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留月心 发表于 2014-3-19 16:03:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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今天发生了两件大事:一件是2014考研的国家分数线出来了,积极面对,考研无悔,只要付出了,结果就是交给过去了。用积极的心态迎接新的生活吧。当时写给刚出考场你们,我可以说是殚精竭虑了,像呵护孩子一样的呵护大家的感受,而今天生活会迫使我们勇敢;是的,唯有勇敢!复试的资料我明天就会放在空间中; 祝福大家!  B. ~& T4 E3 M% v& B( ]

9 O4 J; A9 a0 V* w5 p" L第二件就是:宇宙大爆炸理论的关键证据已经被发现了。这是人类非常伟大的成就。今天的句子就是来自路透社的报道,非常好的句子,我也是用生命在给大家找句子,现在还在高速路上写下这个句子,晚上的飞机,也提前一点发句子吧。这几天的微信确实有问题,我尽量发了。; ~6 ?' Q; ]: z) ^8 _3 F
Astronomers announced on Monday that they had discovered what many consider the holy grail of their field: ripples in the fabric of space-time that are echoes of the massive expansion of the universe that took place just after the Big Bang.
' f2 R% t$ z- [' V6 Y5 N% g
词汇突破:1. holy grail 圣杯;很常见的一个英语表达;圣杯的传说来自于基督教,传说那是耶酥基督在最后的晚餐中使用的绿柱玉琢制的酒杯,而圣约瑟(joseph of arima thea)则用它来接耶酥基督伤口流出的宝血。  z9 H! B& _; m: T" X8 x, U
/ d4 W' g9 S4 l: _# Q
在罗马帝国灭亡后欧洲黑暗时代的亚瑟王的传说中,寻找圣杯则成为骑士们的最高目标。Holy grail在延续千年的传说之后,常常被用来代表众人追求的目标,甚至是最高目标;比喻为伟大成就;8 \0 z+ P/ c& s! S; C7 A
, y  T: s! b7 ^" ?& J, }) b5 X
2. ripples in the fabric of space-time 时空涟漪= gravitational waves 引力波
8 `% R6 e6 t8 w& J) M: P( P9 e1 D% m# `  c0 Y! P
引力波是由密度非常大的恒星等大品质天体运动发生的“时空涟漪”( Ripples in Space-time)。然而,即使是伟大的恒星运动发生的“时空涟漪”也非常微弱,大局部敏锐的探测器基本无奈觉察它。; W7 E5 I+ x) p8 T8 Y; R
2 E3 V/ q2 a' R. Z4 I/ \0 J7 |" O1 E( q# @6 E5 u- p
句子分析:Astronomers announced that 主干3 X3 Q/ X  A1 v, E  _. X

6 U1 n0 F* d( j% a) J! [# J) \) m宾语从句:they had discovered what many consider the holy grail of their field : ripples in the fabric of space-time that are echoes of the massive expansion of the universe that took place just after the Big Bang.0 C' Y9 L9 l3 F0 ^1 V5 f7 O

2 m/ \. x9 i- L+ Q+ z; U2 s8 p; A% Z详细讲解其中what引导的宾语从句# R4 w8 e! U) z- e- D/ {5 Y

, w. D' O& o8 c- L% ~& PWhat是一个关系代词:
' t3 X: m7 d, J" t2 r. n4 v* h) \. ?3 y
1. 起到引导句子的作用;(所以放在了
; A6 _9 C- c' P9 _- z6 M" [9 U) K# j! @! f; X
2. 充当代词;
1 x9 \% R& L  F' b
& G" Q$ @# E- o4 Y; Y! |Consider 的搭配:consider sth sth,认为某事是什么;consider sb sth,认为某人是什么;
8 H, y0 P$ L3 L, f2 ~+ S4 I( u" b0 T( D# ~
Many Consider A B ;
% j/ a% _5 s0 v
: a; e6 j) P8 g" }A= what
7 T; T% }- ^9 A2 M+ k
# f/ L$ J- F4 I. [B= the holy grail of their field9 L3 d3 |7 q0 U8 E

2 q6 o- x. `9 h1 WWhat= ripples in the fabric of space-time5 g' ?2 S5 `. {
定语从句:that are echoes of the massive expansion of the universe that took place just after the Big Bang. 修饰ripples
6 x( h5 ?% ~5 s" t: f. }2 W9 A. _' Y
3 b7 v2 k& K5 P+ Z0 W8 s参考译文:天文学家们在周一宣布他们发现了他们专业领域的“圣杯”——时空的涟漪,也就是在宇宙大爆炸发生后,由于宇宙的巨大扩张而产生的回声。  P3 C) _  a! S0 ~8 P& E6 V( {
( |6 F9 L: R9 Y, k8 f3 D% D, H6 w
Predicted by Albert Einstein nearly a century ago, the discovery of the ripples, called gravitational waves, would be a crowning achievement in one of the greatest triumphs of the human intellect: an understanding of how the universe began and evolved into the cornucopia of galaxies and stars, nebulae and vast stretches of nearly empty space that constitute the known universe.
( c0 {& J1 G7 |* I, z
; H; C8 m8 c' a0 M词汇突破:
7 n9 p8 q3 u5 s& ~crowning achievement 至高无上的成就9 |- \6 s, l, J9 ?7 [4 ~
' p/ ^6 E( |( U- L
Triumph 胜利, j2 N9 E5 k% v8 k! Y
$ z- C: J1 P: g4 r+ h
cornucopia丰饶角(盛满鲜花、水果、谷物的羊角,象征丰饶)* t1 C0 N( ~* _, L& W
/ e) u6 e- |" }; b5 f9 B
nebulae 星云
& c( u2 f2 Q% h$ d6 X4 z& N# O; [
句子分析:the discovery of the ripples would be a crowning achievement in one of the greatest triumphs of the human intellect主干
. d, A7 ]+ ~# y: Z6 f& J' p7 h! J4 Z3 E( S
called gravitational waves 解释什么叫ripple;
6 ^- }, ]' u' R9 I  f* j9 ]- k# r6 D  K( u. D! n$ M; U, M3 s
Predicted by Albert Einstein nearly a century ago,状语,3 ?& G* E# |% z3 g
& _, _9 c# G2 R9 V+ u
冒号后的内容是对前面句子的解释,就是一个名词短语;/ X& d+ \, D. [4 a) z& ]) M7 M$ b: j5 p
0 I! e7 o5 _  V' C9 T) U/ }& D


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