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留月心 发表于 2014-3-30 12:58:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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(过千给解析,自己看着办)每天都有一些沸沸扬扬的新闻发生,你在不经意的关注中半个小时就没了。狂欢只是一群人的孤单啊!敢于和孤独为伴,不怕寂寞,不惧委屈,专注于自己的目标,才能抵达终点啊。今天的句子是最新一期经济学人上面的,文章的题目是Rise of the robots(机器人的崛起):# r; b8 H8 A! t0 c  |* j) J. m
' s2 U7 ~% I0 N) e8 ?; s
有两个句子,第一个句子简单,第二个句子尝试着弄懂,只做切分,该成句子就成句子,不做细致的语法分析!签到过千给解析哦!加油!1 @% {4 U* a; b/ ?! M0 i
The biggest robot news of 2013 was that Google bought eight promising robot startups. Rich and well led (by Andy Rubin, who masterminded the Android operating system) and with access to world-beating expertise in cloud computing and artificial intelligence, both highly relevant, Google’s robot programme promises the possibility of something spectacular—though no one outside the company knows what that might be.
# o2 j/ I9 n& o2 h0 Z8 j2 \2 e
词汇突破:& d4 r' Z$ Q$ V6 t7 m, s
startup 或者(start-up)创业公司
, D6 J! f- n, E5 q. UPromising 有前途的9 y" u  N4 ~2 U& f; H% d" H: [
Mastermind (作动词:掌管)
4 V. U/ q2 O: ]7 K4 `/ p9 a: Kworld-beating 天下无敌,举世无双的(或物)
8 W2 s: R; P9 J" P* G. ?& Nexpertise专门技能;专门知识, F9 T4 |! U- \( u9 x7 s0 t
cloud computing 云计算" ^0 }. f& Z4 ]9 `
artificial intelligence 人工智能
/ X' ^- c  b5 k. z& T; ^. O
  N* ~9 b% j, G6 Z- P7 f句子分析: The biggest robot news of 2013 was that Google bought eight promising robot startups.
7 e& N5 ?* K( b/ `, v3 d这个句子简单,直接翻译就可以了:2013年关于机器人最大的新闻那就是:谷歌购买了8家有希望的关于机器人项目的创业公司。+ @8 C- J. l, S* {
9 i: t# k9 F2 ?) }; A8 e( {
2.Rich and well led (by Andy Rubin, who masterminded the Android operating system) and with access to world-beating expertise in cloud computing and artificial intelligence, both highly relevant, Google’s robot programme promises the possibility of something spectacular—though no one outside the company knows what that might be.7 o6 c3 o) E0 s. t# J! E0 C
  c$ L5 c9 O! V
! b% B- [& }  \' _& }1 n/ [# y) I         0 [+ V) e' y' O& ^5 s0 v

4 v( g' x4 |5 V# C6 _( @" S' ^1.          Rich=Google’s robot programme is rich.
8 H5 ~5 u+ v8 ^! W# b, q* R + L$ m4 `9 k/ w. Q! K4 C$ l
2.          well led (by Andy Rubin, who masterminded the Android operating system) =+ c4 y* \- t' o+ _2 l; Q1 [3 `
          Google’s robot programme is well led (by Andy Rubin, who masterminded the  Android operating system)
. s3 v6 [6 F9 E7 }) K$ j
# ^4 M6 G1 C% z3.          with access to world-beating expertise in cloud computing and artificial intelligence=
: _# l- x: O" {5 C3 i: X  D8 e# `2 w( M          Google’s robot programme with access to world-beating expertise in  cloud computing and artificial intelligence
6 v3 r4 ^. U& X8 H. w$ { / V2 B1 A: e4 C) S+ \* ?
4.         both highly relevant=独立主格= cloud computing and artificial intelligence are highly relevant 1 ~, R/ O$ ^' U# D: X
(both= cloud computing and artificial intelligence)
8 B/ [. g1 {  i) k: K% B# B7 }
' T. N( T" f6 g9 }5 s0 r' p) t$ D5.         Google’s robot programme promises the possibility of something spectacular—though no one outside the company knows what that              might be.
( O+ K" B% C( m. P
9 t1 B9 G/ d3 _. y3 o我能预料到一大波“各种强迫症”正在袭来,会问:rich 是怎么会事?其实这就是经济学人写作的特点,特别简洁,不拘泥于传统的语法;% n9 r& S1 o4 |

% w3 a* m1 d: s( c* m作为读者,我们能做的就是切分和还原,不做细致的语法分析,因为有时候确实和传统语法冲突。
' Q, R- D, z/ ~2 {+ X6 a, w
" ]$ e: t& N0 \5 C5 O% i比如:这里的rich就被当成了一个状语;三者的并列用了两个and;
7 D) A" y6 o# p6 A' H- ~4 J& C, _. i  x4 p


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