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留月心 发表于 2014-8-6 10:29:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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8 @1 e! a7 a% |3 s! E! s; ?
. S- W1 |/ B  c/ V  v( u$ Y
3 W$ b) S+ Q$ {0 m" s& J4 l这是02年3篇第53题! T$ Z4 W8 f2 E, p: F$ M% T

" W, F6 r6 _- q6 N
/ f1 o1 l4 s4 y# O. a4 z- c: L* k+ e7 tRich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive to swings in the oil price. Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries have reduced oil
; S, D, }; ?2 X# v7 Y( I/ `- }9 b9 h& L/ U7 g( q

' f; V0 U& d% _/ ^2 Xconsumption. Software, consultancy and mobile telephones use far less oil than steel or car production. For each dollar of GDP (in constant prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973. The OECD estimates in its latest Economic Outlook that, if oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998, this would increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25~0.5% of GDP. That is less than one-quarter of the income loss in 1974 or 1980. On the other hand, oil-importing emerging economies — to which heavy industry has shifted — have become more energy-: m/ ~) N5 e9 s/ C! Q% X7 E) B
9 l; `3 N! P. J! l( p( d! L; S. F
; u  K6 \- W0 l1 G  \% W( m- \3 z
intensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed.. O9 X6 F7 k5 f+ |( r

; r5 v8 ^' c' N0 k6 \
* b% n7 ]: D7 `) T: }# _+ j53. The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries ________.
8 H5 W! H# e% E% n5 r3 ^! z  I" X  I/ Y2 G6 N

# p7 N2 x4 ^2 C  V* m8 u[A] heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive& q4 y* Y! O2 B: r- m
; h3 d6 B! t7 V* [$ V" r
% v& l1 F$ W1 A
[B] income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices4 o, I0 G, j8 N0 J5 X

6 W& Z( g* N$ ^6 Z* I, Z- U; [
6 V& K9 E6 e  T+ N[C] manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed
2 B$ y" R- r- ?- k( t& I$ v0 W% f( i5 H( `

- x( e5 F7 o8 S: k! F6 g0 k7 B  Q9 m. K[D] oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP' S( |! p' }6 ~" ?( ^

- E4 }2 @6 J5 U2 I! @/ p, G
1 [4 ~3 ~7 k3 _; M* i0 p! tRich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive to swings in the oil price. Energy2 @# ?$ `" ?6 {& i) s. @6 o7 ]
conservation, a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries have reduced oil( b9 H, q7 M5 r; J. c
) S: O" ^( j) G$ T1 n- s1 X
/ e2 t$ f4 e  u& S
consumption. Software, consultancy and mobile telephones use far less oil than steel or car production. For each dollar of3 ^& D( j7 S! I

8 B3 Y4 T6 O) O) G1 s6 V, Y  ?1 h( R. H% r/ }# \9 f
GDP (in constant prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973. The OECD estimates in its latest Economic& I. N$ D2 T4 E0 e* o

1 P# n5 }! S& o- w5 A; f" b3 i
$ e" Z- X' M7 c( K0 LOutlook that, if oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998, this would increase the oil
% A! ?8 h* D+ {6 h: J1 y% ?6 ^% D9 i4 C9 C9 o* c
# s" R5 t1 K5 G, j3 R7 R* _
import bill in rich economies by only 0.25~0.5% of GDP. That is less than one-quarter of the income loss in 1974 or 1980.
3 y; U% z& i$ H7 g2 o1 P0 K- q. `" X0 a+ Q1 O: p3 y

& b4 n  e0 {; E1 P' f4 JOn the other hand, oil-importing emerging economies — to which heavy industry has shifted — have become more energy-
2 F9 c  }. ~: D/ u0 w8 Y
' H2 p& U! U1 g. t7 E8 Y; Q
0 H* O5 U# \1 s1 z* y; aintensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed.1 T9 U0 A/ u" V+ h  r( b1 G2 g- @

: d5 @& D  ^% w
+ J& u% ], ^2 X6 t发达国家对石油的依赖性也不如从前,因此对油价的波动也就不会那么敏感。能源储备、燃料替代以及能源密集型重工业的重要性的降低,' N& C- J5 r* I) @( E

* L7 M' U% s: y+ B5 l7 M$ {8 Z' @
& h- t/ r# d2 |都减少了石油消耗量。软件、咨询及移动通讯消耗的石油,比钢铁、汽车行业少得多。发达国家国民生产总值中每一个美元所消耗的石油量9 u! \/ {3 w9 W( j
4 {3 X1 d7 x) n
% Y3 `6 o$ v+ y* h
比1973年少了近一半。国际经合组织在最近一期的《经济展望》中估计,如果油价持续一年维持在22美元左右,与1998年的13美元一桶相比+ _8 q% ]) L/ l( d; G) \4 }
! t% T5 u, d! y; i4 K7 J

+ V/ q3 J, G7 r+ B,这也只会使发达国家的石油进口在支出上增加GDP的0.25%~0.5%。这还不到1974年或1980年收入减少部分的1/4。另一方面,进口石油的
+ [8 l* Y$ b+ b
; Q7 m8 P6 Y4 {% j% J
5 c* e; N2 `1 ~1 C/ D* F! v5 W4 U新兴国家由于转向了重工业,消耗能量更大,因此可能会受到石油危机的强烈影响。
  A8 x2 o. n2 {& f) K1 \$ X/ [+ M. `6 R9 R2 k# L- s) g3 j
4 a2 P& d1 |- v" ~  L, G' D
53. The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries ________.
' N( D$ P, H0 G0 a# s
) y% W7 S# w' g9 g/ W. y
& F1 V" T1 A! [[A] heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive
+ B1 s% _, \; ^4 `6 V[B] income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices
( l/ S" k: @% o) y; |. F9 O  G* _# r0 f

- G& `1 ?! \3 y$ H8 o) z! ~" p[C] manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed& }& V* |8 q( r' `1 L3 q) `' f& M
$ P$ M  b: `5 k: u2 N/ d
8 h3 q1 {& z( x
[D] oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP
/ m$ h! G  ]6 J
4 v9 V1 a. t4 A, H2 T" P! E( L! r0 q
& i+ g2 o0 C  W7 H题型识别:细节题
) G: N9 P' `/ K. |9 r' d8 V6 Y/ q
" n1 P0 k5 v$ ]+ D& {6 A/ |1 H& `4 R& @+ ?+ T9 [* }
题干定位:专有名词Economic Outlook定位到原文中第四段。
: b$ _. P- L' t6 j7 ^3 P
) G9 U0 I' d" G+ N, @
% N8 V5 o9 U7 hThe OECD estimates in its latest Economic Outlook that, if oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year,
* ^/ {6 h2 q+ |% X, v" i1 ~& l- D" p4 x( f, Y
  E8 I3 Q! `& E* f5 R9 M
compared with $13 in 1998, this would increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25~0.5% of GDP.
2 s6 I$ U6 t& z% L  C7 d% m0 j# L3 z8 z0 O5 Y* K9 y
, @; \, a7 e: C! J0 r; B0 x( g
7 w# X( P2 \/ J" t; c* i6 F/ K
" [5 h& D3 ]8 t% A- M
: D+ D7 J5 J2 x* D! l, W使发达国家的石油进口在支出上增加GDP的0.25%~0.5%。9 K" W0 F0 m% B* T% D0 u8 ^$ k

6 W, C/ v* ^* d( f$ C* u" x! t
2 [! w1 Q  K3 e6 N" ~+ d5 Y思路解析:细节题很多时候是靠对于句子的理解,但是句子也是不能离开主题的,这里需要提醒大家细节和主题的关系:细节是为主题服务
* H" ]  F! }& X- u* @
9 D' K5 W: a1 x( v/ [! _% Q. w# T9 v3 y; L! ^
的。这里的段落主题是第一句:Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive
0 }$ G2 |, h2 R- G( Z3 a4 C/ T% o2 w7 \, r* b! \, h5 T

4 E* k* t3 v2 |. xto swings in the oil price.(发达国家对石油的依赖性也不如从前,因此对油价的波动也就不会那么敏感。)
" @9 I7 s) ~5 v( q! v选项分析:[A] heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive
$ ?2 g. I9 z9 a$ q/ a0 J: J4 L& _9 ^9 [* Y
, j4 H) f) V+ D, @. W0 F
文章中谈到了heavy industry但是没有谈到其变得更加能源密集。. I5 u: `) l" Q3 L

: T& u0 y5 }/ O: w1 ^' x3 _, p& e6 f7 P0 }: b
[B] income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices+ q: m5 [% B7 S
6 f$ d, R5 ?0 r1 ^  }) C

$ u! c0 l: Z0 M文中谈到了收入的损失但是没有谈及主要由于原油价格的波动,并且这里和主题也相悖,原油价格对于发达国家而言并不是那么9 A  q% J6 R8 G1 q8 G, Q

. |2 i5 i7 S) p8 e; j3 J% O4 w& j- ~! l
+ a" F7 W4 k! V' d; A重要了。
; k+ K" m2 f' K
# O2 ?% e5 t  r9 e% ?6 l
# ]9 V" a2 p+ V: z* D% \4 n6 F: F[C] manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed
: n# ~2 x  |, e- m
- r, a7 C- @: ~. {+ p1 ?9 v; @+ W+ S# g8 D" ~% ^2 y! U# b& s
+ M1 d- h$ s- s  g" v" ]# c; v6 |+ o! @4 O& G* d
* y; h) e3 `8 ~) Z7 w' `* `
[D] oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP
* K/ X7 Y- S+ s; Q. n+ m) X, J2 s( m; ?

0 v& J/ S6 ~' H$ V文章中谈到价格的上涨只会使发达国家的石油进口在支出上增加GDP的0.25%~0.5%。说明影响不大。; h) P3 i# T2 ^, w9 |6 d
# d! K7 @9 D& y, W/ H, {2 I
) M% W" l' L0 d: S& L, z
特别说明:有同学会认为增加这么多也是很大的影响。那么就需要看段落主题了:发达国家不再那么的依赖石油,对于油价的波7 M1 V" H) `) G- N$ R
# O3 l* R- K) z

3 m. O3 t6 i5 p4 X7 a- ]动也不敏感,而这个段落所应用的数据就是应该为主题服务的。所以这里影响不大是正确的。- k: ?' N$ o6 o0 J) o

1 h( a' ?. _4 B* M0 p' B4 O/ }: p; X, Y  l. r6 f! G3 L
记住:细节是为主题服务的。 抓细节的时候也要注意抓主题!
' ?4 R) y) p- ?2 x, {% w$ x7 X2 h. G* I' U
+ {% o0 E" P  n3 H2 ^( C- K9 c0 N


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