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留月心 发表于 2014-8-9 11:24:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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每次上课很累,赶到了机场身心俱疲,还遇到远机位要坐摆渡车就很崩溃,但是每次摆渡车在停机坪上路过一架架陌生的其他国家的航空公司的飞机时,突然对于这个世界充满着好奇。生命还有还多没有经历的东西,还是去拥抱生活吧,少些抱怨,多些积极。5 _/ h: |; n8 b  _
# S/ f4 {2 K: f3 Q5 Q1 _

6 B5 M) m( Q! u& X: e- i考研阅读和写作双重重要词汇:enlist (动词 ) 得到..的帮助和资助 写作背诵句:We may find it advantageous to enlist friends' or partners' support in our endeavor instead of going it alone. 试着翻译一下。
- |  t6 X* x. N8 u
- k9 f9 o  C) c* R) R- \
8 G0 N, o# _; d# m  A下面这个题目是同学问的比较多的一个题目:
) H+ b% b$ d3 @5 R
/ {' F1 o9 M0 l# _: O
: F3 N. w! M5 j  V: o) ~, U96年第二篇文章第三题:" Q5 F3 s& ?5 B+ M

9 W! Q6 t6 a' ~7 e& ?0 G/ t; t9 {, R  y' N- W4 S
The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone with anopinion of the BBC — including ordinary listeners and viewers — to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worth keeping. The reason for its inquiry is that the BBC's royal charter runs out in1996 and it must decide whether to keep the organisation as it is, or to make changes.
! M) e/ p! G) G6 h' o. C
% @" ?$ a# b/ B  D! S. [( O) s1 H- x" H4 ], W
57. The BBC's "royal charter"(line 3, paragraph 4) stands for ________.
; F/ {$ ]: c+ n: j( @. n! n1 Y! c
/ k2 Z" W9 S' g& i3 s0 F
[A] thefinancial support from the royal family
/ k& @6 U- E8 `& b9 K$ k# R. w0 E6 I2 i& J; `' d  `3 U
- v& F$ [5 }# z) d
theprivileges granted by the Queen
9 S2 }0 n6 m" e8 l: I+ H# C" |; V1 t0 @+ G1 U/ B$ |2 Y" P
& g+ G2 }3 @2 o$ h6 s) J
[C] acontract with the Queen. x; s9 z$ k$ S4 _+ ]" p
) \7 @: U7 }$ |

, s/ Z; N9 d% s[D] a uniquerelationship with the royal family$ T, M1 d6 R5 |4 K+ i! _5 y
) D/ I# A) u1 ^% {3 P9 U
3 ?9 p# \* f  b: o  U5 h, g/ ^9 s
The debate was launched by the Government,which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC — including ordinary listenersand viewers — to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and evenwhether they thought it was worth keeping. The reason for its inquiry is thatthe BBC's royal charter runs out in 1996 and it must decide whether to keep theorganisation as it is, or to make changes., L. M  N5 E2 r" `

7 @" B  U' N0 K' K6 Y- _6 q$ d1 L9 `  M; ^) b
- ]: l7 Z! g, `5 L, t& H" D/ I; }, ]5 x7 m
, M' x  R- X4 `# |
57. The BBC's "royal charter"(line 3, paragraph 4) stands for ________./ O' s% \: X, R; U

" ?2 e4 P' P' L3 M. ?8 d
2 V2 R# W. q: x! u$ ^0 T; Z[A] thefinancial support from the royal family
$ u' q9 B, l' v* g- A# ?4 }: \. ~' d7 }

) ~0 P) t% W1 H" u+ }2 _% ltheprivileges granted by the Queen
: }6 Q5 y8 U7 Y* j  l& l: ^* P+ E, M/ Z. k1 L& D+ `% j' W

9 i4 s& Y* L5 X& [' ?) X% Q4 F[C] acontract with the Queen9 D9 T% A  ^: }7 M
& z* E) H( z* o# ~& }4 s

, [4 u) Y: P  q6 L# I, O2 m( A' C[D] a uniquerelationship with the royal family; |2 J- ?' \9 t5 K9 F3 e

: I- z: p1 ^( _% ?9 t7 b( d  _9 T) I% `
- k* M0 n2 s  X* @4 D( B7 i. V0 P2 h/ X6 A+ b6 @

6 y8 u+ }: c. |) [; i' C/ B题干定位:题中有明显的定位信息
' o, E7 [1 ?: c0 [. w$ R; Q4 G' d9 ?' _) {
1 n6 U+ G; @8 X' r% P
思路解析: 不要强求不可知,要从已知找未知;前后的正反关系和搭配关系是解题的关键;( ^) v  n% L1 r( ?

  h. d4 |2 |; T# o
8 T6 [8 I% v2 n4 q" othe BBC's royal charter runs out2 F" n9 f0 g) m* H- U) p  [

9 ?5 s8 `8 p/ T1 I  z$ g
0 r% F; F/ Z* N* \5 N主语是BBC's royal charter,动词是runs out;; W& ^  F) o& q% p% [
runs out 表示过期的意思;+ \; S' U% q5 [/ L7 c4 z: T
* t: ?' _+ u; q: I3 {
/ U: U' s; f& _# A- J6 R, q
能搭配的就是正确答案;' Q) X' J: N5 T7 o- }: s/ R
  p+ x* x  q0 ]. }/ u
" H- M" [: O5 b( O
选项分析:[A] thefinancial support from the royal family) _7 s1 U$ Q4 N+ t2 f9 \
1 S) A8 |, P8 Q2 d4 ?3 e6 J; N4 m
! f/ a, r' s- t% o8 ~- w5 o
the privileges granted by the Queen+ Y; z: W1 n$ Q9 Q0 E5 c5 Q5 C
/ Q  r+ k  [; M: a- K3 i
: x3 q9 K+ \, q6 w) e; r1 I& z
[C] a contract with the Queen& I/ Y' l( C1 E  A1 K7 T9 \

: D9 T  C5 P8 i+ @% |; e$ c
( `% t; q" Q' P9 \; V2 x[D] a unique relationship with the royalfamily  P4 R, b* y  n# W: Z- j$ P/ \
# l' m1 ^; ]8 n- a7 Y- m) R

# ?2 J. f+ B8 c( B2 X6 Cfinancial support;privilege;relationship ;
1 t# H: O& }; g3 e3 D" d: n$ q4 l' m9 B

) H6 q$ e" R0 c$ A+ C# q都不能说过期了;
- w+ `6 C! z/ Q9 H$ G2 H7 D. c5 [2 l4 C0 K
  Y5 h; c& S5 d. V' s
能和runs out 搭配的就只有contract合同,合约;
/ w9 w( ~1 z( `& x( O. r% s! P5 S
* b2 i0 E) J1 }, ^5 ^8 y( [, a0 D7 _& z7 N8 y- Q! ]. E/ d
特别提示:这个题目比较个案,很生硬的考察短语;不要太纠结;& y' n7 |- v$ h" k

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