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留月心 发表于 2014-4-2 16:42:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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3 V3 U. K9 ]5 `1 [
In Europe this process took a little longer, mainly because there were more small producers for whom the costs of sound were prohibitive, and in other parts of the world problems with rights or access to equipment delayed the shift to sound production for a few more years (though cinemas in major cities may have been wired in order to play foreign sound films).
1 U/ ]2 R: v! F1 A# e8 `

* V6 r. v/ i# ~7 H% T, U2 b主干识别:两个并列句:! m7 h( W9 T& H& d
' F$ h7 y- Z7 n5 [! I
第一个主句:: p0 W3 k  Z& O
this process took a little longer$ J8 w% l7 ]3 b1 E* {  g
In Europe 状语# ^" e( Q2 l. \( Q
mainly because there were more small producers 状语;
+ r0 Y* Q% ~5 d+ q, e' N- [for whom the costs of sound were prohibitive定语修饰producers;1 a/ U( W# N: J0 Z1 Q9 U2 [0 e
3 x/ V6 d  G: ~2 y
; ^% B1 z( ?. ^0 x( Bproblems with rights or access to equipment delayed the shift to sound production
, |, I4 t0 w+ h5 {状语: for a few more years (though cinemas in major cities may have been wired in order to play foreign sound films).
6 q- z. R% T2 h/ h" x! f7 M: g' r1 S" G
翻译点拨:词汇的处理7 h9 ?, \+ D! ^: r( D3 |. R

" j+ s( y5 n/ Tsmall producers 小型电影公司
$ U+ ~6 {( L( Q% _# |! v& ?  uRight 版权. p# o  v4 o% W% D
access to equipment 获取设备9 N2 s: u5 {( G9 u9 `+ a
prohibitive 和价格和成本连用表示:价格昂贵
7 v( h- q" G0 d# e# Y7 q0 Wshift to sound production 往有声电影的转变
( d- R9 b  W/ j3 O  d$ I/ n* f) Fwired 接通了声音(根据上下文而来)4 a- }( I$ L  T2 f" F
2 o+ @2 a  [; ?  ?, v9 h8 g% K" X
) `; h1 |8 q) d! gIn Europe this process took a little longer,5 Z5 r$ ~4 D. k
在欧洲这一过程花的时间会长一些;; [8 h5 r9 Q9 j8 e) c9 p3 d# A( `
9 F4 W7 c& A. O+ B/ t. t3 k6 X
再翻原因状语:mainly because there were more small producers  
% Z+ Z# A9 d& n& ]/ Q主要是因为欧洲有更多的小型的电影公司,
3 P7 I; T& W4 }* m8 k/ y9 X7 s: U+ [6 G$ p3 q4 H6 w! r% D, v. Q
5 t+ ?, M: n% p$ _5 `for whom the costs of sound were prohibitive  对于他们来讲,音效的成本过于昂贵
2 c5 l# N' O. S4 [& {" g0 L* j' C& Z5 |6 C, I
接着翻下一个并列句:# S/ B! C- Q- [5 `* b, ^7 {
in other parts of the world problems with rights or access to equipment delayed the shift to sound production for a few more years+ Q: l% T4 Y( \4 p% K
在世界的其他地区,版权和获取设备而造成的问题将有声电影的出品推后了好几年。" Y& y3 w/ @4 O2 t; P, E
8 z% H: s& K! [0 L  ^


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