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[招聘] 2012年急需招聘global trial PA (国际临床试验项目助理) 6人,本科以上,应届亦可

drfox 发表于 2012-8-8 16:50:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2012年急需招聘global trial PA (国际临床试验项目助理) 6人,本科以上,应届亦可,有意请发简历至lemonconsult at 126.com:; j7 o5 \6 c8 {! z/ m6 k+ i. Y9 i

( s& D2 Y+ @7 ~4 r  |$ J( J& Y- ]' i•        Provides administrative support to Project Leaders, Clinical Operations Leaders and Data Operations Leaders.  Working as a team, taking ownership for tasks.  Focusing on detail & quality.  Ensuring consistency in standards of, and recommending improvements to, existing processes.  ' V3 W, O6 F, [: ]
•        Good knowledge of relevant software (MS Windows, PowerPoint) with excellent working knowledge of Excel and Word
$ T# c+ [% e8 e/ P•        Highly organized with the ability to prioritize workload and manage multiple, potentially conflicting deadlines with attention to detail
' l, R, m) H$ _" `4 \9 u9 `•        Ability to work in a fast-paced environment with a high degree of flexibility in adapting to emerging needs
/ n( j+ B2 T+ V+ L& U' O•        Experience in and reliable with dealing with confidential materials4 d8 T/ g* ]( c
•        Possess a positive attitude3 ?! f/ M- o7 u) w$ _
•        Ability to successfully work in a (‘virtual’) team environment
% V8 n: q, o% W' @! _2 a2 H# }•        Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and function effectively as a team member
1 e1 |& f' S3 ?9 a  ?1 W, |2 A. h+ G•        Ability to liaise with senior management within both PAREXEL and client companies in a professional manner" p* [1 c, w- ?; v; k9 V- F
•        Effective time management in order to meet daily metrics or team objectives
' D- c2 s$ u2 L3 z•        Shows commitment to and performs consistently high quality work
* [  w# p% L  g% w•        Bachelor degree with Clinical Medicine, Medicine, Pharmaceutics or English.
0 Y* F% ]' {2 l) A  z•        Can accept the candidate lack the working experience: P  ]7 U% u2 V# X" E
•        English proficiency (written and oral English)8 W" Z- B0 G6 Q* }* w+ t' g. Y- k( h

$ K1 y5 d6 B! W4 [& n+ T) j
chenglongfeng 发表于 2012-9-20 22:18:04 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

chenglongfeng 发表于 2012-9-25 19:05:37 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| drfox 发表于 2012-10-23 16:19:59 | 显示全部楼层

9 b, E7 x1 M( ~' x请站内信告诉我您的姓名和发送简历的时间。我帮您查一下。通常HR会把简历发给PA部门的负责人,他们看上的话,HR就会联系候选人,安排面试等。

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chenglongfeng 发表于 2012-10-30 10:16:48 | 显示全部楼层

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