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[求职] 想请问美国关于公共卫生行业的职业有哪些,要怎样才能竞聘?

lysoann 发表于 2016-6-20 20:49:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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      同学的男朋友要外派去美国较长一段时间(2年左右),想跟着一起出去,想了解一些美国公卫行业就业的情况,例如疾控中心如何招考?或者有何适合的企业或公司~1 h. y! ?- S; t4 Z* v
epiman 发表于 2016-6-21 07:34:50 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| lysoann 发表于 2016-6-21 08:36:48 | 显示全部楼层
epiman 发表于 2016-6-21 07:34
$ I+ k7 g' Q; w+ `3 [" ?6 Z看看相应的州的情况,去他们网站上看看。再说是别人的男朋友,你跟着去
% v3 m( @& c/ \1 U

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 楼主| lysoann 发表于 2016-6-21 08:43:38 | 显示全部楼层
然后昨天了解了一下~~ 签证种类的情况略复杂(哪一种可以申请工作哪一种比较紧俏,还要更深入了解)blahblah。。。。。。
8 J' E) D2 V! n' i0 T途径除了可以跟自己的老板了解一下可能存在的联系,就是查官网的招聘信息。
: A2 M, l* ~0 a6 u, F7 G' _8 b例如:https://jobs.cdc.gov/job/atlanta/epidemiologist/250/2405630
! l5 K  L$ x0 a  f. D6 R9 `7 {6 `' o美国CDC这边招一个岗位(待遇年薪目测50-60w):
% h# Y1 w7 ^/ L- n$ N- oQUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED:   C- b$ G& M% q3 q
# F2 y0 S, ~" K% w& T. q+ a' S4 y% ?2 t, T- |$ O0 G( A' e
Have successfully completed a full four-year course of study at an accredited college or university leading to a bachelor's or higher degree that included a major field of study in an academic field related to the health sciences or allied sciences appropriate to the work of the position.
8 v9 n1 w( p; X* z2 f3 e$ t' s1 f- N. z' ]
In addition to meeting the Basic Qualifications, applicants must also:
- l6 c+ n7 o( ?+ x8 f& C' o; ~5 u

; W5 F: d2 j6 M3 R, ]  qFor GS-12:  Have one year of specialized experience equivalent to at least the GS-11 grade level in the Federal service that includes experience in assisting with conducting epidemiologic and surveillance activities related to HIV/AIDS." P0 h8 C) i* [. O0 w: W/ {: K
3 |$ ~; k5 m5 ?7 z/ ?4 s& L
For GS-13: Have one year of specialized experience equivalent to at least the GS-12 grade level in the Federal service that includes experience in conducting epidemiologic, surveillance, or monitoring and evaluation activities related to HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment programs.1 d- {3 q6 I+ r  D0 X% D

) H: h0 ?- `! w, ~" @2 ]HOW YOU WILL BE EVALUATED: - g1 o+ p# d8 _7 T/ ~3 v
Once the application process is complete, a review of resume and supporting documentation will be made and compared against your responses to the assessment questionnaire to determine if you are qualified for this job. If, after reviewing your resume and or supporting documentation, a determination is made that you have inflated your qualifications and or experience, you may lose consideration for this position. Please follow all instructions carefully. Errors or omissions may affect your eligibility.
: E9 T( f& r; Z8 v
8 s$ y. {" E+ ?2 a& Q$ R0 S% nYour qualifications will be evaluated on the following competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics):. ?/ f% W6 e* U# b
& o: T. `4 Q; e2 t- V
1. Knowledge of epidemiological methodology, theories, principles, and methods used to analyze scientific date from national surveys/data systems.
/ `# X/ v- t4 k( ?; u  Q6 S  i- ?% e1 l. Z" a, s" @) T
2. Knowledge of the theories, principles, and concepts of epidemiology and/or related health sciences.
; j, o& h. S/ T0 o8 Y; ^
# k0 p* x# `: J: E5 d, }3. Ability to collaborate with multi-disciplinary project teams.
' Q8 \/ m, i! q  f- \' u  u2 f, g( K# {5 M+ e0 Y" G
4. Skill in conducting analysis of program and epidemiologic data and preparing analytical reports.6 ?7 m8 c  t( o8 w: {8 r# p* v; i

' r, U, U  A1 e+ d# Y* x6 i5. Skill in oral communication.
8 D; m# w; W1 r+ A8 O% r; I$ R+ Z; @1 U$ i1 [/ S2 I  [+ E
6. Skill in written communication.
5 _4 H% q: ?2 ?# T看起来除了专业要牢靠,实践经验也灰常重要,当然这只是针对这个岗位啦噜~~
3 P& H" H3 t( i% r$ T& {欢迎大家接着讨论呐~~


这个可能是招当地人的,因为要求在美国联邦政府所属机构工作1年以上经历。我看到的陪读工作基本是做大学或研究所的实验员,CDC基本不用想了。  发表于 2016-6-21 10:28

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 楼主| lysoann 发表于 2016-6-21 14:31:36 | 显示全部楼层
lysoann 发表于 2016-6-21 08:43. V. L- s4 T- V& c. e( ~9 R  H. Z
然后昨天了解了一下~~ 签证种类的情况略复杂(哪一种可以申请工作哪一种比较紧俏,还要更深入了解)blahbla ...
1 f; b" y. _) U& u  e, v0 {
这个是直属美国CDC的一个岗位,要求确实挺高的,应该是不对外国人开放的~~# g6 R- {, ^% n) \: p  U' \+ L
但是其他地区CDC或者公司应该还是会有需要的吧~~ 持续搜索中~~

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gh刚孩 发表于 2016-6-24 15:49:46 触屏版 | 显示全部楼层

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gh刚孩 发表于 2016-6-24 15:50:41 触屏版 | 显示全部楼层

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gh刚孩 发表于 2016-6-24 20:29:42 触屏版 | 显示全部楼层

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还酹江月 发表于 2016-6-24 22:36:29 | 显示全部楼层
祝您 好运 找到自己心仪的工作,加油

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 楼主| lysoann 发表于 2016-10-14 15:33:07 | 显示全部楼层
还酹江月 发表于 2016-6-24 22:36+ {' ]# W0 {! r9 {2 h; A
祝您 好运 找到自己心仪的工作,加油
# M/ z0 M. _6 L' ]# D! X3 l
thank you!~~

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