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留月心 发表于 2014-7-4 15:04:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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早上4四点多起来从武汉到宜昌,一天的课;关键课堂楼下装修,整个说话是平时音量的好几倍才能让大家听清,同学们很辛苦,我也很累。回到住处一躺下就睡着了,手机也没有电了,但是迷迷糊糊间还是醒了。还好,还在12点之前。6 ~. I6 Z. z* N; s7 f9 s

6 }7 f; }6 o2 _The pendulum began to swing in the postwar era, when Harvard Business School grad Robert McNamara and his "whiz kids" became famous for using mathematical modeling, game theory and complex statistical analysis for the Army Air Corps, doing things like improving fuel-transport times
+ O# M" U" ^$ S! s7 @9 O8 D
% \- @# F% o- g* Iand scheduling more-efficient bombing raids.
0 ^; e  Z, L+ ~, E, W* y; c! c7 u, I5 s/ k
主干识别:The pendulum began to swing in the postwar era5 p7 ^: n1 @& q. S

$ ~" O/ Z( R5 J7 X' Z0 u其他成分:when Harvard Business School grad Robert McNamara and his "whiz kids" became famous定语从句主干: \9 I$ R* M7 v4 l* i" m

8 m  X+ j9 P7 k* z6 ifor using mathematical modeling, game theory and complex statistical analysis for the Army Air Corps, 定语从句中的状语% f6 b/ ^: |$ W5 r
6 l. _- L7 Z! ^: j
( Z% N: W* x* K4 Y
% m9 x1 f7 j" S  P翻译点拨: 词汇点拨:  b/ V2 Y: h* X' M

* Z% m6 Y7 D: A5 j, F2 T  G  F注意对pendulum的理解:
; N4 ^- q6 ?8 h" v3 zThe pendulum has swung back and the American car companies have made dramatic advances in safety...9 U, c: ?! M# E3 r. u4 j, C
2 \1 N7 V5 I. K) p1 N
三十年河东,三十年河西,美国汽车公司在安全方面已经取得了巨大进步。- K2 S/ p  l% A
+ x3 z& u! b" s% o+ L/ n, h
The political pendulum has swung in favour of the liberals.! L5 Y  M  C3 ^2 l7 k
% z7 [- g% g5 [# o- A
政治形势转而对自由主义者有利。! I7 e$ q+ c# g  X) g$ {. K. j
( @# d- G5 K2 b) a0 Y
The political pendulum in American politics swung away from the right, putting an end to the12- year Republican Revolution on Capitol Hill and delivering a sharp rebuke of President Bush and the Iraq war.
4 k0 ]# }4 t6 [% X3 j$ I
% D: u) [' ^& P" R* E& K美国政坛的政治钟摆从右派转向,一举结束共和党在国会山庄的十二年革命,并对布希总统和伊拉克战争发出强烈的怒吼。. `. _% P3 o3 \) z4 a
  B. X. O0 v, O/ ^
grad 毕业生
5 ~. P$ `. y$ b+ ~
4 F' o; m0 c$ F, b4 E& }0 {whiz kids 天才学生9 }  V1 `( g9 ^+ I: Y; P

  C1 _6 M) \/ A: S! lmathematgame theory 博弈论
9 ~6 ~0 e  f0 A. U2 {/ g
* L* _- f3 S+ W; \; fstatistical analysis 数据分析
% J  b7 ?2 v  i
* Z/ l. B) |1 b; l4 ?- TArmy Air Corps 陆军航空队2 d- B6 y( ~7 `( U
7 t3 T! G0 J  v% t3 O5 Y! n2 ]
fuel-transport 加油0 n) R# @% H3 O3 q* B% w- M( V

9 F% h" |  q2 B3 {bombing raids 空袭
+ ^# W, G9 ?& L
4 W" A, Y, g, {成分点拨:& C$ f: j0 s8 N3 V; a% N+ X

% o' W2 }( K( ]0 SThe pendulum began to swing in the postwar era9 M3 \% `0 ?8 y, \

% i0 I  Z6 T/ Z- L情况在战后开始改变1 f+ Q: _, V0 X2 B2 Y) e% v/ i
. t; g  `9 K0 c7 M
; a2 A+ S) _2 S& O9 ~+ cical modeling 数学模型
  o$ x- a) N9 S: m' xHarvard Business School grad Robert McNamara and his "whiz kids" became famous for using mathematical modeling, game theory and complex statistical analysis for the Army Air Corps,
- T& }/ j5 ]/ {) A! k/ Y$ s9 T& ]! l) }1 `, g
哈佛商学院的毕业生 Robert McNamara和那些天才学生一起因为使用数学模型,博弈论和复杂的数据分析来为陆军航空队做事而名噪一时,3 B* O7 D) ]) T  X" Y4 x
& [5 w/ F& T# s+ _9 ]9 e0 B5 M
最后翻状语:4 ~9 _" w" i1 R0 k& X! h9 _
# @9 c) Y$ }' d' L+ a( t0 @
doing things like improving fuel-transport times and scheduling more-efficient bombing raids.
8 g% o6 q0 a6 H; g3 |+ c- x4 @. n* |( C5 ~# |% c
翻译是省略doing things like,直接翻为:他们减少加油的时间并且安排出更有效的空袭。+ a+ @" x9 {8 W5 g- ]

7 I1 m9 i8 F+ ]; U; ]9 u& [参考译文: 情况在战后开始改变, 哈佛商学院的毕业生 Robert McNamara和那些天才学生一起因为使用数学模型,博弈论和复杂的数据分析来为陆军航空队 做事而名噪一时,他们减少了加油所需要的时间并且安排出更有效的空袭。
% ^# V2 j! C' C  R# @. _9 p4 E, X


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