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what;s our destination of learning
2009-5-10 17:21
i was frustrated in recent days, for sometimes i suddenlyrealize that i don't know the knowledge we learned is for what? knowledge is power-- Bacon and more details have been mentioned in his another saying' Histories make men wise, poets witty, the mathematics subtle, natural philosop ...
699 次阅读|4 个评论
come again
2009-4-25 19:11
come again
our school is helding the second review for the admittion of post graduate students, looking at them as if it was me who would be one. like a scientist bent on making a discovery, a student must have to cherish the hopethatshe will be amply rewarded.ok,staring at the sky&nbs ...
842 次阅读|3 个评论
busy day but agreeable life
2009-4-17 19:45
with the advent of spring, an active and lively sight come into our campus, beautiful flower, green grass, and fresh air, all these make people around a wonderful feeling. Nice brings nice, love brings love and working hard will bring fruitful results!
777 次阅读|1 个评论

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