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留月心 发表于 2014-7-28 12:35:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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' t" V; p# x, }9 {9 K8 Y' l8 i一直在努力,都加油吧。
( r. B$ f- X& L2 K) ]7 i都是蛮拼的,是吧:)5 m2 B- c7 b5 t$ E' o! [  M

2 b7 N! z- L. v& ]& L' I# p' n" z% y
今天给同学们介绍一个在经济学上很有趣的口红效应:$ z) P4 O% ^1 ?9 D
    The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods. Instead of buying expensive fur coats, women will buy expensive lipstick.
6 ]2 J; c. v! M# P: s5 ?4 T! m4 G
8 L  ^% m" T' F/ L3 o/ _' H* g1 G& r1 ?; l口红效应指的是在经济危机时消费者更愿意购买相对廉价的奢侈品这样一个理论。女性消费者在经济危机时选择购买的不是价格不菲的皮草服装,而是高档口红。
( t. P4 V5 u! q5 V3 }# A+ e
2 @5 s7 L$ E/ w% _% w! xThe underlying assumption is that consumers will buy luxury goods even if there is a crisis. When consumer trust in the economy is dwindling, consumers will buy goods that have less impact on their available funds. Obviously men will not be buying lipstick, but could be tempted by expensive beer or smaller, less costly gadgets.2 g! l1 T9 {1 F
口红效应揭示的是这样一种思维:就算在经济不景气的情况下,人们仍然有购买奢侈品的愿望。当人们意识到经济在下滑的时候,他们会购买一些对其现有资金影响不大的商品。男性消费者当然不会去买口红了,不过他们可能会买高档啤酒或一些小巧又不太贵的小玩意。' _9 L8 O4 b: S1 L0 W2 c
- s4 }" W: e1 U/ g
* v8 {6 l3 ^' w' F5 ~- N
在上面的表达中最重要的表达就是:The underlying assumption is that...(这意味着...)是在议论文的写作中经常会用到的一个表达,在2005年的阅读理解中就有这样的句子,表达很相似:: j- }6 B- p8 G8 c# u6 C
Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human,” with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance.
- V) Y9 L9 F- @/ j2 Owith the underlying assumption that = The underlying assumption is that...=which means...在写作中也是很好的表达。1 q3 P9 p  o& S( ^
在翻译中: Obviously men will not be buying lipstick, but could be tempted by expensive beer or smaller, less costly gadgets.  c/ i7 [( F* s+ v, \
  F( K2 }5 H- N" B  w4 o! _  ~3 ^% O" r& I* {4 \

$ E0 n8 m2 l0 d; `' F4 V今天的经济学人还有这样一句话:4 Y/ ]0 w5 f* D: z; G4 q
Years of urbanisation and rising incomes have created a generation of young people with time and money to experiment.   c! u4 R/ n. y/ e) i
0 P8 }9 ^3 y- {6 Q  K! ~- LYears of A and B have created C.   m) H/ F% w) j8 w
( Q) V2 f. P- S2 j1 i5 W/ w* D/ G- m) x8 c& k

( f9 r  k( O( h; ~5 g0 R1 [' V/ E5 C! b" {7 K


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