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[分享] 2008世界狂犬病病日主题活动

liufq2001 发表于 2008-9-25 18:54:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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4 j7 x4 b; B9 T: L
: I( \; j+ \9 \: @/ G/ B+ s; i ' n3 [- m5 D( A; f: p" G  @  K% Z
- H1 `3 v# j  M  E; M  中国是全球第二大狂犬病国家,近年来每年有超过3000人死于狂犬病,疫情形势日益严峻。在第二个世界狂犬病日(9月28日)来临之际,我中心倡导并建议各级疾病预防控制中心因地制宜地组织和开展各种形式的大众宣传活动,提高社会对狂犬病的关注程度和大众对狂犬病的防范意识,并向群众普及狂犬病的预防知识。 3 d8 O+ g, g0 p7 ]) x9 f3 \* v) O4 R
* \- x6 u9 t0 B6 ?
8 H2 A# [4 f* c% x1、中国疾病预防控制中心将于9月20日(上午9:00-12:00)开展“狂犬病防治知识在线视频咨询”活动,组织相关领域专家,向广大公众宣传狂犬病防治的基本知识并现场为群众答疑。
' O) i5 f" O- T# V7 f, L! F视频网址:http://www.sanofipasteur-rabies.com/live/register.asp+ w+ A! r( n9 H/ f& u. ?4 h8 d
2、中华预防医学会、中国疾病预防控制中心与中国畜牧兽医学会共同主办“延申生物杯狂犬病防治有奖知识竞赛”活动,在全国24个省(自治区、直辖市)同时开展群众有奖知识竞赛和专业疾控机构的电视竞赛。详细情况请点击3 C" F9 b2 d4 `% g
http://www.chinacdc.cn/n272442/n ... n3479308/26631.html
9 {) o1 L! C8 U; N
1 z' s- ]( D- @5 F" Z/ k) B ! r7 A( d5 \' s, D- C
来源:  中国CDC网站  
; R0 Y& j4 ~! [5 y/ Z) S. e0 @- A% E% x" ]5 G5 c
http://www.chinacdc.net.cn/n2724 ... /n327941/27399.html


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 楼主| liufq2001 发表于 2008-9-25 18:59:09 | 显示全部楼层


狂犬病知识热点问答 ; J* a4 z0 a2 S5 ]6 M% z" {
$ E" ~7 \; o; i  g; N1 ?
2 l. q% ~- s% l: G$ g7 T" Q
什么是狂犬病?9 D3 I' Q" @4 e, U( b- ]; N
1 T  J/ L% D" _
  狂犬病是由狂犬病毒引起的一种急性传染病,人兽都可以感染,又称恐水病、疯狗病等。狂犬病毒主要在动物间传播。该病主要是通过动物咬人时牙齿上带的唾液中的狂犬病病毒侵入人体而受到感染。狂犬病一旦发病,其进展速度很快,多数在3-5天,很少有超过10天的,病死率为100%。' A9 d7 `$ I0 Q3 g! G8 H( C, _

, d' M9 u5 w+ q* E% v. g: r被狂犬咬伤,就肯定要得狂犬病吗?
% Y% n3 s2 O6 i1 D3 ]4 o  R8 B答:不一定,有学者统计发现就是被真正的狂犬或其它疯动物咬伤,且没有采取任何预防措施,结果也只有30%-70%的人发病。. t7 ^+ T2 i9 Z2 s
/ Z; Q* }- Y/ ^( l
被狂犬咬伤后是否发病有很多影响因素:7 b% V  _) g4 P5 `8 C, W
: @: J" P. k1 d" X
1.要看进入人体的狂犬病毒的数量多少,如果疯狗咬人时处于发病的早期阶段,它的唾液中所带的狂犬病毒就比处于发病后期时少;) g; _. U+ J6 a( |1 O# f

- h, S& R$ m4 `$ i  Z2.咬伤是否严重也影响被咬的人是否发病。大面积深度咬伤就比伤口很小的浅表伤容易发病;
9 N; a& O2 l$ M+ Q3 \2 w
7 Y3 [6 a9 {+ O6 S3.多部位咬伤也比单一部分咬伤容易发病,且潜伏期较短。
& b  u  S* G. q- E( H' j, G$ R. ~
7 I' S% F0 M- V8 }" P4.被咬伤后正确及时的处理伤口,是防治狂犬病的第一道防线,如果及时对伤口进行了正确处理,和抗狂犬病暴露后治疗,则可大大减少发病的危险。) U2 O1 ^6 W4 N7 {, }  s

6 ]# y, V2 e. G5 }5.通过粘膜感染发病较咬伤皮肤感染发病难,而且病例较多呈抑郁型狂犬病。
3 f& L: p( D" ?7 B
& [0 A6 ]3 d5 d% `9 i6.疯动物咬伤头、面和颈部等那些靠近中枢神经系统的部位或周围神经丰富的部位,较咬伤四肢者的发病率和病死率要高。
% Q6 n% a$ n0 r# i
6 H, S4 D) U6 _* @. v8 D% M# Q( }; b/ ?7.抵抗力低下的人较抵抗力强的人更易发病。
' F/ D- q7 o1 N9 C  v$ w2 A) @5 L# |  [1 e
被犬咬伤后,伤口如何处理?; w* V0 h. o* \9 T9 Z
: H2 h) ^( p& A- ?  C! m
1 U% I. ]8 }9 _, B2 K/ |9 t5 i
1.被咬后立即挤压伤口排去带毒液的污血或用火罐拨毒,但绝不能用嘴去吸伤口处的污血。4 I1 K$ E& g8 [9 R. p8 l& N
: _1 @9 D4 T8 w
2.用20%的肥皂水或1%的新洁尔灭彻底清洗,再用清水洗净,继用2%-3%碘酒或75%酒精局部消毒。! T/ q" x4 H& D/ o

6 ~2 k1 e1 D/ m+ ]  3.局部伤口原则上不缝合、不包扎、不涂软膏、不用粉剂以利伤口排毒,如伤及头面部,或伤口大且深,伤及大血管需要缝合包扎时,应以不妨碍引流,保证充分冲洗和消毒为前提,做抗血清处理后即可缝合。
3 d( g' K: q, Q% Z
) C( y6 o& H5 ?& K: V, H* S, p  4.可同时使用破伤风抗毒素和其他抗感染处理以控制狂犬病以外的其他感染,但注射部位应与抗狂犬病毒血清和狂犬疫苗的注射部位错开。. |& ~& ?( n6 @  k6 k
# B  s$ L9 H: \
) R" X% g' {5 `人被狂犬病毒感染的动物咬伤后,潜伏期无任何症状,缓慢渐进,临床症状很少在20天内发生,多数病例在30天后甚至4-6个月后才发病。
7 ~3 i+ H( V# X+ f  H
3 M; @0 ~/ O1 {1 B: ^( H% J在狂犬病的早期,病人多有低热、头痛、全身发懒、恶心、烦躁、恐惧不安等症状。接着,病人对声音、光线或风之类的刺激变得异常敏感,稍受刺激立即感觉咽喉部发紧。被病兽咬伤的伤口周围,也有麻木、痒痛的异常感觉,手脚四肢仿佛有蚂蚁在爬。4 e* f) Y9 H' h" _. K/ ]3 w
  两三天以后,病情进入兴奋期。病人处于高度兴奋的状态。突出表现为极度恐怖,恐水、怕风,遇到声音、光线、风等,都会出现咽喉部的肌肉严重痉挛。病人虽然非常渴却不敢喝水,喝了水也无法下咽,甚至听到流水的声音或者别人说到水,也会出现咽喉痉挛。严重的时候,病人还有全身疼痛性抽搐,导致呼吸困难。狂犬病的病人,神志大多数 清醒;但是,也有部分病人出现精神失常,说胡话。9 A: l5 j* P: l7 o- N- v3 q
6 v$ V" _' j7 D. q( L
9 U5 @$ s# C. |, t3 k/ ?
8 ~1 I+ \! {  l/ X恐水是多数狂躁型狂犬病特有的症状之一,恐水表现未在其他疾病中见到过,所以很具有证病性。+ k$ U. K% L/ c9 e& F

1 U/ M7 l- q; W6 `# b人被狂犬咬伤是不是几十年后还会发生狂犬病?# k/ h) M: c; g7 b( c5 E# {5 V, A
  一个人被狂犬咬伤后如果不及时采取预防措施,有些人会在十几年以后发病,但是几十年以后发病的报道尚缺乏科学依据。( z# E" I- w: W( N9 J! d8 n$ n& J/ v
, y% E! L8 p" @( V8 N( }0 ?# k
0 ~; S6 [- K, [: d) t( z最主要的途径就是感染了狂犬病的动物在咬伤人时,通过唾液使狂犬病毒进入人体,狂犬病毒还可以通过无损伤的正常粘膜进入人体,或带有狂犬病毒的液体溅入眼睛,通过眼结膜进入人体,但以这种方式进入人体的例子要少得多,另外,通过吸入空气中带有狂犬病毒飞沫而感染的例子也很少见,只有空气中狂犬病毒的浓度达到极高程度时,才可能发生。
$ {$ C$ d+ I' k, h+ l: D" s7 O5 V
. ?' s0 o8 i  V+ R病毒在咬伤部位侵入,在局部组织中短时间停留,可到1-2周。病毒可从神经肌肉交界处的神经感受器或其他神经组织细胞的神经感受器,或暴露于粘膜浅表处的神经感受器侵入邻近的末梢神经。0 d2 ?3 h: }, N
' f4 T% o" P  T
人与人接触能传播狂犬病吗?7 y* ~. K3 e5 z8 P" c! Q
人与人的一般接触不会传染狂犬病,理论上只有发了病的狂犬病人咬了健康人,才有使被他咬伤的人得狂犬病的可能,发了病的狂犬病人或发病前几天的人也有可能通过性途径把狂犬病毒传染给对方,狂犬病人污染了用具,他人再通过被污染的用具受到感染的可能性很小,狂犬病人的器官、组织、如角膜移植给健康人则有极高的危险性。& d( }! o" u' `2 l
* \% u3 L" [/ J/ y
狂犬疫苗必须在被狂犬或可疑狂犬咬伤24小时以内接种才有效吗?) K! e0 F2 l9 J; a  h9 w
  狂犬疫苗注射原则上是接种越早效果越好。但是,超过24小时注射疫苗,只要在疫苗生效前,也就是疫苗刺激机体产生足够的免疫力之前人还没有发病,疫苗就可以发挥效用,对暴露已数日数月而因种种原因一直未接种狂犬疫苗的人,只要能得到疫苗,也应与刚遭暴露者一样尽快给予补注射,争取抢在发病之前让疫苗起作用,这时,前一针或前两针的接种剂量应当加倍。& T; ~1 i" l! R4 o! A5 k  t

8 U) @, k6 j) m& A如何才能知道自己接种的疫苗是否有效?% {4 }. a0 h# B! w& g: `
要想知道接种的疫苗是否生效,可在全程疫苗接种完后半个月左右检查血清抗狂犬病毒抗体水平。如果血清抗狂犬病毒抗体是阴性,可再加强2-3注射针,可使抗体阳转。再不阳转时最好测定一下细胞免疫指标,一般而言,全程(5针)接种了合格的狂犬疫苗,尤其是并用血清后半个月以上仍未发生狂犬病,则狂犬疫苗免疫失败的几率极小,也就是说一般不会再发生狂犬病。( }) Q2 V4 T' u( ^: v

; L' Q4 Q6 G/ Q- H! o5 s4 @5 y1 u年轻夫妇在接种狂犬病疫苗期间能否要孩子?
8 r. M5 \7 e0 t狂犬疫苗中没有任何一种成分会影响人类生殖细胞的染色体,在基因水平上危害人类,也不会对胚胎或胎儿的智力发育和身体发育造成影响。因此年轻夫妇在接种狂犬疫苗期间可以不必顾虑,随时都可以要小孩。9 Q1 V( H5 c7 [( ?9 E2 J& i

5 H6 E6 Y) ~0 K狂犬疫苗有禁忌症吗?: [3 G1 ^1 i9 @3 M/ |. r: I6 _/ ?
7 a7 U* l4 e6 D8 }
, V8 N9 I6 N, }- f3 J) [用了类固醇、抗疟疾药物的病人应增加疫苗剂量并在疫苗最后一针注射完以后半月,测定中和抗体效价,然后再视情况采取进一步措施,同样为治疗其他疾病而注射过免疫抑制药物的病人也应检查中和抗体,以便证明疫苗是否疾病产生了足够的免疫效力。正在接种预防另一种疾病的疫苗,仍可注射狂犬病疫苗,但需要把接种部位错开。
8 v( J' s7 T) b* U- \& o7 j; s
+ K8 n( X% v: J: t曾经注射过狂犬疫苗的人又被犬咬伤还用再打针吗?
0 g9 V& Q( f7 G4 B. O. R+ b9 {. W  对接受过暴露前或暴露后有效疫苗的全程接种者,如果一年内再发生较轻的可疑接触感染,可立即用肥皂水清洗伤口,同时密切观察咬人的犬在10日内是否发病而不必注射疫苗。一咬人犬发病,立即给被咬的人注射人用狂犬疫苗;如果是一年以后再被咬伤,可于当天、第3天各注射一针疫苗即可。对严重咬伤、以前接受过疫苗接种但时间较久,对疫苗的有效性有所怀疑者,则应重新进行全程即5针疫苗的暴露后预防免疫,必要时应包括使用狂犬病免疫球蛋白。
6 R, v, H& S( @; m% O4 t* r* u1 Y1 \7 s/ L
8 J  c  r$ R' @  宠物犬、猫已经按规定足量接种了符合要求的兽用狂犬疫苗后,在疫苗的免疫期内,人被这样的犬轻微咬伤,可以只进行伤口局部的清洗消毒,不用注射人用狂犬疫苗。但是若咬伤严重的,或者成年犬没有打够针数,或者疫苗接种早已过了免疫期、疫苗不合格或者失效,人就最好进行人用狂犬疫苗的接种才比较安全。* w" t9 S! y1 \4 e$ I3 I2 v# o" z

) Y, I( ?! B" ~; b. K" g$ h小猫、小狗要打狂犬病预防针吗?怎样打针?" E3 h7 V' l* K) b5 ~% x
  三个月内的小猫、小狗不用打狂犬病预防针,待到了三个月大时,可按规定的注射程序进行免疫。; d0 R8 K( k8 i: x% X
6 h( X% J+ q' o# G" G
$ E4 r1 {% q% X8 V! y2 @一个人从遭到某种病原体的感染开始到表现出该种疾病的症状,这段时间叫作该种疾病的潜伏期。狂犬病的潜伏期一般是半个月到三个月,多数病例的潜伏期集中在30-90天,超过1年者不足1%,个别可以达到14年、19年。短于15天,超过1年以上者均为罕见,潜伏期在一年以内的可占到总病例的99%以上。  k) R2 I  Y' {/ M4 C
* t% ~3 ?+ p; u& Y. k+ H. n% o9 j
3 ]! H$ ]  \/ a$ _/ H. f8 o  不能交叉使用,因为人用的是病毒已经被杀死了的疫苗,而动物用的狂犬病疫苗大多是毒力减弱的活毒疫苗,而且其毒力对某一种动物是否适宜是经过多次实验后确定的,适用于牛的狂犬疫苗不一定能用于羊和猫,我们只能根据疫苗所附的使用说明书来使用。
6 I- {; D- r6 W' G) r+ m. l0 i$ d
  s0 K0 C  G, Y2 s哪些动物会感染狂犬病?
3 g: F3 W, l' x& ?9 a  各种家畜、家禽及小哺乳动物均对狂犬病有易感性,各种野生动物也能感染,总之,几乎所有的温血动物,包括禽类都可感染狂犬病。一种动物对同种动物传染的狂犬病更易感。( N4 `* F7 k3 b3 ~2 S2 N7 e" p
8 h5 S! ^3 Z' p4 [
  动物对狂犬病病毒的敏感性如下:( j; s% p  J* g: q7 d

( p. }8 ]. ~0 A& y0 U& J最敏感:狐狸、山狗、效狼、豺、狼、袋鼠和棉鼠。
8 B5 x7 J- M# H6 C. |. o  ?/ T" d' e' h& d
0 P% [+ B3 c& H1 P2 F3 F1 i8 _; g8 ^1 F. _" x3 T
$ Y1 m5 }! `: `+ O
( a' [) J5 Z1 Y% e+ M0 m低度敏感:负鼠。' Y- g3 T7 n' f( Z3 {

: ^7 ?/ o% n  Z) G2 ~( ~狂犬病毒的抵抗力强吗?
  Z8 N; }8 n7 s! T( F狂犬病毒对外界环境条件的抵抗力并不强,一般的消毒药、加热和日光照射都可以使它失去活力,狂犬病毒对肥皂水等脂溶剂、酸、碱、45%-70%的酒精、福尔马林、碘制剂、新洁尔灭等敏感,但不易被来苏水灭活,磺胺药和抗生素对狂犬病毒无效,冬天野外病死的狗脑组织中的病毒在4℃下可保存几个月,对干燥、反复冻融有一定的抵抗力。
0 K/ y6 B# I4 y6 }8 w# _; Q, @4 P+ l
. k: K% K0 l2 c& l! O# i0 B+ D不同厂家,不同批号的狂犬疫苗能交叉使用吗?
% k4 p4 J% U0 s; f$ S# D" e一般来说不主张在一个疗程中用两个类型、两个厂家、甚至两个批号的狂犬疫苗。特别是生产厂家怕注射中万一出现问题,不好判断是哪一个厂家生产的产品出现的问题,以便分清责任。但是经过许多观察,证实在迫不得已时可以替用。8 S9 ~, p. V  b# L+ p

9 r* D1 V! C, A" Z1 E* b( | 0 v1 J3 f* }& P6 P5 t- N  }
* U+ d9 Q% W( C  @" n0 f
疯动物以及被疯动物咬伤的家畜肉、奶能食用吗?* B; ]% }; A* m$ d; F
确认为狂犬病的动物的肉不能吃,而应当焚烧或深埋,因为该动物的体内已经广泛存在有狂犬病毒,有可能在宰杀过程中通过手上的微小伤口感染人。* c( |5 M) Y$ l0 b6 e/ d' {

# n' D1 _' a9 h4 R5 |  被患有狂犬病的疯动物咬伤的其他家畜,如在7天内把咬伤处的肉剔除之后(范围应尽量大一些),其余的肉还是可以吃的。但手上有伤口的人不要操刀,剔下的肉要烧毁或深埋。  k( n' @& u3 o$ \1 N

3 a! I: _2 C( C# I, @" l5 E  疯动物和被其咬伤的家畜的奶,处理原则与肉是一样的。; t; Q4 G5 a* ]

5 |, M$ o8 ]$ s+ T1 P% h0 a# x$ _2 |
2 y1 M$ w* D4 ]3 t- n: y# m# C; `! ~* y

8 ^) G, T$ J4 _% S3 R, ]1 i! ^- m6 v" f# p5 n

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 楼主| liufq2001 发表于 2008-9-25 19:05:31 | 显示全部楼层

Learning to Make Rabies History

狂犬病由狂犬病病毒引起,人类也会因被狂犬咬伤而感染,其他感染本病的温血动物如猫、狼、狐等也可传播。其特征性症状是恐水现象,即饮水时,患者会出现吞咽肌痉挛,不能将水咽下,随后患者口极渴亦不敢饮水,故又名恐水症。资料显示,狂犬病曾光顾过世界上100多个国家,夺走过数千万人的生命。  1 g6 ^) E9 m4 ]$ p  z  `
人的狂犬病绝大多数是由带狂犬病毒的动物咬伤(抓伤)而感染发病。潜伏期短到10天,长至2年或更长,一般为31天至60天,15%发生在3个月以后,视被咬部位距离中枢神经系统的远近和咬伤程度,或感染病毒的剂量而异。狂犬病病死率极高,一旦发病几乎全部死亡,全世界仅有数例存活的报告。但被狂犬咬伤后,若能及时进行预防注射,则几乎均可避免发病。因此,大力普及狂犬病知识,使被咬伤者能早期接受疫苗注射非常重要。狂犬病遍布于全世界,中国仍时有发生。因野生动物中也存在本病,故要彻底消灭非常困难,但若能管理好家犬则可大大减少发病率。 , s, r+ j, A  z& x( O
. U' Y$ [- x  t5 S
- D6 R- e" w% @
一个狂犬病的课件,供大家分享: Learning to Make Rabies History

Learning to Make Rabies History_08262007.rar

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 楼主| liufq2001 发表于 2008-9-25 19:19:11 | 显示全部楼层
World Rabies Day Website:
6 c. o( C/ z4 `" vwww.worldrabiesday.org ( S0 @) f. o: k1 L: t* W& Y; p
  L  m& N( a3 N4 _
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Rabies Website:
; a6 N; q$ G1 z9 Gwww.cdc.gov/rabies  F- M' @3 `6 [& o: q2 _

, c8 U. M- N7 w6 K: a2 v3 x: eCDC’s Kids Rabies Website:! ~) }6 Q9 F$ U6 q$ b4 C' x
! h8 S# g% o8 m) }, x
. J4 I, W' b$ _) Y. I/ W7 ]World Health Organization5 O4 H0 S" g/ h, D9 l' K
, s4 }; H4 @$ h& o
; b* C: ]0 o# |/ ?) i, T( oPan American Health Organization6 ~* O& `8 q" F
http://www.paho.org/english/ad/dpc/vp/rabia.htm8 Y' f* ?. |6 ?1 L3 r; @! o
- n) I3 G, n# Y* R" c7 u

; r) [  H  B9 m. E9 [Alliance for Rabies Control
( R8 @2 D4 s* s# X. K% g& |, vwww.rabiescontrol.org

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 楼主| liufq2001 发表于 2008-9-25 19:21:20 | 显示全部楼层

Working Together To Make Rabies History!

Working Together To Make Rabies History!
% K; Z& z8 n  S: B* [( RMain Category: Veterinary
2 _+ d# Z5 A4 a0 o2 \) dAlso Included In: Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses6 d: S$ d, `- ^4 l
Article Date: 24 Sep 2008 - 9:00 PDT
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8 `& z8 W7 l+ [Ads by Google$ `6 K4 D7 ?9 P* `) z: E5 b) }
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+ _4 v3 Q; w  A  O0 i1 G) L! q( _Improving health & enhancing lives through research and education.
* T7 o1 t. {0 }7 [! R7 _www.vai.org( v  [: k* y8 j+ a* M! g/ {
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Veterinary Acupuncture
# x/ _1 W1 o  R3 A- [$ TLearn How Acupuncture REALLY Works! Anatomy, Physiology, Evidence
* t. H; \9 \! T+ Y% fwww.science-of-acupuncture.com1 m/ O* c( I6 T% ?" b

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1 [4 f- f" n: z; z) M
3 N# o7 e1 u9 \4 Z# z, @% |Organisations around the world will be aiming to raise awareness and understanding about the importance of rabies prevention on the second annual World Rabies Day on September 28. Rabies is known as the 'oldest and deadliest disease known to mankind' and the BVA, through its Overseas Group, is supporting this initiative.
) v  }& A8 {$ J; r5 \
, x1 t  W8 E, {7 L' C# U0 NLed by the Alliance for Rabies Control (ARC) and supported by numerous animal and human health organisations around the world, the global campaign seeks to reinforce the message that rabies is a preventable disease, yet kills 55,000 people each year - approximately one person every ten minutes. Almost half the fatalities are children. The executive director of the ARC, Dr Debbie Briggs, said: 'Rabies is primarily a disease of children, who are particularly at risk from this terrible disease due to their close contact with dogs, the major global source.'
& q$ w/ H& y5 L, I- _: V9 E1 n, o
: ]. d& t" m$ h& u1 ZTo coincide with this year's event the BVA is delighted to announce that the recipient of the Trevor Blackburn Award for 2008 will be Dr Sarah Cleaveland, a veterinary epidemiologist whose work on zoonotic, livestock and wildlife diseases in East Africa has included extensive programmes on rabies control: she has implemented mass dog vaccination campaigns of 200,000 dogs annually that have prevented hundreds of human and animal rabies deaths in the Serengeti. Dr Cleaveland spearheaded the establishment of the Alliance for Rabies Control in 2006 which has provided, for the first time, a focus for international advocacy for global canine rabies elimination.
1 f. S# c9 R1 D0 V3 N
2 s. }$ v8 O% AWorld Rabies Day is organised by the ARC and supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA. Partners in the event include many drug and vaccine manufacturers, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Veterinary Laboratories Agency, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization, as well as the BVA, the World Veterinary Association, the Commonwealth Veterinary Association, the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe and other veterinary associations.
( y' {7 J* r  f. D2 A+ C( }$ a; d( M. j: u
Events around the world on the day will include extensive media coverage and information distribution, as well as vaccination drives, free clinics and public lectures in rabies endemic countries. Another focus of World Rabies Day is fund-raising for rabies prevention and control programmes; from last year's event the ARC was able to fund five projects in 2008. / i- u& V. S; w4 t3 ^
7 O$ V/ B, x% O$ @8 g0 h
BVA President Nick Blayney said: "Most cases of rabies occur in Asia and Africa, but Britain remains at risk. Classical rabies was declared to be eradicated from the UK in 1922 but there are fears that illegal imports of animals could reintroduce the disease to the native animal population. In April this year, two dogs imported from Sri Lanka were found to be infected with the rabies virus in a UK quarantine centre - an incident that highlighted the effectiveness and value of the UK's six-month quarantine requirement for imported dogs and cats. Within the European Union since 2005, cases have been reported in 16 member states from Finland to Bulgaria to Spain. It is for this reason there are European regulations covering the movement of animals, including specific requirements for rabies susceptible species such as pet dogs, cats and ferrets entering the UK. The BVA believes these regulations are an important tool in balancing the free movement of animals with the risk of spreading diseases such as rabies." ' e4 r: p! w( }3 f& o" G, L; W

& Q" T% p- S, r6 LNotes ' ]1 k! D- P/ ~; ^" a& Y  o9 M  a" W' |$ e
/ N  T+ [$ O5 p# A1 x
1. Dr Cleaveland will be speaking at the forthcoming BVA Congress on the importance of the control of animal diseases in the fight against poverty during the Overseas Group's session which seeks to highlight the varied roles of the veterinary profession within international development and underline the need for vets to be included in multi-disciplined approaches to poverty reduction. 8 Z1 c9 N. d! P8 U4 @/ D& X% _1 L
1 R; M: l8 b0 q/ R5 A) a+ K
2. For further information on World Rabies Day visit http://www.worldrabiesday.org and the Alliance for Rabies Control http://www.rabiescontrol.net# O# Q& S. |! U0 ]/ T8 l9 z6 V

, x$ Q) ?' H2 z& A/ V9 A/ [3. For further information on BVA Congress and the BVA Overseas Group visit www.bva.co.uk or contact Helena Cotton.
* f1 _0 f& \# u2 Z( T) n& w  R2 |2 t5 ]$ y4 u1 g7 `0 `
4. In celebration of the first World Rabies Day last year, The Veterinary Record published a special feature with commissioned articles from leading experts. 2 I2 s- N% O: W) t' ?/ |
4 _. T- @5 U+ U( [$ e6 A
British Veterinary Association

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 楼主| liufq2001 发表于 2008-9-25 19:22:50 | 显示全部楼层
World Rabies Day inspires low-cost vaccination* P4 W7 f8 r* ]" E, }6 S: p& E! z
Rose Anna Laudicina, Staff Writer
2 ~) K* b& t/ x7 X& ^" Z6 j
$ f& ^' g( X; X& x% ~6 q  K9 t: ~
- m  i  p4 W  N* k' F5 P! M! L  |" R
" m4 H4 t$ M* w
One vaccine can fend off one of the deadliest diseases known to man, and the Orange County Animal Shelter is holding clinics this week to give out low-cost rabies shots. # D/ P1 [& y# Y# k2 R9 v
: E2 f8 U. Y2 w  X* h, {
The clinics are being held in anticipation of Sunday’s World Rabies Day to raise awareness about the disease’s effects worldwide.
1 L5 G$ K: M* M$ C; l7 |
: [" s- d+ F4 s# w. i, x“The threat of rabies is a global threat,” said Peter Costa, global communications coordinator for the Global Alliance for Rabies Control.
6 S; |/ p; o8 m6 O3 s0 b! z4 |  O( k' l% G9 {4 l
Costa said rabies has lasted thousands of years and spread to six continents.
2 l( D" L9 b4 n0 y# {5 `+ E8 l8 a
- I( ~; A! y, M  i8 w( y, y “One person dies every 10 minutes from the disease,” said Costa, adding that more than half of the victims are children younger than 15.
* \, U9 K* T+ |! u! c
, `4 m$ A1 f- ^/ {In addition to low-cost vaccines, the clinics also provide information about the disease, which Costa said is one of the main purposes of World Rabies Day. 5 k- r0 t. z( i+ v8 L6 a! c% a
& W. n. k8 ?4 k
The Orange County shelter usually holds 15 clinics a year and provide more than 1,000 additional rabies vaccines, Animal Services Director Robert Marotto said.
. @% b* \3 E7 P, ~; `  z2 F) }% s/ ?) O5 V' N$ O
The Orange County clinics come less than a week after a raccoon became the 16th positive test for rabies this year. 5 D8 U0 V. a+ ~8 p
) ?6 ?, `  P% {0 l8 a
Dr. Carl Williams, North Carolina’s public health veterinarian, said the majority of rabies cases occur in raccoons, skunks and foxes. 5 C! b& N% y0 `0 O' a5 @

- K0 o9 H1 ]0 W! t- ~Williams also said that only about 20 to 30 cats and dogs test positive for rabies in a year in North Carolina, more often cats than dogs. ( k/ s$ s5 c! y; Q7 P* ~+ ]$ P# b) i0 G

! T+ {, Y$ n1 E  k# b9 j. q“We typically see a lower vaccine rate with cats than with dogs,” said Williams. “People treat cats differently than dogs, leaving them outside more because it is more socially acceptable.”
# M( Q9 i+ C5 x' L. v0 N0 `( w* w# c7 S0 f8 \, c: k" k
But there hasn’t been a positive rabies case for humans in North Carolina in more than 50 years, Williams said.
, [* F, y' @- ]: u4 T; r1 K6 H8 s+ o% v3 @3 M; I
While state law requires cat and dog owners to vaccinate their pets, many people disobey the law, leaving pets at risk of infection. 0 Y4 j4 b1 z- f1 _; g* n
* f) z3 W0 b& T
Rabies can kill a cat or dog within 10 days of exposure.
8 F# Z: v) s$ v) t: l  \8 E
% l, Y8 a8 ?; C" V5 O1 G2 z8 d" i) `But wildlife that contract rabies often can live with it for as long as 21 days before dying, Williams said.  q6 U$ q* Q% |0 b$ {9 ~  |% [
) L* [; \- N. K4 V0 T% w" \1 d
“It is very important to be sure that people bear in mind that rabies is a risk to them for members of their families and their animals,” Marotto said.
9 `1 e! R$ k! F- g! L1 i. y. m
: [% u2 F/ u6 W“It is important that all of us be proactive with protection.”

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 楼主| liufq2001 发表于 2008-9-25 19:23:47 | 显示全部楼层
Owners urged to get rabies shots for pets6 q6 i! u' X9 d9 X

4 C: P$ P4 p' ?  I' @; G( BBy ED MOORHOUSE
, s+ v5 @6 ~: {( e8 J8 DBurlington County Times
, P3 f; \$ e! q
9 k6 p9 k& c- u( q - p. q+ I" \1 \( @0 K1 L) M
With World Rabies Day approaching, Burlington County veterinarians and health officials are reminding pet owners to make sure their pets are vaccinated for the disease. - I% R6 b1 E# X5 o8 L: k( q( U
2 N% o8 N7 n4 j0 _
Sunday is World Rabies Day, an awareness campaign sponsored by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Alliance for Rabies Control, a nonprofit organization based in Scotland.7 b0 d/ E7 i0 w% s; V0 O1 W
8 n# _- Q9 \  m+ \& T1 R" o
“Rabies is a fatal disease,” said Amy Mendelson, a veterinarian at the Willingboro Veterinary Clinic. “We want to stress the importance of getting your pet vaccinated.”
9 z, J5 z) M( r; }; h1 W1 l  O
  U0 X  M2 `3 u& j0 i+ KEach year, rabies kills more than 50,000 people and millions of animals around the world, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
; j7 S  l  |  t1 f+ y" F  z; r
6 f4 H9 @6 Z/ Y+ E. _; Y, \/ XRabies is caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. It is secreted in saliva and usually is transmitted to people and animals by a bite from an infected animal or when saliva from a rabid animal comes in contact with an open cut on the skin or the eyes, nose or mouth of a person or animal, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.! i5 W* Q  i5 |/ j% p. W1 I
  [9 ^) w! F: E/ S5 d" ?

' D% v- L/ r, vTerry Zoppina, a manager at the Willingboro Veterinary Clinic, said the clinic vaccinated more than 4,000 dogs and cats for rabies last year.
6 [8 P' R4 A8 U* b3 t
4 J! u8 i) ^6 d“Even if you don't want to come to a veterinarian, there are free rabies clinics available that are run by the county,” Zoppina said.
: T* N9 M$ i" ~" A, j/ N
9 s: R) K! Q9 ?0 J+ ?% M3 eBill Weisgarber, program manager of disease prevention and control for the county Health Department, said the county generally schedules free rabies clinics every two weeks at the Burlington County Animal Shelter on Academy Drive in Westampton.
( L3 S) x* x, ^1 Q* z) P3 V& h- w9 S7 \6 `* i$ [
Clinics will be held tomorrow, Oct. 2 and Oct. 23 from 3 to 4 p.m.
- e- d' ~& i9 J2 u! G4 z6 R: F( X% P6 B
“We encourage pet owners to come to these clinics or go to your local municipal rabies clinic,” Weisgarber said. : v' T. V; B' ^2 r
1 N8 K' |0 {% u7 k- R
E-mail: emoorhouse@phillyBurbs.com

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 楼主| liufq2001 发表于 2008-9-25 19:25:41 | 显示全部楼层

How can you prevent rabies?

How can you prevent rabies?
2 n) V: h4 J& m6 p: K9 F% \) MSeptember 24, 2008
7 a! H9 E* ]# e9 w
8 X5 @. C. L2 b6 [6 H
+ S/ x, t* B2 H( g( f$ O Buzz up! Sunday is World Rabies Day, and this year, spreading the word of rabies prevention is even more pertinent. According to the U.S. Department of Health, the rabies vaccine for humans is in short supply and is not readily available. Suppliers of the human-use rabies vaccine have not kept pace with an unexpectedly high demand, forcing the government to only allow case by case basis doses for emergency consideration. The solution to this problem: take preventable action!
& b+ m- E3 |1 I% K4 a5 Z
! ^' j8 F2 R, S) O3 `$ T' c6 |: `9 T& E& w" {. |2 l+ ^
Rabies is a viral disease that is transmitted mainly by bite and exposure of saliva from an infected animal to broken skin or mucous membranes. Once neurological symptoms of the disease develop, rabies is fatal to both animals and humans, killing about 55,000 people each year. Fortunately, this disease is easily preventable if the correct steps are taken.) {8 d' L, L% f8 V  I9 O

% l3 V8 l* g' v% ODr. Ann E. Hohenhaus, Department of Medicine Chair of The Animal Medical Center in New York City, has the following tips to prevent rabies infection:
9 L& J3 l# o8 R) H0 H
6 f. E% b4 l! c" h& b• Vaccinate all dogs, cats and ferrets. Pet owners have the biggest responsibility in rabies prevention.) W' n/ b/ h4 B- z+ v

: H: |$ `' u$ i) U" J" _! p& X• Don't let your pets roam free. Pet exposure to rabid wildlife is a huge threat. Also, spaying or neutering your pet might reduce the tendency of your pet to interact or fight with wildlife that may be exposed to rabies.
, {5 \! f/ h  @; S, C+ A0 z8 t& W. z& i4 r1 A* x4 A+ \9 y
• Don't feed or water your pets outside. Stray animals will be attracted to even empty bowls.
8 ?, k# [. r; r& M- J4 A3 n
2 r6 R% A' f; K% B• Make sure to securely cover your garbage to discourage rabid raccoons.8 h1 H8 D- L' A* u" `0 i
, v3 S0 A$ i4 y. g# r4 r# d
• If your pet is bitten by another animal, take him/her to your veterinarian immediately. Contact animal control if the bite was from a stray animal.
+ ]  C; C; N" k* h7 }* k' x. c" \9 M& |! X# v: T% ]& o
• If you are bitten, wash the wound thoroughly and contact your physician. Also make sure to report the bite to your local health department.3 K; o! f. l2 r

7 R& `( A5 I; k6 L0 D0 m& R8 ?* G. P• Report any strange behavior amongst wild animals to city or county animal control officials.

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