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留月心 发表于 2014-4-4 09:19:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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天气变化很大,各位一定注意增减衣服,尽量避免感冒。昨天在海口三十四度,今天在北京十四度,完全受不了;很快就是清明小长假了,很好的梳理知识的时候哦,能整天的在教室里面呆着了,想想都激动啊:)9 i' q* r4 K0 g( G8 y( Q
( q0 x; b$ n5 V( P# [! c8 @/ P) j' ]
: L9 t, E' x1 ]& @0 s/ `' Q! a+ u0 R
Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners:;and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.

' q; n: x4 x! \  b词汇突破:' m3 Y" U# M' e1 g' J% \+ p- O
manipulation 操纵
3 N4 }5 p& E& a5 H+ P1 ?( o- N+ eDetached 分离,如果表示态度则是表示中立,不关心的;# F- p) `* A; v% [

% g5 \% j3 _7 H9 l& W& t" E主干识别:manipulation increased the numbers and importance of shareholders 主谓宾结构8 Z+ @; K: ?! v+ x2 u
9 Q3 l6 F  z- _: o" n( l* ?' k
其他成分:& _) o! B! y  }. Q2 n0 U1 ], K
Such large, impersonal ,of capital and industry定语修饰manipulation. O8 \' K( H  U$ U8 \
as a class 定语修饰shareholder / H! X  r6 H2 B
an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners ;and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.整个是shareholder 的同位语。
  Z- M" z6 w2 k6 ]0 F& H' c" A& r! |0 z; Y
; Q5 ?, s9 C8 Din national life;% Z5 r- r" G) f3 }- Q# ]- y6 g
representing irresponsible wealth) u* E4 x& t+ m- d0 {: N9 }1 l
detached from the land and the duties of the landowners:& N8 Y( K3 k* m% D
and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business+ c# m; ~1 e# B6 c& g
都是定语修饰an element; V& P9 J! [# l) J: J; X. g

* G# T5 L; M/ y4 h* {. X难点揭秘:同位语中的三个后置定语造成了阅读的障碍。
7 w% ]" q6 z' v$ D  R4 f4 h% C" I( B1 W/ M/ @8 T, Q* Z# N


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