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job 发表于 2014-3-22 13:07:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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习惯就是这样养成的,很多同学留言说每天不看句子就觉得少了点什么。很多同学只见过2D版的我,没有见过3D的活着的我,但是一切皆有可能的,今天在长沙理工大学一位院系的辅导员专门来到讲座的现场,拉着我说,是我四年前远程的学生,现在毕业工作了,看到我的海报,跟着学生过来了。还凑热闹和同学一起找我给“开光”;山水总相逢啊,都是青春的记忆,不是我有多牛,只是为了去铭记共同挥洒过的汗水也曾经有过的感动。我会见到大家的!8 [$ ?( _6 m8 w4 E' f
/ H% y% [  y. M/ z2 t3 K2 M7 L% c. ]. d% a; z' a, G2 W2 n
长难句第一天的课应该至少听过两遍了,长难句第二天的课很快就和全国同学见面了,一定关注各地的通知。2 Z  }- y; l9 B, y- ~$ F8 A1 S
Although it has been possible to infer from the goods and services actually produced what manufactures and servicing trades thought their customers wanted, only a study of relevant personal documents written by actual consumers will provide a precise picture of who wanted what.

% `7 }5 g, d- f8 l词汇突破:) r8 d" m* b) y, K0 K
3 r: f- u, y1 k; s( F8 ~5 uservicing trades服务业/ e. c; a3 `% I1 y9 U2 u/ ?5 s
$ T5 ^, _8 t. V/ ?* C: q; s4 b+ w! F3 |0 _( [
主干识别: a study will provide a precise picture.3 t, U9 B4 L( \

9 P- b; S& P* g; s: H其他成分:Although it has been possible to infer from the goods and services actually produced what manufactures and servicing trades thought their customers wanted (状语从句)( \6 K9 Y4 z! Y& D5 ^! L$ V( \2 b6 M
of relevant personal documents written by actual consumers (定语修饰study,翻译的时候不需要翻译出修饰关系)
- h5 f2 n8 M! U, b of who wanted what.(定语修饰picture)4 R$ p8 C, |: a5 ~/ D0 r

& i  L% }+ d  q1 E微观分析:it has been possible to infer what manufactures and servicing trades thought their customers wanted (状语从句的主干,形式主语it,真的主语是: to infer…)  B' p: `" ^* {
from the goods and services actually produced (状语从句中的状语)
1 i6 o4 V! _( ^9 T/ u- N+ \/ N这个结构是非常著名的隔离结构,我再帮同学们理一下:
+ ]  ?9 t( ?. o: s0 U it has been possible to infer from B A
& [& g% n, F1 G" S/ yfrom B 充当的是状语,调整为:
- Z0 g& C' ?. ]) G2 x, t. jit has been possible to infer A from B
8 G7 o0 P, J5 }9 [& x+ qA=  what manufactures and servicing trades thought their customers wanted4 t5 Z+ z, e/ m' ?
B= the goods and services actually produced! J! B# @; s! A1 F( Z* J

! y" Y8 d; C# }$ Z5 Y参考译文:尽管我们有可能从实际生产的商品和服务中推断出制造商和服务行业对于顾客需求的想法,但是只有对那些由实际的消费者所写就的相关个人记录进行研究才能精确地描述出到底是“谁”想要“什么”。. Y& Y+ v2 I) x5 M6 g" D: ^7 ?5 \: m
(但是只有对真正顾客所写的相关个人记录的研究才能对什么人需要什么东西提供一个精确的描述。)+ Q3 _6 d7 S$ u8 Q4 ]
+ w- G6 ^/ o; K* J% q8 X


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