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[分享] 他汀类药物减少血栓相关性疾病的危险性

iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-5-27 22:30:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Risk Of Clot-Related Diseases Decreased By Statins
6 R7 z' r8 b" v' fhttp://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/188910.php+ a" D2 s- p  i' W7 D
Individuals at risk for clot-related diseases may benefit from taking common cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Connecticut. 3 a1 v* B3 W/ r5 \6 d
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The results of the study were presented at the ATS 2010 International Conference in New Orleans. % H( ?% f, C0 i. ^" A
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"Previous clinical studies have indicated statins may play a role in lowering the risk of these conditions, but these studies have yielded variable estimates of the effect of statin therapy," said lead author Vanjul Agarwal, M.B.B.S. "In our study, we aimed to analyze and evaluate the effect of these drugs in patients with specific conditions related to vessel blockages." ' [% b% ]( d# e- W
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While other studies have focused on the effects of specific statin drugs, Dr. Agarwal said the current analysis sought to evaluate the effect of statins as a whole. Researchers reviewed the results of 10 studies of more than 900,000 men and women evaluating the effect of statins in preventing venous thromboembolism (VTE), clots formed in the deep veins which pose a serious risk for heart attack and stroke. Dr. Agarwal noted that the current study included all types of VTE, with a focus on deep vein thrombosis (DVT), most commonly involving clots in the lower legs, and pulmonary embolism (PE), clots that form in the primary vessels of the lungs after migrating from other areas of the body, usually the legs, pelvis or, rarely, arms. According to study results, statin use benefited patients with all types of VTE, including DVT and PE.
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3 k2 P0 q( \% I* I1 XBoth PE and DVT can be asymptomatic and therefore difficult to detect, or easy to misdiagnose. According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 200,000 to 400,000 people in the U.S. have DVT and about 100,000 to 200,000 people have a PE. Nearly one-third of individuals with a PE die as a result of the condition. ! ^) D6 y& K' a; m# A* Z8 t

' `; M' h3 K) |! _& hDr. Agarwal said statins are believed to decrease the risk of VTE by reducing inflammation, one of the factors involved in clot formation. "Statins have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. Since thrombus formation involves inflammation, statins may reduce venous thrombus formation and thus, lower the odds of developing PE/DVT," she said.
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Dr. Agarwal noted future randomized, controlled trials may help determine a course of statin therapy for patients most at risk for developing VTE.
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"Patients at high risk for developing PE or N may be prescribed statins prophylactically," she said. "In these patients, regular use of statins could significantly reduce the incidence of PE and DVT."
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"What Effect do Statins Have on the Development of Venous Thromboembolism? A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis of Over 900,000 Patients" (Session A56, Sunday, May 16, 8:15- 4:00 p.m., CC-Area K, Hall G (First Level), Morial Convention Center; Abstract 4499) / `, \3 R" g7 ?$ n; |# }
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Source: American Thoracic Society
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 楼主| iavjssssmqee 发表于 2010-5-27 22:30:51 | 显示全部楼层
根据Connecticut大学学者进行的一项研究,服用普通的他汀类降胆固醇药物,可能令血栓类疾病易患者受益! c% s* j& Z# w7 w: l( G# y
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9 F1 b2 z6 J4 y0 }" _2 {+ [  J( p第一作者Vanjul Agarwal说:之前的研究表明他汀类药物可以降低患血栓类疾病的风险,但关于其的疗效的估计不尽相同。在这项研究中,我们旨在分析和评价他汀类药物对血管栓塞患者的疗效# a  @  w- M6 P7 \

& ~3 G7 m) Z( j( b4 ?$ R1 KAgarwal博士说,尽管已有研究已关注过特定他汀类药物的效果,该研究旨在评价其整体疗效。该研究评价了过去10项研究中超过900,000患者使用他汀类药物预防静脉血栓的效果.Agarwal指出此研究包含了所有类型的深静脉血栓,重点关注好发于小腿深静脉和肺部的血栓,研究结果显示,使用他汀可以使所有静脉血栓患者受益,包括DVT和PE患者。$ c5 X6 Z/ T, v
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' O; `. C+ \9 P' ]Agarwal博士说,他汀类药物通过减轻炎症进而降低静脉血栓风险,而炎症是形成血栓的因素之一。已证实他汀类药物具有抗炎作用,由于血栓形成涉及炎症,因此他汀类药物可以减少血栓形成,降低肺部血栓和深部静脉血栓的几率。/ E1 g( e& t, {' ?  \" @4 `% A' ^$ {
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Agarwal指出对于发生静脉血栓的最高危患者,将来通过随机对照实验可能帮助确定他汀类药物的治疗方案  C* n7 b) ~4 |2 ?  _
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她说:对于深静脉血栓和肺血栓的高危患者,可以预防性的给予他汀类药物,对这些患者,规律性的使用他汀类药物可以显著降低PE和DVT的发生率 & o8 N# I7 {# Z: l; m5 O. T

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