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留月心 发表于 2014-6-19 21:24:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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今天晚上白先勇先生在单向街书店开讲座,我陪我爱人去了。我爱人是他的脑残粉,但只限于他的文学修为,对他作为白崇禧先生儿子的角色并不感兴趣; 但今天他老人家主要讲的是民国与父亲,粉丝就是粉丝,听的依然津津有味,到最后拿到签名的时候,简直感动的热泪盈眶。我决定了一定好好写句子:)以后一有机会就给大家签名!
& b# k6 }5 o& j3 d3 v, M3 Z0 p
+ R( A; t$ S9 C. e9 S6 s  b下面是奥巴马就职演讲,对于这个人我很不喜欢,但是他的就职演说词是近十年来最精彩的演说,很多词句可以学习!重点是第二句!
- P' r6 c' G4 e/ {: S7 ]5 M8 d# u1 f" C
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.  @3 i7 I. _( p+ a2 p% Z0 P

- O4 y1 f6 c3 h4 T* {如果还有人仍在怀疑美国是否是一个一切皆有可能的国度的话,如果还有人仍在疑虑我们美国的缔造者的梦想是否还存在于我们这个时代的话,如果还有人仍在质疑我们民主的力量的话,今晚你就可以得到答案。
4 H6 M9 P8 P% m/ ^, u% i: I# t5 _1 q
It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
" I" h  u( }* O: f+ J* [9 N  g; J
' |2 I; Q( j* Z0 K% e, t) K切分:
8 O& Y; _& M: T+ |- e* a/ XIt's the answer/ that led those/ who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve /to put their hands on the arc of history /and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.5 _% i, `; R. _0 F. S
* O! F) X8 A- c' ~1 L5 g  b& K
句子主干提取:; I' n5 a4 C/ p' D

+ ^, y1 n1 X6 C5 Q+ l. f9 x7 [It’s the answer.7 @; ?6 k1 Q# X: B
. ~8 C2 ?/ v9 b) G6 P
你也可以理解为强调句!!!/ d& y6 {3 B% D( c. B/ E

4 @  a5 ?% K% s- J- ~第一个定语从句:
( D1 I9 T0 l! X
9 ]' ]: m# M" V/ Dthat led those to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
8 a$ `) f, b. b+ Z
" Z, L) A; y% l7 @2 [9 |第二个定语从句:1 f' P9 @1 U: B9 b+ E1 D
" p! U3 I" s/ a2 V
who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve.
. b( X5 H* D  M: Q) v  z( Y, I7 m) |: ~+ d8 \
在翻译的时候这里先翻第二个定语从句,再翻主干,再翻第一个定语从句,这样符合中文表达的习惯逻辑。$ {& [" a0 V  [6 y
9 |# ]6 r2 T6 Y' V2 E9 ?7 T. R
4 q0 j) a! n* O6 [; B9 V8 |4 s- k' _8 K1 e4 p
1 Y" T- A5 @& Z; c
; t" @) n! O& G1 ]8 R6 I" e! [2 k主句:
: |: c# a  o! @( C* a9 S+ y( h
1 L8 P) X' ~6 ^$ A. o0 x2 O今夜就是给他们的答案;
- O+ ^' {- Y$ @
  b4 H2 m; c( \6 M0 O; {( t第一个定语从句:" k1 [" l( O/ Y2 K- ^4 e: Y

+ Q  c9 |2 ~) N; U' S* {这个答案可以让他们伸出双手去把握历史的弧线,再次让它再次转向充满希望的美好明天。
* `  b$ }6 _5 m+ G/ o: f9 r2 ?
( U, q6 u9 D* Y7 o' Z/ O大家要把主干理解为强调句也是可以的!不改变语义!
4 K# z8 q) n0 p+ s; |5 e# z


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