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留月心 发表于 2014-4-11 12:58:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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. D8 U2 ~% V: u
0 r! i7 I5 N" C( g
# A& m, u2 Q2 e# h" A& M- o根据这两句话的表述,议会中各党派忙着废除法律是好事还是坏事 ? 老玩法,过千给解析!不想等的明天来!新版《时文精析》已经出来了,大家可以咨询当地文都老师(这本书不是教材所以需要自行购买,除非当地做活动赠送。)
7 c6 p7 w5 f% e# h0 a* N' [
& P. _' I6 K% B
( o, ]/ M/ a! j. b4 M/ zSince Britain’s politicians seem incapable of passing any useful new laws, they should occupy themselves in scrapping some useless old ones. If, in a few years’ time, parties campaigned as much on the laws they scrapped as those they created, this idle parliament would have turned out to be rather radical--- not to mention more useful.
6 I  c: r% F' w0 [' A6 |) i% I/ R
; Q% m- ?; {/ b
' @  @3 y. [, V% [9 P词汇突破:1.scrap 废除(法律,规定)
" N! o( h: ?: U# n$ G5 H% k1 z; V

" S( G2 n* d7 H0 a$ J5 b1 B2.Campaign 查字典是竞选的意思,但是一定要注意下面两个短语的意义。
7 A+ Z; U6 n# B4 P9 O: O. N
+ S0 h9 R8 e, ?, V3 e2 ~5 Q" E. H
, \2 g9 {! z( w$ U1 vCampaign to do sth 努力做某事;$ }" P0 u% d5 R
$ E' p1 g; d7 S( F$ d4 D5 a
% M7 S8 z3 }# S7 r0 m* y- v! _9 X
Campaign on sth 为某事而努力;
% X  U" }3 v* E
" c( b) x; j( Y: y3 ]# L  M: W6 b4 }+ W
3. idle parliament 无所事事的议会
; c) u; q& b9 _  }8 _1 m5 q. l" U. W8 l8 z
  l7 x1 @0 x- X7 Z
4. radical 反传统的;创新的,革新的;进步的7 u0 E! Q0 i, ^
: C$ z2 g- F% l

, T+ R. r7 t3 c& U+ Z% ^: m5. not to mention…更不必说…+ o! B- ^2 K+ g, W- W7 i* E
6.rather=very0 k! D# ?: K- k3 S

, A/ C0 Y7 y# L6 q
( l5 O2 I0 M* t6 k2 h0 t; D  M9 z句子解析:Since Britain’s politicians seem incapable of passing any useful new laws, they should occupy themselves in scrapping some useless old ones.
% g0 H. X* ?# q; r2 b- w! x/ B' {3 I
! |2 }. j: L( {
# @/ L8 ?$ p/ R7 N; T
8 ?) z  O7 b2 Z( ~. f9 K0 v& g4 r3 H" V6 z  a
If, in a few years’ time, parties campaigned as much on the laws they scrapped as those they created, this idle parliament would have turned out to be rather radical--- not to mention more useful.2 o' a0 T4 _% x" I2 L

) F+ {! C! o; W3 J* f" @4 ~7 t9 @6 E8 }3 h  g7 Q; j
in a few years’ time 时间状语
* ~' h% l  ~5 \2 c
+ l/ m) n) @, V, S9 \" N6 V1 u8 g  m1 I, b
If parties campaigned as much on the laws they scrapped as those they created,条件状语从句;
# k- W$ u( c6 v! N0 ~- D, ?3 v/ H" Q  \, t* y

- g& ]& f& r( Y; o& X2 ^3 K; mas much ...as 的本意就是像...一样;
) l% _+ Q* z0 O: u- I9 A! I4 l& y6 c9 @; T

! t! b  j! ^0 Z但是句子长了以后怕大家理不清楚的,所以:0 B8 n0 V$ m# S3 e1 w: g) }9 S  w. u
1 i0 t) z9 t  N7 L5 Q1 y

4 N% B, F# p4 t$ c% YAs much as = and+ d) z0 K7 J* t$ k& g
7 D" K. U( R3 D' x

  M" h" R3 G9 O这样的句子我习惯这样拆分理解:0 M7 R- l8 _4 Z& [

7 [, l/ q) c2 O+ y! L5 T) |( p7 w  I* x6 m: \0 s! Y* I
parties campaigned as much on the laws they scrapped as those they created =
, K& g. n2 e  j: h6 K
& O+ F' x! P6 i- b) A+ Q: B4 ^, }+ p# S6 u
Parties campaigned on the laws they scrapped and Parties campaigned on those(=laws)they created.2 {* x3 K6 T: c7 E  T: @: y; F' |

% Z1 S( s( u" _. U9 \0 a
. L) `4 D, u9 \1 S$ r& P9 ?( l/ ~) M如果各党派既能为废除法律而努力,又能为制定法律而努力;: |4 l. a6 `+ F7 k3 C3 R% N
! _( e" Q3 u" \+ B2 v

" t! ?6 A' N  Z- i& M" a8 x9 d(如果各党派能像废除法律一样为制定法律而努力)
" S9 A8 u- G" E' u1 h5 P# Q! P: a+ `" f8 w8 r* h$ J3 _# @
1 x) _$ D0 x" V5 D
this idle parliament would have turned out to be rather radical--- not to mention more useful.
' Z) q- c& E* S, H% A) i
, l$ |3 e  N' Q3 C7 ^  |+ m# K+ M# a. D7 V, v' M
7 m& D2 d. V3 e" s9 R
" R: ?- h, b  a: K% b1 D, X1 {; |) }0 L! c0 K
, v9 A% j" e5 [# Q9 a( Q- ]' H; S$ v) G" S- k1 B3 b4 G6 d$ [
4 H% {) j0 S# ^6 Z4 L* @


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