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留月心 发表于 2014-7-8 09:12:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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谁说长句才会难?看看这个句子吧!评论走起!注意队形!: P8 M/ A3 o0 s/ I) d4 [
Accordingly, it requires a major act of will to think of price-fixing (the determination of price by the seller) as both “normal” and having a valuable economic function.
/ p. M; D/ M, ^& x 词汇突破:Accordingly 因此, Z1 U) a" Q9 b* x! ?
          act of will 意志行为=决心+ h6 T% K# d- e+ U7 \" X
          price-fixing (the determination of price by the seller):卖方定价模式, |( c  S" N) d2 `! b' e
主干识别:it requires a major act of will 形式主语
, \1 U: |) \+ `6 n) S1 P6 G; HIt= to think of price-fixing (the determination of price by the seller) as both “normal” and having a valuable economic function.
7 f. _0 u# f5 J& y4 Y  T4 ?结构提取:think of A as both B and C.
9 j* d5 o/ H) d/ O) P- s* b参考译文: 因此,把卖方定价模式思考为正常的而且还是有价值的经济功能需要下很大的决心。
  e% m: ?% w! \+ _ 6 X8 c, E( V0 m2 s. T9 Q  a( ^
背景介绍:从这句话可以正话反说:一般而言我们都不认为卖方定价模式是正常的,也不觉得卖方定价模式具备有价值的经济功能。. q6 ?- B3 ?2 \, h* v* K$ }

$ }& S2 S& |1 L5 B2 s9 R& }0 ~. F+ E
' J+ e' _: B: l) v3 E2 L4 @3 X
) _$ M7 @, L& G% ]" e- _4 O. _! {& ]) P2 m8 n% `

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