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留月心 发表于 2014-6-27 13:23:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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看着2014同学分享的通知书,很多同学很羡慕,正是应了这句话:我们所羡慕的别人只是想像中的自己。如果我们的生命不为自己留下一些让自己热泪盈眶的日子, 那么,我们的生命就是白过的。闭门即是深山,读书随处净土。继续惊艳的句子!
, c6 H! E9 J) ^, n) H8 q$ P( S3 e1 K+ B% d9 u

+ M, H5 s- e2 e( K% p  zBut while admitting to the fullest extent the wonderful achievements of labour, and recognizing the fact that men of the most distinguished genius have invariably been found the most indefatigable workers, it must nevertheless be sufficiently obvious that, without the original endowment of heart and brain, no amount of labour, however well applied, could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton, a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo.
! K* |4 f$ r5 _2 p" c
0 `% i. v! ]; k
4 J, c: O  {6 `9 u- h, W, X' \词汇突破:to the fullest extent 完全
( t8 J, N( A# ?, L- ~8 \9 d, K, e  L2 F

& ~- {" Z* C- _! P, z  `indefatigable 不知疲倦的
$ P3 K' N+ x  q9 G; u" y- P3 _0 Z1 K
( C3 u2 Z" w4 W2 V7 `! S4 v: p. S+ q8 ?% v3 \* l/ g% x, N* _! ^
distinguished genius 杰出的天才' B" w! W) G. N, Z

: c  c1 l2 j2 X9 r. `" G7 [6 q5 L% E6 u$ T4 l/ @( ^$ |3 U' B5 {
Invariably 总是,不变的
5 _- {, ]% K" j: ^) j3 T7 B1 L  S! n1 p5 Q1 @  v

5 k/ g- A: ]; [7 x# M5 ]Endowment天赋. Q8 p& w; S( l4 h

( i2 q8 V# h2 v! G' ^4 X
! A0 n; B* d6 R9 O, M& Z2 o主干识别:it must nevertheless be sufficientlyobvious that…
! b. G* }) |8 ]0 E6 w" g6 c, b: ~9 v! g+ u  b
9 g8 _( ~& T5 w* h- h, s2 S3 w$ E1 J
其他成分:while 引导的两个现在分词短语充当的让步状语:* ]' Z& y# f3 I. r. ^

# p3 x% n4 e8 x' m) f' D: _; A8 f" @' g: M4 {! y
while admitting to the fullest extent thewonderful achievements of labour, and recognizing the fact that men of the mostdistinguished genius have invariably been found the most indefatigable workers/ N* O* _% T9 d' J. [, q

" _2 s; k8 N5 ~" T. y2 S6 {
9 q, u; E) ?$ w/ Z+ h" l, hthat 引导一个主语从句:
5 o4 y" q" i+ N. F3 j7 kwithout the original endowment of heart andbrain, no amount of labour, however well applied, could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton,a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo.
! C4 R) q+ ^) B6 z  c3 v, [* z1 `  ^( ?* L7 ^4 [+ y
" B7 C1 q8 a1 m$ u8 k& a+ B
其中主干为:no amount of labour could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton, a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo.
. Z( Z# k+ X# k" w( N* J+ h0 u3 b. s% ~3 s- m

/ N% T  R9 N8 ~& l" l  c注意: no amount of labour could have produced... =
6 i8 q& p" t; `% k+ C& G
4 |& x" i  R6 y1 ?. y
9 {4 s& X0 ^' p5 c, R7 Lamount of labor could not have produced...
+ Q: x. m* S: b6 v; [8 H$ ^. \( x7 u

- N9 `4 R# r( G. J其他成分: without the original endowment of heart and brain状语- G/ u/ u) q; Z( \9 {. @1 D

) T' z. |! Q# c% w, D8 E7 s1 ~8 p% e4 e$ k3 X5 p3 `
however well applied 状语
+ Q. ?6 [1 f2 M2 K4 C- G& i2 X5 S/ H3 i. v

, P6 v- s5 j- N5 v3 _; X9 y. l参考译文:但是,我们虽然在一方面最大程度的承认劳动所创造的辉煌成就,也承认最杰出的天才永远是最不疲倦的辛劳着,但同时,有一点也是很明显的,那就是,如果没有心智固有的天赋,无论付出多少劳动,也无论这些劳动运用的有多么恰当,也无法创造出像莎士比亚,牛顿,贝多芬,米开朗基罗这样杰出的人物。
1 X( ]5 ~1 a( R$ Y


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