ _0 Z8 K2 ]4 \: F
5 n9 n$ I% W+ [$ C+ [此项研究的重点是确定脑部对无线电话产生的电磁场的反应。沃尔高说,脑部对此微弱的电磁场有反应,让她觉得惊讶。但她说,研究并未能让他们了解,使用手机会否引发癌症。) ]' G: T0 u. x3 d0 k, ~% K
9 w4 w  t. B. `+ Q# H2 B
自上世纪八十年代手机面世以来,全球在使用的手机已达约50亿部。+ i( ^- y# |* X  C% z6 L6 m) K3 X
2 |" j$ a( ]3 ]4 i( m1 U7 {4 s1 ?
有些研究显示,使用手机会提高使用者患脑癌的风险,但世界卫生组织进行的调查并未得出这样的结论。; _3 x, @$ H7 F, |+ m
7 [  j( w2 @) z+ X9 G) ~# r
3 M4 x% s2 |" d$ o6 Z" m( f" C
+ F6 u8 |' T, S# ~8 w研究报告说,手机开着时,最接近手机天线的脑部,脑葡萄糖代谢率增加了7%;手机关着的一边,没有此现象。葡萄糖代谢增加,是脑细胞在活动的征兆。
6 l, a+ p, D$ M& k0 f3 l3 I1 i
% d# |* N3 g" h( W2 q& N: Q报告说:“研究结果显示,人脑对手机的射频电磁场(radiofrequency-modulated 0 X% Q1 V/ P8 I# P% g( W
electromagnetic # Q5 @% B4 G- |& E, E
7 w2 W4 [1 |: G3 U8 f6 a7 \8 V- g1 ?" H: A
报告说,就手机使用与脑癌诱发进行的流行病学研究,没有得出一致的结果。6 {" k- ]- R2 [9 @' Q  |: R: }+ g/ k
' l  b7 h3 \5 M

使用道具 举报

 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2011-6-2 10:30:55 | 显示全部楼层
( A( d0 v1 t7 G7 X3 p
  G2 _: _. {$ Y4 {  Y+ v: v(***) – The 2005 movie “Thank You for Smoking,” which ( _: a( i; q, h
follows the travails of a media spin doctor for Big Tobacco, ends with our
1 C1 w. R8 q3 Gantihero in a boardroom of a new industry client. “So be straight with me – is 3 n2 L; E5 k0 w  X- I
it true?” he asks the executives in the room.# v2 k# T  ^2 t7 A/ o

, Y/ I; O  K- ~Muddled, nervous crosstalk ensues until the PR guru raises his hand.
. B) c. C# L' j& l6 y+ w" f
3 i% x8 I. d1 n, k: ~, [& `“Look, gentlemen – practice these words in front of the mirror: ‘Although we
. E% U3 M6 t" [" M. ^are constantly exploring the subject, currently there is no evidence that links
! c7 P! Y+ v' e- ^# N, E1 y( Icell phone usage to brain cancer’.”
8 Q& Q: {! B9 t$ U8 P1 w' z# V) V0 |7 N& r' B
The executives audibly sigh with relief.8 |3 V( p. [5 e2 A
9 E% F. ?0 s  D" s, N
They aren’t sighing today. On Tuesday the 4 U5 L) A5 L) ]( Y. {
World Health Organization announced that mobile phones are now being
6 K# B0 E1 M" N  U8 ucategorized as a “possible carcinogen.” The European Environmental Agency has , D- j9 R, m. ?: Z% F" e. @
pushed for more studies, saying cell phones could be as big a public health risk + U" U. Z: t  X
as smoking, asbestos and leaded gasoline.
* K9 I' }. }, c4 z# t* _+ d
9 W  ]5 ~; t. G9 AThe impact is potentially huge: According to a July
& Q0 Y2 {2 T0 l1 zstudy by Ericsson showed there were 5 billion cell phone subscriptions
& q" G( T. z$ b: B+ zworldwide – compared to about 720 million in 2000.
; e8 l4 D7 u4 ^) o4 R/ [3 B8 ?* Q1 \$ `1 @) b; O- @# ]) i1 b. W# Y- d
Wireless industry was quick to respond, with the CTIA-The Wireless - a0 j5 p+ q" M& M
Association responded to Tuesday's announcement saying it "does not mean cell
; {8 X5 V4 D1 v1 ~! ~$ Fphones cause cancer,” adding the WHO “did not conduct any new research, but
% H( J4 j4 F6 r! y' W' trather reviewed published studies."5 D4 l& m- Z0 S0 D! N# V* [
& E) w3 I# y, J: N$ s- h, a2 y
The group $ `6 D" s( h5 i2 W
writes: “IARC (the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer) + Y) u/ s& v! ~3 Y8 L8 I
conducts numerous reviews and in the past has given the same score to, for
: p# f' V- K! {" N. ^# j: Eexample, pickled vegetables and coffee … Under IARC rules, limited evidence from
9 m" q" e( e2 i' Lstatistical studies can be found even though bias and other data flaws may be 4 \% ?! ~3 @, w/ R- Z4 S  R
the basis for the results.”
9 v. a3 M' L1 W% F, p! R. n4 C* X  j
" p! |  G  R/ w2 d' G" tThe manufacturers of handsets have already positioned themselves on this * [" A$ O9 g6 `7 Z1 T' h
contentious issue. The Apple iPhone 4 safety manual says users' radiation
3 @" {: l! V7 Vexposure should not exceed FCC guidelines: "When using iPhone near your body for 6 }6 ~' w2 @2 l' T' X# L3 p
voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network, keep $ |0 ^% Z) K7 Z( ?  A% Z
iPhone at least 15 millimeters (5/8 inch) away from the body."
- P0 r- ~/ I$ k
, J5 x9 l1 h+ N; `, v. NBlackBerry Bold advises users to "keep the BlackBerry device at least 0.98 ( s& A# o) ?3 m2 h3 L
inch (25 millimeters) from your body when the BlackBerry device is
) G9 t, W4 |( ]3 G0 v+ Btransmitting."
& q7 [3 n2 J0 u  u, b+ X
! E5 Q, e- M4 g! {' ?: K# {& ]The idea is to create space that reduces direct contact with radiation, ) C4 K8 Q4 J! R0 z2 [
especially the head. Experts 5 g& m0 g0 C& u/ s: G* `# J
also suggest using speakerphone or an earpiece for calls.: u; t* L9 ]( t9 X2 ]6 ^- h! ]

/ W9 O9 I! a6 \2 {+ e+ l8 k3 XBut with the growing chorus from medical circles of a perceived threat, could
  @7 \* _/ \& y( n- u* k+ l: {the WHO’s announcement be a watershed moment such as the 1964 U.S. Surgeon
) g- K& y9 R6 T1 b6 X; rGeneral’s report on the cancer risk of smoking? Could a raft of class action ' t# S- v  R7 M
lawsuits hit the industry as the tobacco industry saw in the 1990s?
: }0 ^; ?+ ?4 _8 Q1 n2 ]9 f/ P) S; F9 b* K7 u9 c- t( l
; s0 D+ v, m- S7 M9 |; m

使用道具 举报

 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2011-6-2 10:31:14 | 显示全部楼层
No Change in Brain Tumor Incidence During a Time When
# g: Q: f* N) H4 T1 H; aCell Phone Usage Increased1 S: F4 O. ]: O
There was no substantial change in brain tumor incidence among adults / z$ H# e: L  ~2 i/ }+ }; I
5 to 10 years after cell phone usage sharply increased, according to a new brief ) P5 J3 W6 v- u
communication published online December 3 in the Journal of the National
" F3 y/ J9 Y/ g3 T9 _; {' rCancer Institute.
3 }& ^  k6 M& z  v# A8 XAlthough cell phone use has been proposed as a risk factor for brain
0 Z6 b% y& c  x# t7 @3 L2 Stumors, a biological mechanism to explain this association is not known.
. T4 b( R! w3 K1 q5 qIsabelle Deltour, Ph.D., of the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology,
+ K2 x5 W* o1 f' [7 ^Danish Cancer Society, in Copenhagen, and colleagues analyzed annual incidence
: Q! T, [3 {( @6 t7 v/ ?rates of glioma and meningioma among adults aged 20–79 years from Denmark,
5 |( @( B9 U: w& e+ S# MFinland, Norway, and Sweden. Researchers identified 60,000 patients who were 8 n) H: H# r2 s, h
diagnosed with these types of brain tumors between 1974 and 2003. ) L! K, B2 ]% X: t
The researchers found that incidence rates over this 30 year-period
( }, h) P. x  ywere stable, decreased, or continued a gradual increase that started before the
# w/ d8 n, r& Xintroduction of cell phones. They also found no change in incidence trends in
1 o' y$ t. |" pbrain tumors from 1998 to 2003. The authors say this finding may be due to one ; i/ B4 {& D  k! ~! u+ i& i
of several reasons: that the induction period relating cell phone use to brain 0 I" x! g  ^& x/ `9 N
tumors exceeds 5–10 years; that the increased risk in this population is too 1 s# J7 E! _4 q7 U
small to be observed; that the increased risk is restricted to subgroups of 1 v3 p, V3 Q% _! Z. T
brain tumors or cell phone users; or that there is no increased risk. # o7 D. V: \3 A6 `" ]: {
The authors did not assess cell phone usage at the individual level
  n6 q. h' q; {" zduring this time period, only brain tumor incidence.9 {. r) Z0 k/ r3 m9 t6 `6 f/ n
“Because of the high prevalence of mobile phone exposure in this
  e6 n, m9 C  n0 apopulation and worldwide, longer follow-up of time trends in brain tumor
- k9 R4 M4 p9 Bincidence rates are warranted,” the authors write.
% S* a. v; Q" m" j
' ~* u+ K# P4 H* f7 B3 a, c* ~7 M# k
Next Section[/url]
2 }1 ^7 c) E* V3 \, z; \Contacts:$ s  D& {: `. U: y2 q3 W4 m1 B9 {8 y

# b( S: W7 ~" A( }( yDanish Cancer Society: Helle Falborg, hfa@cancer.dk, +45 35257520 : K% U; q1 n" W5 u3 w# y

: W! ]" h0 E1 USTUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority: Riikka
6 i; n0 N+ H0 }" v  VLaitinen-Sorvari,
7 ]3 a. Q+ o  p' t" K1 I& p: j; Y
& @. ]6 y( H% ~) ^Karolinska Institutet: Katarina Sternudd, katarina.sternudd@ki.se, 08-524 838 / z5 v$ j/ K0 T
% O' y7 f1 x1 W' o- f2 ^
4 e/ S! @6 g7 g' J* H8 j" TNorwegian Protection Radiation Authority: Dag Fedoy, dag.andreas.fedoy@nrpa.no, +47
  K2 Y$ A& F0 X: |" w2 V67162550
8 p$ w. l+ _$ t/ ^( ~5 J8 j3 X4 {0 e% q. T1 P, u/ l7 Q! A9 Q
2 j$ X1 g! {- e) A: k7 y; S8 K. T$ a+ s! a# C1 x' r
0 \0 ~7 r& d& e# A. Z) e* s' C
9 s+ H3 A9 _& a& V" u3 i7 u% S据报道,丹麦癌症协会自1974年到2003年间,在丹麦、芬兰、挪威、瑞典四国20岁到79岁人群当中进行了大规模、长时间的调查,调查结果于本周四发表在丹麦《国家癌症研究院期刊》上。此项研究时间跨度长达30年之久,几乎涵盖斯堪的纳维亚半岛的全部1600万成年人口,是一项大型的调查研究。
4 ?9 g6 ~: \' ^2 @/ E! i+ G
# s& J& H2 a- {  m( R丹麦癌症协会在北欧四国调查罹患神经胶质瘤和脑膜瘤这两种脑瘤人群的年发病率。这些国家均有较完善的癌症患者登记记录。调查显示,在这30年里,有近6万人被诊断出脑瘤。3 b3 W0 Y$ v- D1 H* W& s, g
' B& X0 b8 U+ r& }+ O+ g
8 {- s0 z( n# M) K& ?' X8 `) {3 G. C. L
! d! ]0 \3 @5 }' R# F9 A
4 v$ _% ~8 {. m! g( ?: h不过,研究者确实发现北欧地区人们罹患脑瘤的机率有稳步小幅上升趋势,但该趋势是从1974年开始的,那时离手机问世还很远。
6 L& ?2 y0 S6 y0 E5 S
+ M, u" o# p9 _[url]http://paper.sciencenet.cn//htmlpaper/20091215101822298024.shtm
" e( c) W8 h6 w, {/ A

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