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留月心 发表于 2014-6-20 18:34:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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/ d+ q% i$ c( `4 \
, |/ {, d" w. ~9 ]The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago,and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.
# ~: ?" Y4 m, D* W( ?' c% [7 j, U  t5 U# V
词汇突破:in evolution 在演化中
3 v, a1 D" n+ u# d2 ^
3 \8 q3 G; [$ e' q! yformulated 阐述;表述;解释;论证: l. N2 \9 D: p- M

' V7 m% @1 _% ]  j3 ^6 qshaping 形成(造就)7 h" g" N) C1 E8 G1 i' G, x* ~

& I2 @) n2 K6 L, n* zmaintaining 保持,维护
$ z* K" K% N9 @! Z+ U0 g& W5 v0 Y: `1 g0 p
recognized 认可,承认" X$ \( n4 D# o' v* l5 h1 y7 B7 M5 C
  h" o* D0 K9 K; D% G
2 a6 n0 n2 S& o* W( `" O7 F& m
9 T9 d' ~! H0 p5 Y4 e1. The role of natural selection was formulated.) B. Z. \0 W& F# g; U

. l! w! S5 }9 W; V9 v5 a2. The selective role of the environment is only beginning to be recognized and studied.
8 @( @# v! s2 u# I! I% Z* w其他成分:only a little more than a hundred years ago 状语+ P, q7 Y7 L0 v+ z1 v
, b- F3 C( k& i3 w
in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual 状语
: j' f7 |/ a( e9 L% j- Y& \% g, h  C, q+ p+ Y( ^& X, I2 K
参考译文:自然选择在进化中的作用仅在一百多年前才得以阐明,而环境在塑造和保持个体行为时的选择作用则刚刚开始被认识和研究。+ A2 H: d0 M4 Z) D9 s" u9 E

) }3 S* M, f  l8 b/ N: T特别提示:被动语态的处理是翻译中的一个重要的知识点,多关注


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