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[转载] 为什么戒烟如此困难

感恩0907 发表于 2010-12-14 13:45:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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美国“生命无秘密”网站10日报道:为什么戒烟如此困难?吸一口烟能在几秒钟内迅速将微小的尼古丁颗粒送进大脑。随后尼古丁控制了脑细胞受体,并释放出多巴胺——大脑中感觉良好的化学成分,能给人带来愉悦和舒适的感觉。- c/ q7 i- S0 ^: |1 a: Q0 x
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此外,在过去10年,烟草公司改变了香烟的设计和成分,使它们对第一次吸烟的人更有吸引力,使长期吸烟的人更容易上瘾。变化包括在烟草中加入氨,它将尼古丁变成一种更快达到大脑的形式,并增加了烟嘴中的孔,这使人们能将烟更深地吸入肺部。% A$ `7 A' G& j- Z" p8 I3 b
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Why is smoking so difficult to give up? Inhaling a puff of smoke from a cigarette sends nicotine molecules zooming up into the brain within seconds. Then the nicotine grabs hold of receptors on brain cells and releases dopamine, the brain's feel-good chemical, bringing feelings of pleasure and comfort.6 z2 E0 Z: N8 ?/ H, }0 R. {) g1 C" {- O
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Over the past decade, cigarette companies have made changes to the design and ingredients in cigarettes to make them more alluring to first-time smokers, and more addictive for long-time smokers. These changes include adding ammonia to the tobacco, which converts nicotine into a form that gets to the brain faster, as well as adding holes to cigarette filters that allow people to inhale smoke more deeply into their lungs.
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