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[分享] 糖尿病与牙齿

iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-6-2 19:35:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Diabetes & Oral Health: How to Protect Your Teeth
/ m7 d7 }8 W& S) p5 ^) q, `WebMD Medical Reference
+ ]: e3 x; M  R& ^" A) @8 i
" k& c( |! e4 [- [$ e, u3 W: `/ PReviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD
9 c/ V& F3 ]  j9 n0 H" `3 x, p; e
: c. J; |+ x0 }  ^. V, ^% y# l% zDiabetes and your teeth may not seem to be linked, but they are.9 S" l& H) b3 F, u, T
7 a7 Z  D0 H. i
Having uncontrolled diabetes can boost your risk for oral health problems such as gum disease.
: F! l& r; `. j: K8 @, ?, P6 H/ O; d1 \0 f  c( R4 v; r
But the link goes the other way, too, most experts believe. If you have gum disease, it may make it harder to keep blood sugar under control. So the diabetes and oral health link is a two-way street.' X# V5 v9 ~$ p; `  }# R, Q
- i& _$ `2 E% L
The good news: taking care of your oral health will help not only your teeth and gums, but perhaps help your diabetes control.% i, J/ j) H# N  b1 v  y
  q  p/ v" y- s3 Q: w  L
Other oral health problems, although not as common, are also associated with having diabetes. Among them:
* w& ^0 p' h6 s) Y, [2 _1 Q* b5 K' i$ |% N8 a+ Q
Slower healing time after dental surgery
0 A- R, d( x. O, O$ y0 T, XFungal infections ( H5 p6 E5 {0 F5 G0 z
Dry mouth
* h# p  z0 z! _Cavities
5 F; r) }3 p' X- D# j1 GEven so, you can take steps to protect your teeth and oral health. Here's how to minimize the risks.
0 p" N! b; m0 d9 z8 |$ m- |! g9 _2 w5 a/ d9 K# N
Diabetes & Oral Health Risks Explained) p0 z& ^2 l% X& U
Having diabetes can make you less able to fight off infection, including gum infections that can lead to serious gum disease./ k$ ?% Q& U$ n
! L# z& }" Z/ H
In early stages, gum disease is known as gingivitis. The gums are swollen, soft, and may bleed, particularly during brushing or flossing.
# X+ v& `# l1 Q9 [1 ~1 P& T2 j
% `  T0 C" ]/ H" qIf gum disease progresses, however, the gums may begin to separate from the teeth, forming pockets that can trap bacteria and boost the risk of infections. Untreated, the infections can destroy the underlying bones that holds the teeth in place.
* p( j" S3 E5 j/ \' j/ F8 W
; |4 G; ]/ B# Q6 R1 jSurgery may be needed. In one technique, called pocket depth reduction, the periodontist folds back the gum tissue, removes the bacteria, and secures the tissue into place so that it fits more tightly around the teeth.
7 M3 {2 k7 J) `+ U. Y3 F1 x
& c( w  v) b) m2 q2 zWith diabetes, you may heal more slowly after oral surgery. Your health care provider may prescribe antibiotics to keep post-operative infection at bay. Pay close attention to your blood sugar levels and control before and after oral surgery.$ N* J5 M3 B# h5 \5 h
% z# k2 f0 l( b! d- w* V
If you have diabetes, you are also at risk for fungal infections in the mouth, called oral candidiasis or thrush. This is true even if you wear dentures.1 h" k! P& i1 ^7 i* p+ ?2 u- h

; j) ]# [- Z, e2 e2 y% rDry mouth, called xerostomia, is another common problem among people with diabetes. Saliva is important to oral health -- it helps wash away food particles and keep the mouth moist. When you don't have enough saliva, bacteria thrive, tissues can get irritated and inflamed, and your teeth can be more prone to decay.9 X( e+ m6 |& v" p% [) V  u* m+ `

* i, W7 {( z) P% L5 l2 x# cDiabetes & Your Teeth: How to Minimize Risk$ Z# c% k4 P4 l
Taking care of your oral hygiene at home every day is crucial. Make sure you brush twice a day and floss once a day. Using an antibacterial mouthwash or toothpaste can help reduce bacteria in the mouth that can cause gingivitis.
: r3 A5 ]* F7 j1 d3 {
; C7 s) c# g: z8 tExamine your mouth for an inflammation or signs of bleeding gums. If you notice either, let your dentist know as soon as possible., ?4 H8 e4 o1 F
- y. b6 I# p$ b+ q$ P
Experts recommend having your teeth professionally cleaned every six months, or even every three or four months. Step up the professional cleaning schedule if you know you tend to be lax about home care.9 I9 l' |1 K1 \; G, L$ d
' W) }% S( G* N% A( e
Be sure to tell your dentist that you have been diagnosed with diabetes. It will also help your dentist to know the names of all prescription and over-the-counter drugs you take.: w! q  X5 t, p  @
2 g4 E" i2 R3 F- g! q+ n
You may want to see a periodontist -- a dentist who specializes in gum disease -- if your gum problems persist or seem to get worse.
- H* D* Z) J7 V3 B  @" V* T4 i9 P: k, T! B! P
1 l8 M+ w- s7 ?. F4 D; z
# }! o4 }7 p# x8 ]- G0 p, S  t
 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-6-2 19:36:20 | 显示全部楼层
  O4 e6 I  N! q: z糖尿病与你的牙齿看起来没有联系,但是这两者之间的确存在联系。
- \% q4 l9 z, }) E% q! v$ r. a患有糖尿病且不加以控制将增加患口腔疾病如牙龈炎的风险。
/ X/ u( Y& }  `: \; Y* v* C  W但是,许多专家认为口腔健康与糖尿病之间还存在另一中联系。假设你患有牙龈疾病,这可能会导致你的血糖水平更难控制。因此,糖尿病与口腔健康之间是双向联系。. k2 S& k/ a3 e: M
好消息:注意保持你的口腔健康将不仅仅有益于你的牙齿和牙龈,还可能帮助控制你的糖尿病。" E# O0 K4 j/ E' {+ w
其他口腔健康问题,尽管不是很常见,也与患糖尿病有关。在它们中,4 N5 N7 A& V! o. N4 _7 H/ F
+ w% [2 o# z1 V' _真菌感染,
: R; y. i5 j+ W" y口腔干燥,
5 V' q- B- @! V* g/ ^6 t0 i% `龋齿。
3 R" O# g. x8 U3 I+ B即使如此,你也可以采取措施来保护你的牙齿和口腔卫生。这里介绍如何将风险降至最小。2 v% s0 I/ u' \- I1 A/ J6 F" o
糖尿病&口腔卫生风险的解释- A2 X* M1 _) k0 @4 j. M
( w, q. l/ p% X& N0 Z" ^在早期,牙龈疾病被认为是牙龈炎。牙龈出现肿胀,变软,同时可能出血,尤其是在刷牙或使用牙线清洁牙齿时。" O4 m* _9 }, r% M, A' _1 l
如果牙龈疾病进一步发展,不管怎样牙龈都会开始和牙齿分离,两者之间会存在一空间让细菌进入,这就加剧了感染的风险。若不治疗,牙龈感染会进一步破坏固定牙齿的骨骼。7 y7 e" h& W1 H8 `) F& ^: I
+ @( Z9 j/ o+ x3 F若患有糖尿病,你可能在这一手术后恢复缓慢。你的健康顾问可能会给你开抗生素来防止手术后感染。你需要在口腔手术前后时刻关注并控制你的血糖水平。: w, s) S! |7 M& F, }
# |2 Y/ e1 s2 M$ x! J口干,即口腔干燥是另一种常见的糖尿病症状。唾液对口腔健康很重要——它帮助冲走食物残渣同时保持口腔湿润。当你没有足够的唾液时,细菌就生长旺盛,组织将受细菌刺激而不适并发炎,另外,你的牙齿也会因此倾向于腐坏。/ M# e2 I: f: ?# }) V
4 z: j- \0 W! v4 |. d每天在家关心你的口腔卫生是很关键的。保证你能每天刷牙两次并每天用牙线清洁一次。使用抗菌漱口剂或牙膏能帮助减少口中细菌,预防牙龈炎。* w* h% Z9 L  S' a, k4 \1 Y" [
/ e/ x0 M7 X9 ]专家建议每6个月专业清洁你的牙齿一次,或每3,4个月一次。如果你平时不太注意口腔卫生请增加专业清洁次数。
9 L: ^1 s$ K& D! a$ l请务必告知你的牙科医生你被确诊患有糖尿病。同时也要告知你服用的任何处方药或非处方药,这也会对你有所帮助。
. w5 Q3 j+ W" L& `3 T4 y6 `你可以去看牙周病医生——专门治疗牙龈疾病的牙医——如果你的牙龈问题很顽固或有严重的倾向。
- J. F) O  u! N1 x
- n1 j5 }3 f3 G8 o% S0 D) I# s+ `1 w3 j) B- U

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