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[英语] 公共卫生领域相关信息来源:

forrestlin 发表于 2009-5-27 15:33:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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1、Google Health:
% o8 d. e: i, Q; F6 s+ J' ~! `http://news.google.com/nwshp?tab=wn&ned=us&topic=m ( T8 r8 V0 U, d6 b" N0 v/ \
9 j5 J; V7 [- L/ y. u
2、WHO Homepage
# y3 {  e" a- q0 Z+ j0 Z' T. ^: W+ Ehttp://www.who.int/en/ 3 x0 O* s: \% \. M
0 A$ d' ]# {8 p8 ]7 Q0 z
3、Medical News Today ----Public Health News: 8 d, c% F2 T4 M- ?. j9 F
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/sections/public_health/   @' b5 N2 D: i* m3 D4 _8 [

0 s& \+ N8 v2 Y0 Y4、Parteners-----News in Public Health:
# F2 t4 Y. V1 M! L+ j( vhttp://phpartners.org/news.html 7 j1 ?3 y7 j! m1 O1 x! ^' z! I2 Y5 q

& O9 L2 r1 I9 g; Z4 w2 x5、Harward School of Public Health-----World Health News and Research News: 4 \& m( g0 @& y: s) i$ |0 b/ q7 ]
http://www.worldhealthnews.harvard.edu/ " u/ k" N5 v  L1 n( y
http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/ % F) d- X) w1 K+ Y
# {3 H( x' ~! W4 g
6、American Public Health Association---News:   p, V% n3 D1 Y+ U; j/ X
http://www.apha.org/ : z& F& r( y7 @- L7 H: f

. x: R% p/ \6 m  z6 H6 e( w9 F7、Department of Health---Public Health:
( {9 N4 E' E' s5 e& nhttp://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publichealth/index.htm 4 W$ s2 P3 t$ C; X/ D' W' g
" U8 s2 C. E2 R; v
8、European Union---Public Health News:
# q+ _/ _. v- s! Y: rhttp://ec.europa.eu/health/index_en.htm
) |/ O- i$ K: a8 P+ Z$ o. E' ]# |) z2 H- ^7 ^
9、USA CDC:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention9 ]# l6 N+ c& S
http://www.cdc.gov/) A. {; M- q! V) y( Y6 i% a
小白杨 发表于 2009-8-18 19:33:09 | 显示全部楼层

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