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[招聘] 某日资CRO公司急招数据管理精英

wanwanmonkey 发表于 2010-7-20 23:58:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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We are an Executive Search firm specialized in Medical/Pharmaceutical industry. Most of our clients are Fortune 500 and some other foreign companies. Now entrusted by one of our clients, a Japanese CRO whose services edged in Clinical Data Managment and Clnical Research, we are now looking for talents for the below positions
% {5 g- U# P5 b% y- v% a4 K& V5 m0 ]" B/ v

& _5 V! y, g! j9 \; ]所有职位均在苏州工作
6 g% X# H- I: t3 t1 L# h7 C( i6 {' A. J' j
Project Manager of Clinical Data Management
/ _+ D+ ~* W/ _9 Z
1 T; [+ J3 v2 S0 [
Job Purpose:
5 q2 ]. \. t5 \6 ^4 A
& C& i$ B9 d. A" w% f- ^( L5 {! dTo supervise and provide training for junior staffs.
. w- j/ E2 u8 i' S4 H2 F1 u& z+ MTo provide project leadership for clinical data management.
, m3 t8 ^6 |5 }- V+ J& n8 y 0 n2 A  u; m" ^# W5 b& W
4 s4 T; R1 ?! J0 j
Responsibility / Authorities
1 _' s9 z5 b2 K8 r/ M/ z) s/ x% M  a6 l
Manages and develops team capability.2 b$ b% ?8 e/ G# n+ o6 s1 s' G, ~
Establish the clinical data management team in the new CRO.% a, s, x. U/ h" d  D' J2 q4 Y* h/ O- _
Check and control daily activities and tasks to keep quality, budget, timeline and resources.
! @& z/ b! X! _6 `Make and review the data management plan, the quality control plan and others.
/ R! J: d& t) OPerform leadership and problem-solving skills.
* n) f. P* W! J( s$ ~) I' `Improve existing clinical data management related SOPs.
: J, a6 Z" y$ OTypically responsible for handling 2~4 projects with multiple studies running concurrently.. l" R8 K$ y. v0 j) C, z3 D
Visit and present the Data Management Services as an expert to clients if needed  9 N' g% J% _& A* e) e

4 u. Q! {9 x* WQualifications / Experience Required
7 q/ z( K% F! D8 ]" y( F& L# B, C: v' ?% D( |
Bachelor or master’s degree in medical science, pharmaceutical science, life science and related fields." H$ b3 b1 y" o2 e; |6 A# L
" O9 A+ L7 l& {9 Z- A# E. T6 RAt least 3 projects experience as the project manager in clinical data management. $ y5 R4 f1 w1 w8 ~/ o: F  {# w
Ability to manage the project cost, timeline, tasks and etc.
. J) |+ E) D  nExcellent communication skill with sponsor, project staff, and colleague.! f8 _; F0 B6 f8 C% D
Understand Clinical Data Management System and Electrical Data Capture.& ~# A% T- k% }% J0 S
Excellent PC skills including Excel, Word, PowerPoints  }+ w7 \) r" k  y; b  j4 T
Effective English verbal and written communication skills.5 L& F9 B8 y6 U! o! Y; l; e5 A
1 G! ^3 J9 c) [) J

# O0 O9 b5 v2 Q( `3 aClinical Data Management Specialist4 |# C2 V6 b. u9 F) |
# O4 {8 E5 r# z8 o0 g

: Q2 s4 E; L$ _1 v" `  H4 T; r9 w0 i5 `3 j
Job Purpose:1 w- Z# Y6 f" e$ ]
  G4 x4 g3 h* @8 y8 z) G3 y" l5 i
To complete clinical database from collected CRFs.
7 r4 K) A2 ?2 o8 lTo support project manager for success of the project.
0 u' H4 n; `% v0 M+ p0 _9 g/ e8 \/ s9 k0 H* B

" V0 g: ?# d6 Y8 |1 F) U" }" t3 F' w7 z: l. t
Responsibility / Authorities& o4 t! b, ]) b# N. K* E
& \9 x+ c8 M- A
Contribute to success of the project.: w' ?3 x' I7 Q, g  i" `& Y8 K% I! f
Contribute to establish the clinical data management team in the new CRO.; x% j. [4 ^: H9 J
Make and review the data management plan, the quality control plan and others.  D& e5 I7 j2 y! f; i( V% i: P
Make and review the CRFs, the annotated CRFs, and the Clinical Database spec.
0 o0 Q. X0 \1 hManage the data query, the data coding, and the thesaurus.
  q, b* b4 }- ^, F# w) LPerform problem-solving skills.
* h' c. u  B+ @* |1 z1 ATypically responsible for handling 2~4 projects with multiple studies running concurrently.( {% {- S5 Y+ V# A( k( L/ @( S( e  K
Effort to improve own skills and capability5 b2 Z6 y( v) ?2 J5 \

! H( t7 d2 k) U& i
1 e$ c. L& \) g6 @' R- R1 M% F* e1 A* k4 e; c
Qualifications / Experience Required) T9 a" O' r  S9 I) S: s* E$ e& X
0 F1 @  W3 W0 b0 w& g7 o8 t
Bachelor or master degree in medical science, pharmaceutical science, life science and related fields.
7 z: V# |$ H  p+ z/ l5 G. i3 |1 `1 d. _2 years working experience as clinical data management.
0 m* H3 C2 c: g: c8 F) t. L* Y: LGood communication skill with sponsor, project staff, and colleague.
! F. g! w& C! YUnderstand Clinical Data Management System and Electrical Data Capture.. \# K  p" H' i
Understand MedDRA, WHODRUG, and other thesaurus.1 s; b" O7 p9 ]$ D2 N- J
Excellent PC skills including Excel, Word, PowerPoints
+ G- j* Q# f: b2 {& D7 v+ C, nEffective English verbal and written communication skills.- g0 L7 M$ b9 ?! S1 i1 {
% [6 M- p: y5 Q2 X7 S

( K8 W- c% I4 [4 Z3 m5 x
8 X% ]7 G  p: F5 w" D: J1 T* J' h/ k" T0 `0 z& l" v8 J+ z
Clinical Programmer
6 l( G8 L6 G7 C4 Y( B: `; U/ A, x/ l( E9 C' W8 v( Z+ D% R

, Z8 O" r) g+ G# m. Y( f+ L2 U; l; C9 D6 o3 w# c# d! {
Job Purpose:
  m- V6 o! a  x( W+ z5 L
" f# T3 w! z0 a% t- b$ H' J. h7 VTo support clinical data management and biostat project by computer system
! W- P; V$ w7 T" p9 g$ jTo support project manager for success of the project.5 t0 [1 L4 M1 F; c) f

7 X0 [: d# Z- g$ o+ XResponsibility / Authorities) K( a8 X8 e* Y* E5 n2 h9 G

# G' Q5 p; Q0 ~% XContribute to success of the project.9 y" v* h1 q7 O, U1 C' v/ i( @
Contribute to establish the IT infrastructure of the biometrics service in the company
6 @$ {( e. D6 c2 lMake a specification of Clinical Database.
. W- K% E) g& @0 T" p9 n1 k6 \* D$ f% kSet up the Clinical data management system.$ D2 n) X% ^. y
Administrate the IT infrastructure of the biometrics service.
" m7 Y+ J9 z/ E* h3 d  u/ {# RImplement SAS program for creating Tables, Figures, and Listings..
: D4 W- R* y( X" C4 w$ t6 kTypically responsible for handling 2~4 projects with multiple studies running concurrently.7 G$ ?& Z8 N( @& |' G
Effort to improve own skills and capability* d& g1 W. y* I/ c% h# {- Q$ X& G
) @- ]5 ~2 T. P* v  Q& H4 b
1 \* `" X9 H' m2 |% u/ F

/ z0 C. ~+ u7 x) N5 d! X) E( GQualifications / Experience Required2 o9 X! H6 `: j) _/ G- f2 Q
/ Y" _# |! l# C) s" u2 L+ U
Master degree in computer science or information science.3 _4 E9 B6 `( g
At least 2 years experience of SAS programming.
: W$ G! _* a0 v! Z; P$ {7 G! lExperience as the clinical programmer will be a surplus.
8 i; b! J8 S# Z' ?Good communication skill with sponsor, project staff, and colleague.8 `8 f6 v" Z+ Y7 i8 f$ y2 L! I1 c
Understand Clinical Data Management System and Electrical Data Capture.% ?8 a" m, P' K) k' B0 G% _0 K
Excellent SAS programming skills including Base SAS, SAS Graph, SAS Macro.
3 X& n" ?& a/ M( w( XSQL and General programming skills (Java and/or .NET)
8 W1 Z- i6 i1 z; C6 d: ^. \Server Administration skill (Windows Server and/or Linux)
8 V8 I3 K1 b/ c3 P5 k) d* E! c) |- m3 J1 YExcellent PC skills including Excel, Word, PowerPoints
  \9 S" Y% B& r" h! j0 p( V4 Z: s  eEffective English verbal and written communication skills., b5 x4 h& O  V0 B& Y

& D8 A+ y, ?" x  9 U' {/ P  C' e! z0 T3 ^
& }2 f- y* [# ]" ?
9 }6 G* c1 i: X3 e; iShould you have interest and feel your profile meets the requirements of this position, please send your English and Chinese CV to email: florencel@proheadhunting.com or contact 021-62191882-6235 c# ~6 A5 G& y
5 K- ]  A8 v- U, q0 z5 N

0 p3 `; Q+ Q& ?+ O
. k2 |  }, P' C% S' h" O. L , i8 U8 M6 L; S: c
$ s" V+ k9 }5 y' q. _
hwb 发表于 2010-7-21 21:43:55 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

dingdayong19824 发表于 2010-8-8 14:16:31 | 显示全部楼层

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epiman 发表于 2010-8-8 19:29:49 | 显示全部楼层

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happychenli 发表于 2010-8-27 19:47:19 | 显示全部楼层

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j316108628 发表于 2010-8-30 00:25:53 | 显示全部楼层

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edragon1983 发表于 2010-8-30 08:11:42 | 显示全部楼层

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hoozoo 发表于 2010-9-9 16:12:23 | 显示全部楼层
回复 edragon1983 的帖子0 p/ E% Z) W" w1 ]

$ K8 F$ h1 ?# C- O3 N/ Y
* r; u) |: W* W' M    那个班去年听过,好像不太好。总之,CRO绝不会讲什么深入的东西的。只是面上的小玩意。

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1900088 发表于 2010-9-15 14:01:19 | 显示全部楼层
回复 j316108628 的帖子
: P1 z  l! L) O9 |% m# W( V* _
) Q$ m; }  ~! V; ]
7 ~# v* F% _+ s- l0 q$ `3 \. p   又看见你了  怎么不理我呢?  朱

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dolphin_long 发表于 2010-10-26 16:33:06 | 显示全部楼层

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