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留月心 发表于 2014-3-24 11:49:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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+ F+ n3 l  `& E* L今天在解放军军乐厅给14的高分学员颁奖,希望明年见到你们!加油!
$ o- N" c4 Z) D+ Y7 i+ j% _
Having tailored its product, organization, and processes to the needs of China’s patchwork of regional markets, Baidu now has an 80% share of what has become the world’s largest search market.
/ `( x: J/ T7 K9 ?. c7 w
1 s( n! [, @6 H: x$ I! d
- v* q) O1 R* `7 ~tailor 调整
' ]; ^; }4 r! g- c4 Z& u+ Spatchwork of regional markets 分散的区域市场; _3 E$ F0 b6 R5 J
$ `( ^* I, B0 }. W5 \, S; `5 |" S" V
& d8 g6 m- o9 x! q! w( h) e+ d1 t- t8 M1.在长难句课上我们讲过了在非谓语动词的变化中,两个句子的时态不一样的时候:
( L1 H1 k0 J8 c  z6 ?% F4 ?' MDid一定变为having done
( A$ b% ]( {/ n+ P  A9 n. g; c" nWas/were一定变为having been  _) u9 F, X7 J2 `
, Q% Q) n! f# i  j
$ M1 U# }; I3 U这样在读阅读的时候我们就看到了两个句子:, R( j8 D9 x; n  N# j8 k+ l6 `
(1)Baidu tailored its product, organization, and processes to the needs of China’s patchwork of regional markets.# J# Y& F- R7 ~" r8 C- e
  s" f! b2 s6 i# N2 Z" ^; x$ g(2)Baidu now has an 80% share of what has become the world’s largest search market.
$ h+ j9 {+ H1 _7 b# F5 N% j5 ]2 F  k/ E
2. what 的用法:( ]0 s" W6 M& u  ^! H4 B
  What 在一个介词后连接一个句子的时候:充当介词的宾语同时可以充当后面句子的主语或者宾语:2 v  W3 j8 B+ v- Q  T" b( k# m3 V
(2)Baidu now has an 80% share of what has become the world’s largest search market.
# s6 m4 b/ }3 l' U What = China that 5 G9 z. Y2 M: N. s" ~. [9 Y6 Z7 Y; F
1 E3 I. I# ^$ B$ [* r参考译文:百度现在已经占中国市场的百分之八十,而中国现在是全球最大的搜索市场。
6 t# v- T+ j$ }7 |) T% ]& x
# y! {  \% ?8 i6 R- I7 I附上一段经济学人的论述,试着读一下:- i0 F  q4 A6 g* \" `$ S( X
Even if the west is prepared to take serious measures against Mr Putin, the world’s rising powers may not be inclined to condemn him. But instead of acquiescing in his illegal annexation of Crimea, they should reflect on what kind of a world order they want to live under. Would they prefer one in which states by and large respect international agreements and borders? Or one in which words are bent, borders ignored and agreements broken at will?
% \( A. b7 ?6 d- t* F* v6 A: s
$ s+ W. T$ }) B9 n& ^% V
) o! j8 e" C6 k  m% g7 g


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