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[分享] 欧洲鼠疫源自2600年前的中国(Bubonic Plague Originated in China)

iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-11-2 19:41:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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; s8 h. x/ j  |3 |% L+ Y: q: z0 }: L
6 s2 ~$ j6 ?. U8 U( u: x  根据对鼠疫DNA的排序研究,2600多年前,瘟疫首次在中国爆发,之后经由中亚“丝绸之路”传播至欧洲。6 d3 g1 m$ y6 N7 \! q

; i- e  v( m) z1 m  中古世纪欧洲爆发黑死病,约夺走叁分之一人口性命。长久以来一直有人怀疑,鼠疫源自中国,这项研究为此一论点提供科学证据。' C" {4 m8 [# O' G0 @5 c4 e& t# n* a
, C" P% I: Q1 K- M7 k6 i
  爱尔兰科克大学的艾赫曼领导这项研究,并有来自英国、中国、法国、德国、马达加斯加和美国的科学家参与。5 ^0 D9 F8 v! n0 Y3 V: O$ Q

1 F) o- E  `3 e* @: U# q5 U  THE GIST! l+ ]& Z  @, M6 X+ G. B3 t( G7 K
  The bubonic plague first emerged in China more than 2,600 years ago.$ ~" j* r4 L" q9 y: B6 D

/ U, q: c8 U4 m- E2 g4 G3 r2 o2 n  The disease spread towards Western Europe along the Silk Road, starting more than 600 years ago, and then to Africa.  o, H* k5 F7 w. s* K1 }0 w# o. S

5 g% g% o4 Z4 A  Plague even came to the United States from China via Hawaii in the late 19th century.
' t) P# K+ a5 f' U% t# f0 h" P4 w. Q: Q7 z& R
8 e9 s" B. Y. z6 E" ^8 {  h* {
  The first outbreak of plague occurred in China more than 2,600 years ago before reaching Europe via Central Asia's "Silk Road" trade route, according to a study of the disease's DNA signature.: J; ?. T% l* X% A( g

, J& o8 P) [+ }- ?  The findings flesh out long-held suspicions about the Chinese origins of the plague, which killed an estimated third of Europe's population in the Middle Ages.
1 C  e  I# _- h. P' u( D- u+ T* f0 w1 s5 @6 w8 z
  An international team of scientists sequenced 17 strains of Y. pestis, building a genetic "family tree" of pathogens that mutated from a common ancestor.
) @! J" `9 m4 S) }, ~" Y8 }1 Q' Y* U+ ~( J7 d1 p& _+ `7 V
  "The results indicate that plague appeared in China more than 2,600 years ago," France's Museum of Natural History, which took part in the research, said.: D3 p2 M. g, y5 w6 M- b
0 l6 d# J7 H3 j6 X; g' S
  It then spread towards Western Europe along the Silk Road, starting more than 600 years ago, and then to Africa, probably by an expedition led by Chinese seafarer Zhang He in the 15th century, it said.
; u5 ?9 b4 i: h' v
5 X& w- D( t) F  Plague came to the United States from China via Hawaii in the late 19th century, according to the molecular evidence.( m$ Y1 z9 J4 G

; l! J+ [! E6 V/ Y3 b" Q6 L; D2 I  It arrived in California through the ports of San Francisco and Los Angeles before heading inland.
  q8 K7 e# z0 f7 M, _
/ D# w) X4 [# d) B  "The work highlights specific mutations in the bacterium showing how the germ evolved within given geographical regions," the museum said in a press release. "But it demonstrates in particular that successive epidemic waves originated as a whole in Central Asia and China."4 `0 N; K+ t' X4 t: I
6 U2 p& w+ t$ A, l0 v4 g* I+ X
  The investigation could be useful for tracing the origins of other feared bacteria, including anthrax and tuberculosis, it added.
( n5 S: V( P2 F% b) Y
. n& H5 A! [, I  The study, published online on Sunday by the journal Nature Genetics, was led by Mark Achtman of University College Cork in Ireland. Scientists from Britain, China, France, Germany, Madagascar and the United States also took part.
: Y. n5 }6 j8 l. v3 L6 r+ T
0 ~$ v+ g6 S$ j# s# u) T, J1 f  The natural reservoir for Y. pestis is species of rodents, including rats. The bacterium is transmitted via fleas who take a blood meal from an infected animal and pass it on when they bite a human.
" Y" Y9 i" S; f2 ]2 T  a4 y; S$ N
2 e3 J# C8 W2 R& ?5 s3 n" `  A& @; ~( `  The resulting infection of the lymph glands is called bubonic plague.
, b3 P( P! n  ~/ E4 r4 g
- N, t1 X$ h7 O: n. M: K  L1 t7 M  b/ ^1 A  A more virulent but less common form of the disease is pneumonic plague. It occurs from humans to humans, when someone initially infected with bubonic plague transmits the bacteria through airborne droplets in coughs.
' M/ Q% |' g  _1 E
( [1 n) b6 r4 P3 G, u2 s3 z
, _( R1 o) O0 z" [7 s. `$ R& m, B) w8 }) u/ M( l
3 |, o8 R# z5 }. O0 k4 Z! y* f0 `
% o' ?& z5 a6 x& o  [, A. r
, P& g0 w" f4 M6 s+ J5 A
 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-11-2 19:42:26 | 显示全部楼层
Letter ' a5 z9 V6 R0 t( \4 m

+ n  ~3 `1 q: G4 W; z  Nature Genetics
2 m5 t* p4 v: ~+ }$ a& O, P2 q9 m+ K. A. p
  Published online: 31 October 2010 | doi:10.1038/ng.705
8 {: Z5 Z. B% M' @8 _7 g. ~( j& U. k2 x' i0 [% q8 v7 M
  Yersinia pestis genome sequencing identifies patterns of global phylogenetic diversity" h) c/ ]' Y" t+ v, x, ?  I

  _/ M5 g# h* M1 Z  Giovanna Morelli1,16, Yajun Song2,3,16, Camila J Mazzoni1,3,16, Mark Eppinger4,16, Philippe Roumagnac1,5, David M Wagner6, Mirjam Feldkamp1, Barica Kusecek1, Amy J Vogler6, Yanjun Li2, Yujun Cui2, Nicholas R Thomson7, Thibaut Jombart8, Raphael Leblois9, Peter Lichtner10, Lila Rahalison11, Jeannine M Petersen12, Francois Balloux8, Paul Keim6,13, Thierry Wirth1,9, Jacques Ravel4, Ruifu Yang2, Elisabeth Carniel14 & Mark Achtman1,3,15
$ Y  w+ r2 O; T# t/ ]) i
2 L. L& e- I3 d- o* d$ F  Abstract
' c  c% u" [0 }3 P9 A
+ x+ _. Z+ k9 D4 @% C/ ?" |  Plague is a pandemic human invasive disease caused by the bacterial agent Yersinia pestis. We here report a comparison of 17 whole genomes of Y. pestis isolates from global sources. We also screened a global collection of 286 Y. pestis isolates for 933 SNPs using Sequenom MassArray SNP typing. We conducted phylogenetic analyses on this sequence variation dataset, assigned isolates to populations based on maximum parsimony and, from these results, made inferences regarding historical transmission routes. Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that Y. pestis evolved in or near China and spread through multiple radiations to Europe, South America, Africa and Southeast Asia, leading to country-specific lineages that can be traced by lineage-specific SNPs. All 626 current isolates from the United States reflect one radiation, and 82 isolates from Madagascar represent a second radiation. Subsequent local microevolution of Y. pestis is marked by sequential, geographically specific SNPs.
1 o/ H3 b/ m6 E& V# y4 Fhttp://www.nature.com/ng/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ng.705.html
& H8 K  ]: G6 R7 N) F
8 q8 K  F' s9 _' t) Z6 \8 a% R9 p' f7 |1 l+ u/ b& F
  最新的一项研究:DNA测序显示黑死病 源自古中国。 根据发表在最新一期《自然遗传学》杂志上的报告,来自中国、英国、美国、德国和马达加斯加的科学家,对17组瘟疫病原体鼠疫杆菌的基因进行排序,构建出遗传图谱,发现所有鼠疫杆菌都来自同一个祖先。研究人员称瘟疫在2600年前的中国爆发,600年前透过“丝绸之路”传播到西欧。科学家相信,郑和下西洋时可能把瘟疫带到非洲,导致当地继欧洲之后出现爆发。同时,病原体分子分析显示,19世纪末,瘟疫从中国经夏威夷抵达美国,在旧金山和洛杉矶的港口登岸进入加州,再传播至美洲内陆地区。黑死病是人类历史上最严重的瘟疫之一,这场瘟疫在全世界造成了大约7500万人死亡,根据估计,瘟疫爆发期间的中世纪欧洲约有占人口总数30%的人死于黑死病
! d0 y' T7 [3 H/ z6 r
3 I2 I6 B: J) U/ r: s# t( g, Z- s# e% T8 j; ~( V
8 a5 U; V+ j5 M4 t6 T& Y: {

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-11-2 19:43:29 | 显示全部楼层
鼠疫桿菌(Yersinia pestis)是一种桿菌,属于肠道桿菌科,同时也是腺鼠疫、肺鼠疫和败血性鼠疫的病媒。所有的类型都在人类歷史上造成严重的伤亡(在没有治疗的情况下,感染腺鼠疫75%会死亡,感染肺鼠疫的近100%会死亡),例如黑死病。. e. W3 f% F, N& J, F. ]7 J
  v6 |5 h; d- y* J8 G
  耶尔辛氏菌属是属于革兰氏阴性菌(Gram negative),双球株桿菌,和其他肠细菌相似,它有新陈代谢作用。鼠疫桿菌能产生反吞噬细胞的黏液。该生命体在隔离培养时是可动的,但在哺乳动物寄主裡时会变成不可动的。
1 P  f$ |; g! n
4 M2 n* j* }+ V0 A1 {  鼠疫桿菌是1894年由巴斯德研究所(Pasteur Institute)的法国医生和细菌学家亚歷山大·耶尔辛在香港鼠疫大流行时所发现的。耶尔辛是巴斯德的学生。北里柴叁郎,一名日本细菌学家和科赫(Robert Koch)的学生,当时也正在从事寻找鼠疫病塬体的研究。然而,耶尔辛先一步确定鼠疫和鼠疫桿菌的关係。这个细菌塬被称为鼠疫巴斯德氏桿菌(Pasteurella pestis),后来被重新命名为鼠疫耶尔辛氏桿菌(Yersinia pestis)。
$ R/ t4 v. t1 w1 C% }6 v( b; O+ r. x: y
* B) I7 ?1 g( r; w4 |

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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-11-2 19:45:40 | 显示全部楼层
9 U5 i. k( r* {2 Z
1 R9 u$ N. ~$ n, L* N  The great waves of plague that twice devastated Europe and changed the course of history had their origins in China, a team of medical geneticists reported Sunday, as did a third plague outbreak that struck less harmfully in the 19th century.
8 r' h: M! q7 |, @1 r, l
9 _. ?& \+ t% `* J' M" y  上周日,一个医学遗传学家组成的研究小组发现,曾经两度肆虐欧洲大陆并改变历史进程的瘟疫源自中国。包括19世纪爆发的那次相对规模较小的瘟疫。# [8 [3 O- u9 d9 E9 ?

5 g) j& d# A2 g: v9 ^  l8 f  e+ \  A bubonic plague smear, prepared from a lymph removed from an adenopathic lymph node, or bubo, of a plague patient, demonstrates the presence of the Yersinia pestis bacteria that causes the plague.7 |3 c& v! ~- C9 _

; q3 ~$ q/ u+ d' T% |, ]  w$ P% g" b, T3 X# A/ R0 G) s
5 \0 M$ F  B6 G' S1 f
% A5 t7 }& u" E3 n, c, X; {9 ^
  上图是一位感染了淋巴鼠疫(黑死病)病人的淋巴取样,可以清楚地看到导致黑死病的鼠疫耶森氏杆菌的面貌。! j: f- g$ w0 I) Y% v" w

7 o% J' b! v% i  And in separate research, a team of biologists reported conclusively this month that the causative agent of the most deadly plague, the Black Death, was the bacterium known as Yersinia pestis. This agent had always been the favored cause, but a vigorous minority of biologists and historians have argued the Black Death differed from modern cases of plague studied in India, and therefore must have had a different cause.8 m! N1 H% L3 {" X& V0 Z, G

0 t/ R1 U5 N' o! L" L% o( z  在另外一项研究中,一组生物学家本月已得出结论,导致欧洲致命瘟疫,即黑死病的病原体就是耶森氏鼠疫杆菌(Yersinia pestis)。人们常认为这个病原体就是黑死病的元凶,但少数孜孜以求的生物学家和历史学家却有不同意见,认为当年的黑死病和现在印度发生瘟疫病例不同,因此,导致黑死病发生的原因也不同。: j+ |$ Z; T' [& a! K2 ]

4 J. Y" ~7 Y4 W( T# f5 q3 x  The Black Death began in Europe in 1347 and carried off an estimated 30 percent or more of the population of Europe. For centuries the epidemic continued to strike every 10 years or so, its last major outbreak being the Great Plague of London from 1665 to 1666. The disease is spread by rats and transmitted to people by fleas or, in some cases, directly by breathing.
4 Z' E7 H8 c+ [( \4 z: L, n4 J$ o. L7 v: E. z; X9 K/ ^
  1347年,黑死病在欧洲爆发,导致约30%以上的人口死亡。以后的数世纪,瘟疫每十年左右就会肆虐一次。最后一次爆发,是1665年到1666年在伦敦发生的大瘟疫(Great Plague)。疾病通过老鼠扩散,通过跳蚤传播到人身上,当然在有些病例中,直接通过呼吸传染。
; d' p/ L5 G! s4 X7 V
- G: I) l+ ?- s$ Y4 l9 d  One team of biologists, led by Barbara Bramanti of the Institut Pasteur in Paris and Stephanie Haensch of Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany, analyzed ancient DNA and proteins from plague pits, the mass burial grounds across Europe in which the dead were interred. Writing in the journal PLoS Pathogens this month, they say their findings put beyond doubt that the Black Death was brought about by Yersinia pestis.
8 y1 I8 a: t4 ]! Y
4 Y4 A2 G* O  G  一组生物学家,在巴黎巴斯德研究所的芭芭拉•布拉曼迪(Barbara Bramanti)和德国古登堡大学斯蒂芬尼•海恩希(Stephanie Haensch)的领导下,从埋葬黑死病死者的万人坑中提取了蛋白质,并对其DNA进行了分析。在本月的《寄生虫学杂志》(PLos Pathogens)上发表了他们的研究成果,确信耶氏鼠疫杆菌是欧洲黑死病的元凶。6 l2 K8 t  ^. T! V, m3 Q0 K

" f0 y  H, y2 |  Dr. Bramanti’s team was able to distinguish two strains of the Black Death plague bacterium, which differ both from each other and from the three principal strains in the world today. They infer that medieval Europe must have been invaded by two different sources of Yersinia pestis. One strain reached the port of Marseilles on France’s southern coast in 1347, spread rapidly across France and by 1349 had reached Hereford, a busy English market town and pilgrimage center near the Welsh border.
) g* T5 z. @$ D* A0 q- l- E# R; N" x  t3 g0 i( P) n& G
+ A, c  W" [- a' \/ n
1 o1 E+ n  E/ g  W  The strain of bacterium analyzed from the bones and teeth of a Hereford plague pit dug in 1349 is identical to that from a plague pit of 1348 in southern France, suggesting a direct route of travel. But a plague pit in the Dutch town of Bergen op Zoom has bacteria of a different strain, which the researchers infer arrived from Norway.3 O" Z  h! j3 M
* Q4 i5 s' W. V6 @# D  e; r1 J+ r! Y
  在对从赫里福德1349年的瘟疫万人坑中采集的骨殖和牙齿,以及法国南部1348年的瘟疫墓地进行采集分析后,可以发现这一支瘟疫细菌的完整的传播路径。而荷兰的卑尔根镇(Bergen op Zoom)的瘟疫细菌却属于不同的品种,研究者们推断它们源自挪威。
1 h4 ~/ i% r9 u/ F" T, n- a( }3 ]7 G1 r' s3 y3 y1 d
  The Black Death is the middle of three great waves of plague that have hit in historical times. The first appeared in the 6th century during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian, reaching his capital, Constantinople, on grain ships from Egypt. The Justinian plague, as historians call it, is thought to have killed perhaps half the population of Europe and to have eased the Arab takeover of Byzantine provinces in the Near East and Africa.
0 x6 a9 E+ h, P  `8 A) \  J
* j- \' [! ~7 l7 C% E; S/ k  在人类历史上,曾有三次大规模的瘟疫流行,黑死病只是其中的一次。第一次爆发是在公元6世纪,拜占庭国王查士丁尼统治时期,瘟疫通过运粮船,从埃及蔓延到了当时拜占庭首都君士但丁堡。历史学家称为“查士丁尼瘟疫”,它夺走了当时欧洲一半人的生命。使得阿拉伯人有机会夺取了拜占庭帝国靠近亚洲和非洲的省份。
7 J: @0 b" ?: H/ o
, F3 t" U- b2 h. q' O  The third great wave of plague began in China’s Yunnan province in 1894, emerged in Hong Kong and then spread via shipping routes throughout the world. It reached the United States through a plague ship from Hong Kong that docked at Hawaii, where plague broke out in December 1899, and then San Francisco, whose plague epidemic began in March 1900.5 p4 N2 U! {: }. E& G

' Z( T! a: y! b3 Z  瘟疫第三次大流行始于1894年的中国云南省,当时疾病首次发现于香港,然后通过航运传播到世界各地。一艘来自香港,感染了瘟疫的船舶停靠夏威夷,随后在1899年12月,瘟疫在当地爆发。接着在1900年3月传播到旧金山。+ Q# i: J& ^3 R$ `
0 H8 q& C, n) o% ?6 s
  The three plague waves have now been tied together in common family tree by a team of medical geneticists led by Mark Achtman of University College Cork in Ireland. By looking at genetic variations in living strains of Yersinia pestis, Dr. Achtman’s team has reconstructed a family tree of the bacterium. By counting the number of genetic changes, which clock up at a generally steady rate, they have dated the branch points of the tree, which enables the major branches to be correlated with historical events.
2 a3 H- L; q# z3 q
0 B8 A$ Y# ^2 h- ~; y  爱尔兰库克大学的马克•阿克特曼(Mark Achtman)教授带领一组遗传学家们,将导致人类历史上三次大瘟疫的鼠疫杆菌做成了一个家谱。通过对基因变化的研究,他们重建了鼠疫细菌的家谱。他们对基因变化的计数,发现基因变化有着稳定的速率。他们又对这个家谱上的各点标注了时间,使得鼠疫细菌各主要分支和历史上历次瘟疫爆发的时间相关联。
0 \7 e/ L! k" M, t; e1 f7 B8 o' T' T; d- q" I
  In the issue of Nature Genetics published online Sunday, they conclude that all three of the great waves of plague originated from China, where the root of their tree is situated. Plague would have reached Europe across the Silk Road, they say. An epidemic of plague that reached East Africa was probably spread by the voyages of the Chinese admiral Zheng He who led a fleet of 300 ships to Africa in 1409.
- Q1 p( e5 m- q" l
8 V2 {# [: E9 f: z% F  本周日,通过《自然基因》(Nature Genetic)网上发布了他们的研究报告。他们得出结论,人类历史上所有三次瘟疫大流行,都源于中国。就是他们建立的病原体家谱图谱的根部。瘟疫病原体通过丝绸之路到达欧洲,他们称。而东非爆发的瘟疫,可能是1409年,郑和带领的300艘船队下西洋时传播到非洲的。
/ q. X- Z$ @& {: s3 D0 f" c6 o5 R: {. V: ~) H; d: L6 l
  “What’s exciting is that we are able to reconstruct the historical routes of bacterial disease over centuries,” Dr. Achtman said.
4 A( G$ T/ j2 O0 g( q. o3 @( L0 j1 H
4 c9 L8 H' k  t6 V  阿克特曼博士说:“能重构数世纪来细菌传播的途径实在让人兴奋。”
. d7 ~: y. ?# P4 i8 Y+ I4 Y* Z! g8 y( U, h7 J+ B7 w
  Lester K. Little, an expert on the Justinian plague at Smith College, said in an interview from Bergamo, Italy, that the epidemic was first reported by the Byzantine historian Procopius in 541 A.D. from the ancient port of Pelusium, near Suez in Egypt. Historians had assumed it arrived there from the Red Sea or Africa, but the Chinese origin now suggested by the geneticists is possible, Dr. Little said.$ u1 _4 i6 ]* q# O9 B) V; e
- p; c1 u' R' x$ l
  史密斯学院的莱斯特博士(Lester K.Little)是研究查士丁尼瘟疫的专家,他日前在意大利接受采访时说,公元541年,拜占庭时代的历史学家普罗科庇乌斯(Procopius)首次报告了,在邻近埃及苏伊士的古老港口佩留西(Pelusiuim)瘟疫的流行。历史学家们一直认为瘟疫来自红海或非洲。但现在基因学家研究表明它们来自中国。博士说。: E# b  ]& h% p# i& r% c6 z
8 c; v1 [2 C9 d/ _) B& y
  The geneticists’ work is “immensely impressive,” Dr. Little said, and adds a third leg to the studies of plague by historians and by archaeologists.) c& [1 k" w/ N8 ?# i/ }
% K. E/ N, R8 [3 m
  这些基因学家的研究工作令人“印象十分深刻”。他说,他们为瘟疫历史研究增添了第三条途径。之前只有历史学家和考古学家参与其中。8 h7 C4 C# A* T0 O/ a" ^# h0 @

5 [( E; x6 j3 H! y% m  The likely origin of the plague in China has nothing to do with its people or crowded cities, Dr. Achtman said. The bacterium has no interest in people, whom it slaughters by accident. Its natural hosts are various species of rodent such as marmots and voles, which are found throughout China.8 [9 f, w# G$ W* V
1 L2 c& K0 k1 d$ O4 p5 ~
. s1 j  U$ t$ u& Z% a1 }% Q: s6 g# D! q: {: \* G: H
* E. J+ B7 O5 I: m在此仅供大家交流,
2 g/ H5 U1 [- o/ q6 F7 B8 _1 S; k



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