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[公告] SBF 2nd Event 2011 |Tue June 14 2:00pm-5:30pm | East China Normal University

epiman 发表于 2011-6-1 11:24:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Shanghai Biostatistics Forum (SBF) 2nd Event 2011 |Tue June 14 2:00pm-5:30pm | East China Normal University; p/ A# i( Y. V
1 |7 \1 {0 X( G1 M8 c$ Y3 P( V# |( p
Dear colleagues,
6 t9 ]3 }8 e8 ?: b& ~7 R 9 H( I$ A) g6 R4 G
The SBF 2nd event on Bayes Methods in Biostatistics will take place on 6/14. It's open to everyone who is interested (free of charge). Please find attached the agenda.
6 W. V* z9 O$ E/ T; I1 D
2 [6 @8 P; E& G# p3 `Look forward to seeing some of you then!' G. `, F( l, P7 Q
( ]: B! F/ H1 H! T, P
best regards," C7 D$ Y5 M  e/ _- f# P/ R( U; m

" I9 s/ t% B' |2 ~2 X--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ |$ D8 I' E  Q  m  s; |" zDate and Time:   
+ t: @' [. y" H$ g5 S  oTue, June 14, 2011, 2:00pm-5:30 pm  
, m& Q- b" ^5 `Location:
* A1 W) D# U# M( e# A2 z逸夫楼学术活动中心报告厅  华东师范大学中山北路校区
% C3 g. L/ R- `: i" J4 SAuditorium Hall, Yifu Building, East China Normal University
, i; ^$ E$ \! l2 J" M" b3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai 200062 (see direction below)
" t9 L$ T8 Y% j  ]" t
) h, G1 {1 i: ?- g! M" x" s! HLocal Sponsor: ! G% q7 G5 L+ m+ E; G
School of Finance and Statistics, Biostatistics Center   i8 H9 [9 F1 ]- U

: W: y. y; w7 a$ uAttendee: " c& ^" `/ H# r1 \2 E5 O" X
Open to everyone who is interested.   U, G) M9 X1 y9 B7 e1 H2 T

, Q9 D6 l8 O& I, t% d1 FTheme:  7 U+ c' D) B- I" V
Bayes Methods in Biostatistics  
" A5 j3 [+ x: G# H3 @/ Y% B9 s% a9 oAgenda:  # J0 `3 B, i  O9 @
- y9 f, n2 V/ Q5 C. o& `
Introduction and Meeting Facilitation $ X$ q' e* l4 q: F( \
Dr Jin Xu, Deputy director of Biostatistics Center, School of Finance and Statistics, East  6 a0 d2 G. @5 T+ m' O+ I  d1 i
China Normal  University  
" H* h5 q4 v$ J$ a/ f7 P6 N8 l: W) P% m# ~( m# o* R$ ]
Welcome Remarks 6 G/ S  g8 e. V3 p& Y9 v
Professor Rongming Wang, Dean of School of Finance and Statistics, East China Normal University 0 }/ k: [# c# k
  $ n- ^8 s1 B  V; e% G5 `
Presentations: 0 O3 a: B' }- _
1.  Analysis of Vaccine Efficacy Trials: the Need for Bayesian Analysis & G0 g4 u7 S3 }$ o* R" r
Dr Jim Berger,  The Arts and Sciences Professor of Statistics, Department of
: A# V' l2 M* l* ZStatistical Science, Duke University, Honorary Professor of East China Normal University 8 u$ I& Y* T' w# m9 L2 F
" e& }% }# E. @$ ^/ f8 a1 s
2.  Bayesian Analysis for the ECMO Clinical Trial 5 f. o6 K; O, g6 R
Dr Dongchu Sun, Department of Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia and East China Normal University 8 q& M' S' t+ x3 d

/ {& A. H& O4 j+ i: ~: {4 ]3.  A Bayesian futility rule in a large Phase III clinical trial * f' R& ]$ W4 Y) O# w
Dr Dejun Tang, Director of Biometrics, Integrated Information Sciences, Beijing Novartis Pharma Co. Ltd.
' K0 R6 S3 f4 d$ Z0 E' W3 J  . T+ t, |' O2 L6 A
Panel Discussion: Recent trends of Bayes methods in biopharmaceutical research. Q6 b) |' t$ w
! `( p- q' c7 x. k  j9 z5 |/ @$ i
Web site and mailing list announcement:   
, `6 V; f5 h  [1 y: n/ o8 N+ WDr Zibao Zhang, PPD Inc  8 J  T/ R' F. Y- o' h
Mr Zhichao Jin, Second Military Medical University
4 z4 H2 x; {0 Q  `0 Y- ?Local organizer and contacts:
+ R' c0 z( J* v% O# E* zDr Jin Xu
: O5 b( h$ A# G2 D4 e& ]School of Finance and Statistics & Biostatistics Center
/ `2 z) t( e' A% EEast China Normal University ) N& V6 b' H# i* T6 ]9 X
Tel: 13524437147  
  y* C1 S. }* A
9 n% }% d; O6 b) G承办单位:华东师范大学 金融与统计学院,生物统计中心
3 ]& v% B3 v* s. _" c, h4 c  Y会议地点:上海市中山北路 3663号,华东师范大学逸夫楼学术活动中心报告厅 ! X& {9 ?# h* A* b! I
联系电话:13524437147 . Y- y; q( [2 {7 o

& S" I5 Z8 }5 a% RDirection:
$ M, B7 T6 s5 N& c; l+ H& Q1) By Metro Line 2: stop Zhongshan Park Station, then take Taxi (~10 mins) or Bus 67, 765 to  ECNU   
& i4 L% [8 T. L) \5 L. R- Q7 z$ @2) By Metro Line 3 or 4: stop Jinshajiang Road Station, then walk ~10 mins to ECNU  / I8 l$ D! P' w6 I( O- Y5 l7 [  U
3) By Bus: please consult www.mapbar.com ) ?6 r% W9 [0 f
From the front gate to Yifu Building: Walk straight and turn left at Xianfeng Rd, then walk about $ `; H; k8 l5 e5 Z( y
50m. The Yifu Building is on your right hand side. 3 l4 a# w7 y( J- A, y
  6 k! c4 @' a) H
# m3 z# j% |' s/ x1 s" ^5 ]1、轨道 2号线: 至中山公园站下,转乘公交 76路,765路等到华东师大,或出租车 12 r& V! c% z1 s8 D
  O4 K) p: J& S, e9 l2、轨道 3或 4号线:至金沙江路站下,步行 10分钟到华东师大正门。
! h9 o( l/ i6 v2 z# d9 @3、公交:请咨询 www.mapbar.com  
* F1 i; Q) t% o( P8 y; e% O* t从大学正门到逸夫楼学术活动中心:沿正门大路直行至先锋路左转向前 50米。


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 楼主| epiman 发表于 2011-6-13 12:57:01 | 显示全部楼层
The high-level agenda and presentation abstracts are as below.  f5 r7 i' Y+ _$ J7 |, z& O/ W
( O6 b6 {5 p6 Z7 e0 d7 A7 Z
  l1 Q! s# i$ x( L1 t* E; {' ^, w. i  a6 E1 T2 I5 l/ }
§         Introduction and Welcome Remarks
7 j/ ~- G. R8 x8 ~. _0 B5 i' D% T3 g. F1 N# I
§         Presentations:4 n! O0 X0 T' y- P

$ i" n0 [" _6 `$ f/ s5 y# r1.         Analysis of Vaccine Efficacy Trials: the Need for Bayesian Analysis  N$ Z: u0 Q7 ^  @
http://www.sfs.ecnu.edu.cn/Obaye ... 2011-BioBayes-1.pdf * A  E1 k3 q, K; J) `

6 C* X5 f, y# M2 l0 B( {2.         Bayesian Analysis for the ECMO Clinical Trial
( E' x% M7 }" T  b* x1 L/ nhttp://www.sfs.ecnu.edu.cn/Obaye ... 2011-BioBayes-2.pdf6 V7 d; ^* |% g0 h1 N
9 u, }0 u) E$ F
3.         A Bayesian futility rule in a large Phase III clinical trial
$ V& [6 E- o3 ]  i8 w" \# x0 n1 Lhttp://www.sfs.ecnu.edu.cn/Obaye ... 2011-BioBayes-3.pdf" O: B% ]% t1 t" o  m( U
/ D0 u6 s4 c+ L' i: u
§         Panel Discussion: Recent trends of Bayes methods in biopharmaceutical research; }1 |, {. t. A! K9 V! z3 i
9 R1 I! B7 B; {% @2 @2 }

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