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每天一句: 2015考研英语第一百四十一句

留月心 发表于 2014-7-7 11:55:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Welcome back! 欢迎回来,看到越来越多的同学期末考试结束以后又回到这个熟悉的地方,我感到非常欣慰;坚持最好不要中断,如果迫不得已中断了就及时的重新开始,一切都不会晚的!
& R: Q5 Q9 }9 U; \% j4 H
1 v! r  W7 ]& K- k
% J: z+ M" l7 M8 X这个句子是今天NY Times上面的句子,非常典型的描述经济的句子!好好看翻译!: E8 O: U8 X6 B/ R6 v0 ?- ?% }7 _

" F0 n# m* O& p: R1 r: ~: `$ @* L3 `# s4 p2 H
The pace of hiring in recent months has been stronger despite a very weak first quarter, when the economy shrank at an annual rate of 2.9 percent. Although the weakness was initially attributed to weather, as well as more technical factors like inventory swings, the depth of the contraction caught some economists off guard, especially those who began the year with a more positive outlook for 2014.
$ x; H. ~3 C, z; D% Z# m% o$ F! q+ M) i3 b3 V
6 @# M$ n; m, D/ ~+ N' W
词汇突破:The pace of hiring 就业市场增速9 N0 }$ t+ ?8 E: X. I7 u
2 W' L5 `' a* u
: j6 M( e1 R; q8 T0 {! d5 H. t
inventory swings 库存波动6 t% Z* S* J0 |: ~8 \+ E- V
6 p1 M; y. |1 Z: i

3 V, O+ `! J0 L' D$ qthe depth of the contraction 下滑的程度
! o1 r- Z" a+ Eoff guard 猝不及防4 i$ \6 K; Z6 [' y# _

. a$ H) r! R  B- H5 `) R5 z, ^* w  c' D/ d  a$ V
The pace of hiring in recent months has been stronger despite a very weak first quarter, when the economy shrank at an annual rate of 2.9 percent.
) x, L# o4 u' _% I) I
1 q$ O/ t. }( _% b5 B) `4 {) c' n" C" c$ j* {
(这里的stronger是和weak对应的,所以weak first quarter是指就业疲软的第一季度)
  E8 C2 T% o; P& |  p  I* n$ W0 V% a, T" E- J7 f4 V

& D& G+ L, `; S+ `# U参考译文:先翻译when: 今年第一季度经济衰退的速度达到了年化2.9%,) W9 p* g" i) `# h0 ^% l1 B

; C4 n4 J1 f" W
6 Y4 s) L! _2 ]: |再翻:(因此)就业情况也很疲软;0 m' b2 B& a- V5 l8 d

. m  i3 A1 z7 B. Z! {. q+ J2 z2 B; }+ a9 W
( q/ c& k0 d9 t+ p5 ]! AAlthough the weakness was initially attributed to weather, as well as more technical factors like inventory swings, the depth of the contraction caught some economists off guard, especially those who began the year with a more positive outlook for 2014.5 Y% _7 W7 p; Q- q
* n8 p( y% j6 j) L* G
. f4 f8 Y) e; ?5 F" _% y% x) S
参考译文:尽管一季度的疲软最初被归咎于天气,以及库存波动等更加技术性的因素,但衰退的速度让一些经济学家猝不及防,尤其是那些年初时对2014年的前景较为乐观的人。/ T8 {4 J/ A3 z; N0 d

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