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留月心 发表于 2014-7-17 19:38:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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一个人,一个包,一个行李箱独自上路,却和着一群有着共同理想的人共同奋斗! 不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。加油!' V+ e) Y' w+ A7 S

2 A1 H, Y9 y% A( [% D3 Z/ ^Well established among segments of the middle and upper classes by the mid-1800’s,this new view of childhood spread throughout in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries as reformers introduced child-labor regulation and compulsory education laws predicated in part on the assumption that a child’s emotional value made child labor taboo.
- Z  c* l7 t- u2 o2 p- C/ c  a- b6 T5 G4 f% @$ Z
词汇突破:segment 部分,阶层/ Q( q4 t3 B9 ^6 [- J' u% X

" T9 b; v; F$ C; D3 tthe poorer segments ofsociety.! B% d+ v# `; J- t2 o/ @# p) Y
% L1 s; T. n% A. Y
社会中的较贫穷阶层% f1 B! E- T$ t1 f' W: H

; D, @; f0 E9 W& _6 v3 Z+ vPredicate v. 断言,断定;n. 谓语; n: K% `( r# A' X( ^

0 A. }0 D' w# ?- Z$ c4 O还有一个重要的意思:动词:基于;取决于;以…为基础) t- e2 {8 }) n0 i% [

" U+ V2 K3 W7 E7 O0 i例句:Financial success is usually predicated on having money or beingable to obtain it.
; C0 G' y# c+ m/ t' {先要有钱或者能弄到钱才能够赚钱。
4 B4 `1 B8 g% Y: c4 ]/ \* [0 V5 w, N7 w/ i$ S: w. q: n2 G/ i- z0 f
A predicated in part on B
" ^: a1 n" b' k% ~) I
6 z! l4 W; O  E' [% ~- UA 的出现是部分基于B
  L6 i  K) F' |- [0 c- Y# q+ g3 d0 w0 t! ?& z6 I
9 p" e+ w$ |! @  g9 Z/ G% |& b- ~
child-labor regulation 童工法/ i, n+ q# u! K9 X+ I
8 I- X, b+ m( {0 [% t% X: t- b$ k7 q
Compulsory education laws义务教育法/ A7 z5 @3 h4 g) q

, f$ e5 H* g! x主干识别: this new view (of childhood定语) spread (throughout in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries状语), w8 E: O" K+ ?* Y
( y, Q- ?  i3 Z) n! ~. M
其他成分:Wellestablished among segments of the middle and upper classes by the mid-1800’s,
: [3 ?" l4 L% x( _1 D
7 ]( A6 {9 z3 }, s0 f过去分词作状语(可以先单独从句,主语就是this new view)- T* L' b# h) A  U. D! o4 a
as reformers introduced child-labor regulation and compulsory education laws predicated in part on the assumption that a child’s emotional value made childlabor taboo.) y2 ?% _3 k8 T, @
1 _- a. Z: e9 o1 b& N- P
状语从句0 o/ N5 d2 l6 T

# m0 }; C' Q( C  S5 O2 X+ p微观分析:状语从句主干:/ x3 ]( M; r; U1 Z' c0 H$ N

, b/ V; F& E' Jreformers introduced( [" _! r1 t" J- Z% t1 {
- f+ l# W; t/ [; M$ _
predicated in part on the assumption…定语修饰前面的两个法;. g+ R) [" Z! s+ h

3 ?9 ~5 s2 z7 @- m# wa child’s emotional value made child labor taboo. 同位语从句补充说明assumption;
3 P4 S0 L% W9 r( Z# K3 n- ], n5 R; k2 G( R
参考译文:这一新的观点在十九世纪的中期就已经在社会的中上阶层中牢牢的确立了,在19世纪末和20世纪初在社会的各阶层中传播开来,因为当时改革者们引入了童工法和义务教育法,这些法律和法规的出现部分是基于下面的假设: 孩子们的情感价值使得童工成为了一种禁忌。

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