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留月心 发表于 2014-8-11 13:27:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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( Q, j( W! U. T
% U0 Q; i  X0 A# f: i
2 d) a2 S6 X0 N' H  |He gave us strength in time of trouble, wisdom in time of uncertainty, and sharing in time of happiness. He will always be by our side.  j5 B* c% c( h  m7 {8 J- Z

2 T8 f6 V0 B% n! ]
5 T+ f0 ?8 q, X- ]  x下面这个句子是10年的阅读真题中的句子,之前发过一次,大家可能没有注意,问的比较多。可以试着再分析一下!5 \6 f8 G" Y4 n: ?0 y' V% A
+ U& s# }( @; p% x/ t8 ?2 \( J2 ?

4 L6 M- G4 ^" F: a( @无论哪里有多热闹,这里都是我们最安静的学习的地方!. a2 E' n" ~. y) F7 R$ v5 Y
- n9 N- T5 f4 _$ d, {

9 s: E! Y0 M; T9 h9 S* p2 jIt is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews.
* a$ k& G8 G, ^* G8 n9 d
& t* O- D  B9 q: b8 E2 x  G$ O9 f; F# w( M1 q
第一句难点解析:It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.; d2 y! h: f+ t5 v; R/ O
. e2 [6 p$ k( }2 T4 {
" Z' U3 l9 x' m8 M
这个句子中最重要的是找出两个状语:& q1 ~! O& D' t4 q" Y

0 n5 w8 F7 g* T- G: y4 x; Q/ @/ d! S2 k8 U; D6 l  u
to the point of impossibility 状语一/ s+ @; H, L% S8 Z
. I. G. t4 h4 I
* C6 F7 }6 ^, k) i
表示程度:直接翻译,到了不可能这个点;=不可能& f( r- f% v/ `8 L3 E
for the average reader under the age of forty 状语二+ i& U6 e# u& y$ O; c
9 \/ B7 S( y; N' ~" M9 h7 ?  M. H

. F' S9 [  M4 b, D这个句子的真正主语是:
5 e" A5 A0 D  }7 f
% r! h8 Z- b% _. n1 ?: r$ @7 K$ Z& t0 V: S' g
to imagine a time
$ g: ], P/ L* r5 p; ?6 a) U1 G
. t6 u: p6 D6 I3 h: E  h, M5 P. U) s: U# P9 M
it is difficult to imagine a time; it做形式主语
- T* ~. Q& A; Y0 F/ {& s" {! y3 N9 o3 j6 k/ o8 i" O
4 `6 t  y5 P" _9 [9 S
when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.定语从句修饰time;0 X" ?/ V! S7 W" N

: z. R* a9 b, z
1 F# g, y+ B, j2 O; r- V! m译文:对于年龄低于 40岁的普通读者来讲,让他们想象一下当年可以在许多大城市报纸上读到精品的文艺评论简直几乎是不可能的。" s6 X) }: ?  {, W- q& s3 O* ]

9 C. B. G* k  Q  R/ T. c! c/ M8 C- o% a
7 E: d+ [% g; g3 r* L, g
) }* j. H5 l- e. E! P% i' I4 C  X
2 Q# \7 L7 n6 D% x! ~/ vYet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the- i4 t0 U, l6 s* g: a
- {, Y6 L  C% _( T* X: e
! ?  z! z2 c$ m/ e
20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews.
2 y2 H$ p$ ^# v& |1 m
) b/ R) @# L2 G. g" ?' \7 h' N/ Q5 X! F$ Y
然而,在 20世纪出版的最重要的文艺评论集中,人们读到的大部分评论文章都是从报纸上收集而来。' B' w& s7 f; k* p! P6 [$ r$ p
% @4 C3 N6 I; [% W+ ?5 R, X8 H$ J
# ^0 M7 I) x6 ]! f
) {1 \& p) d/ E2 q( Q, K0 C% O, w5 Q" q& C
2 R% x) a* h# P$ k7 N1 o" _
后一句:确实有这样的事情;$ Z6 ^* H6 s0 i& p% j8 q- E% f


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