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I'm a person

麦穗和稻谷 发表于 2007-7-31 19:40:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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I'm an amiable person who loves the smell of other people's words.微笑的对待别人,会给人一种如沐春风的感觉,让这种微笑陪我度过这逝去的年华……
  ]& R; S; p. q  [% Q& p6 x& b
3 d5 G* d+ F4 {( B5 |4 x+ GI'm an elegant person who keeps a gentle temperament and a modest heart.与人交往态度诚恳、亲切,用语谦逊、文雅,声音大小适当、语调平和平稳。
, \6 R# w$ Q2 _. N& K! Q/ O. S3 T$ S' f& K; r3 H$ ^7 ^5 g
I'm a proud person who thinks my behavior is exceptionally pleasant.我相信天生我材必有用……# b( b+ Q$ y- W4 ^5 t8 }0 |% t
- l+ H- r) s, D) \6 Y
I'm a honest person who finds others mistake but offers pertinent suggestions.做人要厚道,做事要规矩,对人要谦恭……
; I6 N1 W: O( `" o- J1 A
5 k0 a  Y7 E! [% S; jI'm a efficient person who accomplishes the success excellently at short notice.专心工作、不轻易放弃、养成好习惯、吃好睡足,这些是我高效工作的前提……
' f3 o( I% O* Y& A0 c+ _& d4 E* O$ P8 Y
I'm a thrifty person who canonizes thrifty and simple.静以修身,俭以养德,勤俭持家,是我国家庭的传统美德……
: |  s' M% p; e# N, K, Q5 f9 N' x9 e% J" b' [9 K+ |- k  r
I'm a artistic person who has many brainchilds that wonderful artical excelling nature. 艺术家应该是具有较高思想修养和良好艺术修养的人,自己努力想着这方面努力……
8 ?% u" n/ Q& G
7 f6 R6 E% ?8 G- zI'm a athetic person who believes life is movement.每天锻炼一小时,为祖国健康工作五十年……
( C- U' }- t& f- h# v
+ Y& O& O$ w6 HI'm a strategic person who constitutes a plan in the daystart.成事在人,谋事在天……
& i5 e7 P7 R/ L2 s8 q5 B
" r5 Q, Z; O; ]2 f# E/ b9 ZI'm a aquatic person who loves unrestrained and far-ranging. 我喜欢大海,并不在乎大海激起的狂涛巨浪,我只佩服大海的神韵,大海的神秘还有大海的无穷力量以及大海特有的气魄……
8 \" o. Y3 w  P1 k! g: k& ~% o8 I; m# M  Z( w" L9 ~! V
I'm a self control person who indicates how formal of informal myself may be.; s! F& Q. V1 v7 u: d# E9 S7 l$ G
% v3 h3 b4 C' i5 }
cai11412 发表于 2007-8-7 16:25:01 | 显示全部楼层

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伊莎贝拉 发表于 2007-9-13 16:48:40 | 显示全部楼层

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