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[分享] Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples (2010)

sampson2010 发表于 2015-1-15 14:56:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 sampson2010 于 2015-1-15 14:59 编辑 5 w1 R: v* @' }' J  v( R

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Title: Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples! b9 G) z) M# n
Author(s): Glenn Walker, Jack Shostak2 ~. t& P9 o4 F7 E& Y  S6 ~& |
Publisher: SAS Institute       
: a3 O) W0 z) ]/ q7 v' @: [( e& QYear: 2010        & K3 V4 R8 q% ^) a1 I, y/ s
Edition: 3rd
+ i* S! W, a" d1 @; }: j( gLanguage: English        6 ]: T4 w7 |& }. ?
Pages: 552- ^; }3 M: H2 }% R
Size: 7 MB (7511730 bytes)       
" Q9 s- O) Q2 J! s8 A6 n8 OExtension: pdf
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3 c) E" L" q+ }2 n2 B5 s% _Description
& P& ^" N% v9 z" M* d! S7 p# CGlenn Walker and Jack Shostak's Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples, Third Edition, is a thoroughly updated edition of the popular introductory statistics book for clinical researchers. This new edition has been extensively updated to include the use of ODS graphics in numerous examples as well as a new emphasis on PROC MIXED. Straightforward and easy to use as either a text or a reference, the book is full of practical examples from clinical research to illustrate both statistical and SAS methodology. Each example is worked out completely, step by step, from the raw data.
" u6 u6 F2 J( L7 G; q$ ?Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples, Third Edition, is an applications book with minimal theory. Each section begins with an overview helpful to nonstatisticians and then drills down into details that will be valuable to statistical analysts and programmers. Further details, as well as bonus information and a guide to further reading, are presented in the extensive appendices. This text is a one-source guide for statisticians that documents the use of the tests used most often in clinical research, with assumptions, details, and some tricks--all in one place.
! t2 P8 k$ a" C4 b6 G0 c/ tThis book is part of the SAS Press program.
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Book Reviews
  g; o& g$ L$ H8 k5 s"For anyone working as a statistician, SAS programmer, or clinical researcher who does pharmaceutical statistics using SAS this book is indispensable."4 f# N5 S# i9 b$ h1 A# q
2 [# J4 B, M* Q' `
Michael R. Chernick, Ph.D.: [1 K, f6 L/ n
Director of Biostatistical Services
0 {8 C- a  U' v) s* v8 Z& a, }! @Lankenau Institute for Medical Research" X$ U( A7 k4 @$ B$ J, u
"This book is an excellent resource for all health care research with detailed information on common statistical methods and abundant SAS examples. From t-tests to logistic regression, this book covers it all. With the use of relevant examples and datasets, Walker and Shostak cover everything from data analysis to model fitting in an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand manner. The most comprehensive book on common statistical methods, Walker and Shostak's book is one of the books that I will use on a daily basis.": H9 D5 R- y) D$ E0 ^4 C' J0 H5 N3 ^

/ G" f& w5 D* E7 ~8 \# ?4 ^- @Kimberly Nguyen, M.S., M.P.H.
" u% O8 @8 t& ]- q3 H6 f+ C4 IEpidemiologist. b. d* l6 Y) R4 ]& S+ i4 Z
Connecticut Department of Public Health! O7 S; L! s; t6 @8 W
"Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples, Third Edition, offers users familiar with statistics the SAS/Stat procedure code and options available to perform their analyses using SAS. For experienced Base SAS users who want to learn which SAS/Stat procedure is the most appropriate for their data this book offers an excellent statistics tutorial.
& s. N7 j6 ], ~3 m; {, y  ^7 H6 C
Chapter by chapter, this book leads you through statistical procedures in clinical trial analyses, from basic descriptive stats and hypothesis testing to more complex multivariate and survival analysis. Each chapter begins with a definition and notation of a statistical test and a numerical example illustrating its use. The SAS program code and resulting output follow. Numbered lines in the output match key paragraphs in the text and provide detailed explanations of the steps in the SAS procedure. You can gain experience by creating the sample dataset, completing the exercises listed, and comparing your results to the appropriate results provided."" V& C4 n7 M& Z4 _! [% M/ r- F
, K3 i" i/ p. p. z
Karol Katz, M.S.
8 T& {; w5 S* V0 [7 WProgrammer Analyst
* J4 }9 t; I( Z6 o' L7 JDepartment of Pediatrics
, T% B/ i' I1 H2 y& NYale University School of Medicine% U$ m* G7 T% Y1 f! `9 \" B. |+ C
"Walker and Shostak offer a comprehensive introduction to fundamentals, concepts, and applications of statistics in clinical trials. Using data examples from drug development, sample SAS code is provided to help solve problems commonly found in clinical trials. Useful explanations of SAS code are given and common pitfalls are shown.
3 Q" c" F7 o+ u, w) n2 G( o: v% @+ e: R  T) V4 n6 ^  G
This book is a good reference for SAS programmers, clinicians, students, and professionals who want to learn SAS applications but may not have either clinical trials experience or statistical course work."
8 e9 W% l2 A& U+ D8 W" m3 H* c# g5 ~# C3 ^9 \$ |4 h
Debbi Kotlovker6 d3 S" o3 h* t/ O
Statistical Consultant
/ _6 T) ^. s4 T
$ P1 h0 W3 U- S1 E6 \7 S6 t# I" C4 {. K$ k% }( l7 T
About the Author+ a- f# j6 f; \) `; Q# S8 X. e$ N
Now retired, Glenn Walker worked for twenty-eight years as a statistician in clinical trials and health-related research. He has worked as an independent consultant for clinical researchers in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, including numerous CROs. A SAS user since 1976, Glenn received his PhD in statistics from the University of Florida, where, as a graduate student, he taught courses in statistics and on how to use SAS software. Jack Shostak is the associate director of statistics for the Duke Clinical Research Institute, where he oversees a team of statistical programmers and serves as a CDISC resource. A SAS user since 1985, he is the author of SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry, also published by SAS Press. Jack received his MBA from James Madison University. He is active in the Pharmaceutical Industry SAS Users Group (PharmaSUG) and SAS Global Forum.
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Table of Contents  }  _; @  K/ x' _, R# f4 E8 r) U3 O
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5 f  z& R; N/ o7 ^! U7 R* b: f Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples (3rd edition, 2010).pdf (7.16 MB, 下载次数: 211)
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沙漠风暴老虎 发表于 2015-1-16 11:28:09 | 显示全部楼层
  p6 N, e0 |9 u8 U楼主辛苦了!
, ]9 v0 }2 Z. f3 ?  |* T功在当代。

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tljuly 发表于 2017-12-23 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层
many thanks for sharing

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谭vivid 发表于 2018-1-1 15:53:03 | 显示全部楼层

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